ch ;; five

366 11 2

guess whos finally made a posting schedule for themselves.

monday to friday - one chapter ///// weekends - no post


tw ;; suicide mentions,


this took me a whole 5 hours i kept getting distracted oh my god


''listen, unless there is a clear and compelling reason, i can not get the fbi to investigate a local investigation just because my brother has a theory, that's not how it works.'' don said, staring at charlie.  ''there are indications that finn montgomery did not jump off that bridge.'' charlie argued, stepping back from his brother a bit.

''yeah, and to me, there's indications that this is not just about physics.'' don pushed slightly. charlie slightly zoned out, seeming like he was remembering something. ''yeah.. finn montgomery was in my office. two days ago.''

when ciara arrived on the scene, she was greeted with charlie and don having a pretty heated conversation. ''charlie, this is the kind of information we need up front! if the kid wasn't one of your students, why did he come to see you?'' don asked.

''calsci is a small university, a tight community. it isn't uncommon for students to go to professors outside of their studies for advice or confirmation on things.'' charlie explained. ''so he didn't try to contact you after? in person, email, nothing like that?'' ciara asked suddenly, causing both men to jump, apparently not noticing she was there.

''i- i don't know, maybe i seemed too unapproachable..'' charlie thought, staring off once again. ''yeah, or maybe it had nothing to do with you.'' don said, grabbing charlie's shoulders. ''but what if he was trying to tell me something?!'' charlie asked, practically glaring at the ground.

''all right,'' ciara started, ''look, don and i can make some phone calls, try to get more information. the entire fbi wouldn't be poking around the case, but i'm sure that if they closed the case, they wouldn't mind us having a look at it.'' ciara explained to charlie, placing a hand on his shoulder.

charlie nodded, his eyes softening at the girl. ''i understand, a- and thank you.'' don quickly cut in, ''i mean i'm not convinced this is anything more than what it looks to be, but if it'll help you ease up a bit, then what could the harm be.''


walking into calsci, charlie quickly maneuvered the seemingly endless twists and turns of the hallways. arriving at a lady's desk, charlie cleared his throat, getting her attention. she stared at don and ciara for a few seconds before talking. ''you never mentioned you had a fed for a brother and girlfriend.'' she said rudely.

''a 'fed'?'' ciara turned her neck to look at don who was stood behind her. ''i didn't think it'd be much of a selling point with you, eva.'' charlie said, brushing over the girlfriend thing. ''my views on government intrusion into the academia are firm.'' eva said.

''oh, would they be too firm to talk about finn montgomery?'' ciara said, stepping up to be next to charlie. ''his suicide or scandal?'' she asked. ''scandal?'' ciara asked, furrowing her eyebrows. ''yeah, another student was expelled two weeks ago.'' eva explained vaguely. ''for falsifying data on a lab result, right?'' charlie asked.

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