໒ youre like really pretty ᭡

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it was her first day at the new school. violets stomach was twisting as they pulled up to the high school. "do i have to?" she asked looking at annie practically green and shaking.

"unless you want to be a second street whore and working at a strip club, then no. but if you want to be somebody some day, yes you do." annie answered raising her eyebrows at the girl.

"i'm okay with the first option." violet replied completely serious.

"go on, violet, it's fine seriously it's not gonna be as bad as you think it is. i promise. just don't be a bitch and you're good." violet smiled softly at annie's remark.

"okay, okay. i'll go. but if i get expelled just know you forced me." violet said opening the door before stepping out. she looked back at annie who nodded for her to go. violet sighed before closing the car door she started to walk into the school. violet went into the office to get her locker and schedule.

and after violet did so she went to her locker, she put her books that she didn't need in it and took the ones she did. "aye!" someone shouted beside her she looked over scared slightly. there were three boys beside her laughing. identical may she add. "my bad." the one with fluffy hair said smiling at her warmly. before the three walked off but one of them had a lingering stare.

now off to first period. math. god she hated math. she sat down in the back but middle row. "we have a new student everyone make her feel welcome." a very joyful women said. "mind to introduce yourself?" she asked. hell no lady, we're not in a disney movie. "go on stand up, tell us your name and where you're from. we're all curious."

she stood up before looking around the classroom to see the guy with fluffy hair sat beside her and she didn't even notice. "um, my names violet and i'm from new york." she said nervously.

"nice to meet you, violet." a guy with a snarky voice said smirking and looking her up and down. violet quickly sat down before laying her head down on her desk.

someone tapped her shoulder she looked over to see the guy from the lockers. "hey, are you okay?" he whispers. violet nodded. that's all she could do is nod. "i know this may come off weird. but since you're new would you like to sit with me and my brothers at lunch? i'm chris by the way." he said kindly.

violet hesitated a little before remembering what annie said. "okay. sure." she said quietly with a soft smile. his smile grew like he was excited.

♫₊˚.🎧 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾

it was now lunch time and she was walking into the cafeteria with chris. she didn't eat lunch which he found odd but not everyone is the same. but she still had to get food. she sat down by chris the other two looked towards them.

"this is violet. i invited her to sit with us because she's new so be nice." chris said. "this is nick, and that's matt."

"hi." violet says smiling at them.

"hi." matt said making eye contact which was a bit intimidating.

"hey, you're like really pretty." nick says making violets smile grow.

"thank you." she says softly.

the lunch went on very great actually. they were so sweet and funny. she felt comfortable around them but she wasn't ready to let her guard down.

♫₊˚.🎧 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾

violet was laying on her bed after school scrolling threw instagram when she got notifications.

*christophersturniolo started following you*

*matthew.sturniolo started following you*

*nicolassturniolo started following you*

she smiled at her phone before following them back. today was a good day.

♫₊˚.🎧 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾

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