໒ homecoming ᭡

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violet was getting ready for the dance. she had her hair lay natural, put on a white dress and a pair of black converse. she did natural makeup.

♫₊˚.🎧 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾


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liked by nicolassturniolo, anniemuñoz and 2,739 more

@violethart : homecoming :))



user: are you going with anyone?
violethart: yes

anniemuñoz: you're drop dead gorgeous
*liked by nicolassturniolo*


♫₊˚.🎧 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾

there was a knock at the door. "i got it." violet called out to annie.

as she was walking passed annie said, "i wasn't going to get it."

violet opened the door to see matt. "hi." matt said pink came across his face. she didn't think much of it. "you look really..pretty." he said softly.

"thank you. you too." violet said back. the two walked out to the car she went for the backseat but chris was there so violet got in the front. a happy car ride to the school.

they were sitting at a table when someone tapped violet on the shoulder. she turned around to see leon. she smiled widely before standing up and hugging him tight he lifted her off the ground hugging her tighter. he put her back down her arms still around his shoulders. "oh my god! when did you get here?" she asked the hugest smile ever.

"today i asked annie to not tell you so i could surprise you." leon said smiling at violet.

violet looked back at the triplets who were sat at the table looking at the two. "oh right, um leon, this is—" he cut her off.

"nick, matt and chris. yeah i know. it's nice to meet you guys." he said kindly. "now you and matt need to go dance. i mean that's the point of homecoming. get. go." he shooed the two.

they quickly rushed off to the dance floor violets hands on matt's shoulders and matt's hands on violets waist. and out of nowhere matt leant forward trying to kiss her. she pulled back taking her hands off his shoulders.

"what are you doing?" she asked her eyebrows knitted.

his happiness fell. "i— uh— i thought you said yes because you liked me too." matt stammered embarrassed.

"we've only known each other for two months matt. i mean you're a nice and attractive guy but i feel platonic towards you. i'm sorry." she said seeing his sadness.

matt quickly walked away leaving her stranded on the dance floor she followed after him as he sat down at the table. they all sat in silence for ten minutes before leon spoke up.

"so how come you guys just became friends with violet? she knew about your channel and it's cool how you guys didn't get a little worried." leon said. violet looked at the three nervous. she never said she knew about them because she didn't think it was really important considering she didn't care about the fame. but they seemed betrayed.

"what?" nick asked looking at her in disbelief. "so you lied to us?"

"i swear it's not like that. i could care less about your following—" violet started but got cut off.

"it sure as hell seems like it. you first except my invitation leading me on and now you've known about our channel for a while and just know publishing music?" matt said standing up he seemed hurt not angry but hurt. nick seemed very furious, and chris betrayed he couldn't even look at her, he had considered her a best friend and the fact she would have done something like that hurt him. he loved her like his own family.

"we need to leave." nick said looking at chris to follow.

"please let me explain." violet begged standing up.

nick whipped around, "no! we invited you in our circle and you broke our trust! do not speak to us. it's seriously fucked up." he said sternly people were staring.

violet looked at the three with tears in her eyes. chris finally looked her in the eyes. "i'm sorry." she said softly her voice cracking slightly. chris shook his head in disbelief and off he went following his brothers. a single tear fell down her cheek. she quickly wiped it away looking around the room to see everyone staring. "i want to go home. please take me home." violet begged leon.

he just nodded, he felt guilty. the two rode to her house in silence. once they pulled up to the house leon spoke up. "i'm sorry, vi. please don't be mad."

"i'm not mad, you didn't know. i swear i wasn't using them. i just didn't find it important. please believe me." violet begged sniffling.

"i believe you." those words made her want to breakdown.

♫₊˚.🎧 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾

♪ where do we go now

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