໒ lottie ᭡

667 11 1

the four walked into the sturniolo home a small golden dog ran up to her sniffing her. "come on trevor." matt said shooing him off.

"no, no it's okay. he's adorable." she said getting down to the dogs level petting him, he gave her a kiss on the chin. "aw, your sweet." she said softly.

"alright we'll follow us." nick said motioning for her to follow.

"gotta go, sorry bud." violet said standing up and following them. they gave her a tour and after it they sat down on the couch and watched a movie. her phone rang. "sorry guys one sec." she said walking away. "hey mimi." violet said sweetly.

"hey lottie, when are you going to come and see me? i miss you." mimi's sweet voice said.

"i'll come and see you this weekend i promise." violet said repeating what she said three days ago.

"okay. you better."

"and if i don't i'll have annie play fifty-two pick up. you know i don't like that game, i despise it." violet said threw the phone.

mimi laughed at the remark, "yeah, your pa did it to you all the time. how is he? he hasn't been answering my calls." mimi asked.

violet sighed her stomach falling along with her smile. "he's gone, remember?" she asked.

"where? where'd he go?" mimi asked.

"he passed. both mom and dad passed away." violet said biting her cheek to keep her from crying.

"what?! no. you're lying." mimi shouted her voice cracking.

"i'm sorry."

"what happened?"

"i have to go mimi. i'll call you tomorrow." violet said before hanging up. she took a deep breath before going into the living room. "uh guys. i should probably get home. annie will be home soon and i have to wash the dishes i promised her i would."

"okay, that's alright just let us get our shoes on." nick said nodding at his new found friend. violet nodded. she sat on the couch waiting. matt came and sat by her after he put his shoes on.

"are you okay?" he asked.

violet looked at him, her eyes were a little glossy. "yeah, i'm okay why?" she asked back.

"your eyes are tearing up."

"oh." she said before quickly rubbing her eyes. "just allergies sorry." she said smiling at him. "but thanks for worrying. that's sweet of you."

matt smiled at her, he knew it wasn't allergies clearly there was something wrong. nick and chris walked into the living room. "ready?" chris asked.

"mhm." violet nodded before standing up matt and nick went in front of her and chris, chris threw his arm around her shoulder.

"you're a really fun person to be around." chris stated.

she laughed at him. "that was really random."

"well who cares? i'm a random person."

"you really are."

♫₊˚.🎧 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾


liked by mattybraps, anniethenany and 14 others

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liked by mattybraps, anniethenany and 14 others

@lottiehartie : just 3 months ago i was a total different person



mattybraps: love the kiss filter
lottiehartie: you and me both

anniethenany: i love you, vi
lottiehartie: i love you more, annie

user: when are you gonna be in a vid with the triplets
lottiehartie: sooner than you think, love

♫₊˚.🎧 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾

♪ where do we go now

where do we go now, matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now