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i started of teaching him the basics like 'hello', 'yes', 'no' and 'I don't understand'. "you've got to try harder what is this." I asked him, showing him a sign. "'Hello'?" "No, it's 'Yes' you dumb." I told him. "You need to practice this. Now what's this?" I showed him the next sign. "I don't understand?" "Correct now-" "wait so I got it correct?" "Yes, you did." he smiled at me. "Okay lesson over, come with me. I stood up making him follow me, well making him help me walk. "Can you go get Tsireya for me." I asked him. he obliged swimming into the water and coming back with Tsireya a few minutes later. "Tsireya can I talk to you in private." she nodded following me to behind tree. "Father has requested I introduce Neteyam to some girls." I told her. "Okay so I have Semyaza, Elemiah, Hadraniel, Liel and Saraquiel..that's all I can think of that aren't currently promised to someone or something." she told me. I made sure to keep them all in mind. "Do you want me to introduce you to some girls, you've been lonely since you know what happened." she suggested "No, it's fine Tsireya." I told her then thanked her before leaving her to find Neteyam and introduce him to the first girl. He wasn't where I left him, so I went to his family's Marui.

I walked up to the sullys Marui. I waited outside as they had their family talk. I could overhear them talking. "You will be nice no starting fights or getting in trouble." jake said. "You will make friends with the others." he told them. "I just want you to learn and don't start anything." he made them repeat what he said then let them go. I waited till Neteyam walked out. "Net come with me I want it introduce you to someone." I asked him. "What, where are we going." "I'm going to introduce you to someone." I told him as I dragged more into the village. I kept saying hi to some of the villagers. I saw the girl I was looking for. "Semyaza!" I yelled getting the girls attention. "Oh, hi Y/N?" "I want to introduce you to Neteyam, Neteyam this is Semyaza. she is one of our best singers. her mother is one of our best hunters." I told him. "Hello, Neteyam." "Semyaza, but you can call me Yaza." "Yaza and Neteyam I think you two would be a great match." "Y/N-" "No, no, no I'll be going you two get to know each other." I said pushing Neteyam towards her and leaving. At least I got that over with- "What?!" I heard the girl yell and see Net running towards me. I saw a stick being thrown towards us. it just barely missed me as I ducked.

I sat under a tree basking in the nice cool air when I saw Ao'nung come up with his stupid little friend group. they overshadowed Kiri who was in the water. She noticed then and look up at them. "what'd you say?" she asked. Bruv they didn't say anything. "We were just wondering are you some kind of..." Ao'nung paused. "Freak?" "What?" "We just thought since you have, you know these." Ao'nung grabbed Kiri's hand. She pulled her hand away and walked away. Ao'nung grabbed her hand again, her pulling it away this time saying cut it out. "Hey!" I heard Lo'ak yell from behind Kiri. oh, this is getting interesting.  "Don't touch my sister!" he yelled at Ao'nung. "Or what you'll curse me?" Ao'nung laughed. Lo'ak paused before saying. "I know this hand is funny, look Feak, Alien. right but look it can do something watcgh." Ao'nung watched like an idiot as Lo'ak rolled his hand into a ball before hitting him in the face. "Thats called a punch bitch!" the other boys tackled him. Neteyam came around and joined in pulling Ao'nung's tail. all I could hear was screams and complaints while the fight was happening until I saw my father walking towards them. I got up and left as quickly as a fish swimming away. Didn't want to be caught not splitting them up by father.

later that evening I watched as Ao'nung was scolded by our father. "What happened?" Tsireya came over to the tree I was leaning on, one my smashed leg being held up. "He got into a fight with the Sully brothers." "You watched, didn't you?" she grinned at me. "Yes, obviously I did, I'm a watcher not a fighter." I replied to back grinning as well. "Well, I saw N/N under the tree watching." Ao'nung said pointing at me. that little snitch. "Y/N come here." father said sternly. I walked over to him. "Sit." I sat down beside Ao'nung. after father scolded us both he made us both go and apologize for our actions. we walked to the entrance of the sully's Marui. Ao'nung knocked on the entrance. his bruise became clearer once we were there. "We have come to apologize." we both said. "I'm sorry for punching and pulling your tail Neteyam, Lo'ak." Ao'nung said. "And I'm sorry for just watching and not splitting you guys up." I said rolling my eyes. Jake elbowed the brothers. They both stood up and apologized themselves. "Sorry for punching you in the face." Lo'ak said. 

"You're a snitch you know that!" I pinched Ao'nung. "Shut up you deserved it." he pulled his arm away. "Don't start fights!" I yelled at him. We walked back home in silence. Mother and Father were already asleep in their Marui. I laid down on the floor. "So, what happened?" Tsireya asked us. "I don't want to talk about it." Ao'nung said turning over on his side and going to sleep. "They apologized to us that is all." I said going to sleep.

I opened my eyes looking around. I saw the beach, everything was fluffy. I looked around seeing someone running up to me. "Hey Y/N!" they yelled at me. "Hey?" I spoke. "I missed you so much!" they said. wait "___?". then I woke up

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