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We walked along the corridors following the boy. He brought us through passages on the boat. Every turn we made there was some sort of enemy on the side. We were running along a pipe when we heard shots in our direction. It then shot the pipe. I was last in line. I fell off balance holding onto the pipe. Lo'ak started shooting in the direction of the  shots. Neteyam helped me up. Neteyam put his hand on Lo'aks shoulder signaling for him to stop. We ran away right before the moon pool. Lo'ak and spider run and jump into the water. I told Neteyam to go ahead of me and he did shots started to fire as he got into the water. Then it was my turn. I ran and jumped just as the shots began again this time hitting me in the chest. I landed in the water my hand on my chest from the pain. I could hear Lo'ak cheering. I surfaced the water and took a look as my hand. "Right Y/N?" Lo'ak asked me. I looked at him with fear in my eyes and then back down at my shot. "Right Y/N?.." He said again before looking at my hand. "Bro Y/N is bleeding!" Lo'ak yelled. I watched Neteyam swim over to me and hold me above the water. Lo'ak the called for a Ilu. I watched them pull me onto the Ilu and swim off. Neteyam was holding onto me as Lo'ak guided. We ended up on a black beach. They pulled me to shore and laid me down on the dark sand. "Y/N it will be alright, Put pressure on the wound!" Neteyam yelled to the others. "Do not touch." I hissed at the boy. He backed off. Lo'ak and Neteyam held down on the shot. "Father Y/N has been shot!" Lo'ak yelled holding his communicator. I could hear talking coming from the communicator. "Keep him safe until we get there, we will only be a couple minutes." I heard his father say back. I groaned trying to get up. Neteyam held me down. "Do not move you will lose more blood if you do move, so stay still will you?" He said still holding down on my shot. "I will be okay, soon I will be swimming in the waters of eywa." I smiled. "No you will be here swimming with me, we will be swimming together around the three brothers rock." He said to me. I turned my head to the water. "Look how gorgeous the water is, the water in eywa must be even more gorgeous." I said to him. I looked up seeing my parents, the rest of the sully family coming towards me. "Look Y/N your parents are coming!" Neteyam smiled. "Dad we are here!" I saw Lo'ak run towards the shore. He continued to yell as they all came in. "Listen we will make it through this I promise you that." Neteyam said to me. I saw my mother and father run up to me with my siblings close behind them. "My son." Father said as he slid down beside me. "Father?.." I said to him. Tsireya and Ao'nung ran to my other side. Tsireya held my hand. "Brother.." She said before mother said. "My son, it will be alright I will cook you the best stew you have ever had." she said with her caring eyes. She placed my hand on her cheek and pulled my hand to her face. I could see the tears swell in her eyes. "Y/N You will be alright, I will let you do my hair I promise I know you always loved that!" Ao'nung said wiping his face of the tears. "My big brother the mighty warrior why are you-" I coughed spinning onto my side then back up. "Why are you crying? I will be alright, When we get home-" I continued to cough until my blood spat out. I looked back up at him. I wiped his face getting rid of the tears that stained his cheeks. "My sweet older brother, I cannot wait to get home." I smiled at him. "I would love to have some of mothers broth." I smiled thinking of the delicious food my mother would make. The smell of Mothers food would spread throughout the village. No matter where you could always smell it. "I will make it for you, the best broth you will have ever tasted, I will make it the minute that we get home I promise you." Mother smiled at me her eyes now red. Ao'nung smiled through tears at my comment. "Y/N once all of this is over we will go home be happy and we will be able to swim around with the Ilu's. We will be able to pick the scallops off the rocks that lay under the water." Tsireya smiled at me. I nodded at her then looked up seeing Neteyam holding my head. I lifted my hand up from Ao'nungs face and onto Neteyams. "What is the matter? Why are you crying Ma' Net?" I asked him. I watched him wipe his tears, his eyes now puffy and red. "Nothing, nothing I am just happy to see you." He said smiling back at me. "I am happy-" I coughed out more blood. I turned on my side as I continued to cough. I noticed the fires around me burn bright. "Do something Father!" I heard Neteyam yelle as the fires around me burned even brighter. "I am sorry I can not do anything." His father said looking down. Neteyam took my hand. "No you need to try harder!" Neteyam yelled with such anger I had never heard from him. "No..No I cannot lose you again!" Neteyam yelled. I watched as everyone started to cry. Mother began to cry into father and Tsireya did the same. I saw Neteyam start to sob. "Neteyam do not cry." I said to him before I closed my eyes.

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