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"It's about time you left Y/N." ___ suggested. "Just a little longer please." "Come on you need to go back and at least try to make things better." He told me looking at the scenery. I stayed silent for a while looking around. "Fine I'll go goodbye ___." I said to him. "Goodbye!" He smiled as I opened my eyes once more in the water. I disconnected my Tseyheylu and swam up to the surface. I took a couple deep breathes before calling my Ilu and pulling myself on. I guided myself out of the cove, into the caves and out in front of the three brother's rock. I swam myself back to the island. I pulled myself off my Ilu and onto the shore. I looked around watching wounded men and women walk around. Some laughing and chatting while other crying and weeping. I walked back to my parents Marui where my parents were talking to the sullys parents. Mother was crying holding fathers arm. "Y/N!" Mother exclaimed after noticing me. She ran to me. "Ao'nung he's- hes-" mother said through tears. "He's missing." She cried. "What he's what?" I looked at father. He looked at me and then back down. "What?" I started to cry. "This can't be." I said dropping to the floor. "He wouldn't just disappear!" I yelled at mother. "We've searched everywhere everyone assumes he's dead." She hugged me and continued to cry. "No, no! I will not believe." I said to her. "I'm sorry my son." Father said. "But he was just here alive and swimming." I said to myself. "I'm sorry my boy." "Does Tsireya know about this? Does she know our brother is probably dead?!" I yelled. "She does not, we were hoping you would tell her." Father spoke hiding his face. I looked at him as if saying are you being serious right now. "I will go find her now and tell her." I said standing up and breaking me and mother's hug. I walked into the village looking around for Tsireya. I found her on the beach talking to the others. Roxto was there. "Tsireya.." I said to her walking up to the group and the boy. My tears started to weld in my eyes. "What is it?!" She said standing up and putting her hand on my arms. "Tsireya he's gone." I told her. "Who's gone who?!" She said to me. "Ao'nung he's missing everyone thinks he's dead." I told her. "He's what?" She started to cry. The others grouped around us. "I'm sorry Tsireya." I said pulling her into a hug. I saw Roxto start to cry. "She pushed me away and ran away. Neteyam pulled me into a hug. "It's okay." He said patting my back as I cried. He quietly told the group to disperse. As they all walked away, I could hear Rotxo get comforted by Kiri. "It's okay it'll be okay." He said sitting me down. "I thought he was alive." I cried to him. "After you died than didn't, I didn't think I'd lose anyone!" I cried on him. "Y/N I'm here for you." He said to me patting my back. I hugged him for a while talking to him about random stuff.

"I'm sorry Net." I said to him. "What why are you sorry." He spoke. I sat up and looked at him. "I'm sorry I didn't go looking for the boy." I said to him. "It's fine he's fine I mean he's walking and talking shit so it's fine." He laughed. "I am really sorry." I said to him wiping my tears. "It's fine between you and me he's a bit of an ass." He laughed. I smiled at him and gave him a hug. "How's the wound?" I asked him. "It's fine feel." He said holding my hand to his would. "It's fine see mother says I'll be healed within a few weeks just have to stay out of the water and stay dry and clean." He smiled. "Oh okay." I spoke. "What. were you planning on asking me out?" He grinned. "N-no!" I said trying to get up. He pulled me down on top of him. "You so totally were oh my eywa yes totally yes!" He smiled at me. "No, I was going to ask when you are taking me out because we agreed you would take me out." I said to him. He laughed at me a little. "Well then I'll plan the most greatest date for us ever in the history of Na'vi dates!" He said hugging me. "Okay okay." I said to him. Then I remembered Tsireya I needed to go out and talk to Tsireya. "I need to go talk to Tsireya." I said pulling myself up. "I'll come with you." Net said standing up and dusting himself off. "No, you don't have to." I said to him. "No, I'll come with you." He said wrapping my arms around his. I walked with him around the village back to my parents Marui. "Tsireya." I said peeking into the Marui. I saw her talking to mother. I let go of Neteyam and walked in. "Y/N.." mother said to me. "...sit please." Mother said. I walked in and sat next to Tsireya. She was crying. "I really love you children. Please remember that." She said pulling us in. "We will hold his Funeral in the next two days." She said pulling us away from her. "Y/N you do understand this will make you the new coming Eyktan, you will need to learn how the Eyktan is and leads you will need to find a mate. They will need to be able to learn how to treat out people." She said to me. "Tsireya my daughter this makes you-" "I know mother it doesn't really change where I stand." "My daughter your responsibility stays does the same. but you will look after our village and out people as if you were Tsahik." Mother said to her. She let us go after she finished talking to us.

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