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I opened my eyes in a field of flax. I looked around. I knelt down and felt the flax. It had felt like years since I had felt the flax. I rolled in it laughing. I could smell the winds seep the smell of sea water. I looked in front of me seeing a dark blue figure. Covered in a leave coat and ropes along his head. He had a necklace made from the thangs of a palulukan. "Stand child." I did as he said and I stood in front of him. "Come we will walk." I walked behind the figure. I had all these questions. "I understand you have questions you may ask them as long as we continue to walk." He said. "Okay so where are we exactly?" I asked him. He continued to walk silently as if he was floating through the flax. "We are in eywa my child." He said. We continued to walk. "What do you mean by that?" I asked him. "It is not my say, When we arrive where we are you can ask then alright?" He said to me. "Alright. Then how about who are you?" I asked him. "My name is Eytukan te Tskaha Kamun'itan." He said. "Where are you from?" I asked him. "I am from somewhere you will be." He said. Jeez this guy is so weird. We continued to walk for what felt like days. We never stopped we just kept moving. I knew eventually we would have to stop or something. We never stopped he would just keep floating in the same direction. "Where is everyone?" I asked him. "They are all somewhere you will be soon." He said again. This guy would just keep moving but what made me curious was the fact that I could not feel hungry or sleepy and I love my food. It continued on like this for what was maybe a month but I could never tell, the sun never set it was always in the middle of the sky burning its brightest. I would run around still following the strange Na'vi. We were on a continuous path in the middle of the flax fields. "How much longer it feels as if it has been days." I said to him. "We will be there in due time child you must be patient." He said sighing. We walked side by side with each other. I looked in front of us. "Look Eytukan there is something in the distance!" I smiled at him. He nodded and continued his walking not changing his pace or anything. Eventually we got the giant tree there was a door shaped whole in the tree. "Now you pass through." He said to me. "You may-" "Answer my questions." I said to him. "Fine what were your questions?" he asked. "How are we 'in eywa'?" I asked him. "That is not my question to answer and I will not." He said. "Fine then where are you from?" I asked him. "I am from the Ometicaya clan, I used to be  the Olo'eyktan." He answered. "So you are dead?!" I asked him. "Yes now I guide souls that are either my family or are somehow related to my family." He said. "Now leave it is your time." He said. I nodded and said my goodbye to him.

I stepped through the tree and opened my eyes. I woke up to see the ceiling of our Marui. I looked up at my mother. I watched as tears dripped down her cheeks. "My baby.." She said through tears. I started crying my as I saw her face. "Tonowari!" Mother yelled making my father run in. I watched my father kneel down beside me.  "My boy." Father said picking me up into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him. Father wiped my tears away. "Why do you cry my boy?" He asked. I kept crying sobbing even. Father and mother kept comforting me. "It is alright my boy." Mother said rocking back and forth with me in her arms. "Y/N.." I heard someone say. I looked up and wiped my eyes. I saw a tall blue boy in the doorway. "Y/N!" He said smiling and running to me. I smiled recognising his voice. I let go of mother and grabbed onto Neteyam.

"Y/N." He said hugging me. I smiled at him looking at me. "I have missed you so very much, I visited you everyday Y/N." He told me. We sat there in silence together. Mother and father had stepped out Long ago to let us catch up. "Net." I said holding him. "N/N." He said back to me. "I saw someone while I was asleep." I said to him. "Who was this person?" He asked me. "He was a ometikaya like you Net." I responded adjusting myself to a more comfortable position. "His name was..um..Eytukan te Tskaha Kamun'itan. I think?" I said. "You think?" Neteyam laughed at me. "He said that he guided souls that were somehow related to his family, now that I think about that I realise that the only Ometicaya I know is you and your family so it must be you who is related to him!" I said to him. "I will ask mother about it." He said. "For now would you rather go for a walk, eat something or sleep?" He asked me. "Um how about we walk and eat?" I said to him. "Alright then you wait here while I go get something to eat." He asked me. "Can we get the food later while on the walk?" I asked him. He laughed but then nodded. He got up and grabbed my hand he pulled me up. I felt my legs weaken as I fell back down to the ground beneath me. "Y/N?!" He said kneeling down. "What is it are you alright?" He asked me. "I can not move my legs Neteyam." I said to him. He looked at me before calling out for help.

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