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I watched as they're father slowly swam out. I looked at Tsireya but she was already crying. "Are you ok Tsireya?" I asked peeking from behind Tuk. "I don't actually know. "I looked around hoping that something would come and help us. Thats when I heard a loud wave against the ship. I look behind me and before I knew it Payakan had dived out of the water smashing onto the boat, landing on a bunch of people. Lo'ak starts cheering and so does Tsireya. I smile out of relief. I see many sky people dived into the water. "Here dude!" Lo'ak said while kicking someone under Payakan's fin. The boat suddenly started speeding forwards. We looked into the water, and it wasn't stopping. "Hold on!" Lo'ak yelled. we grabbed onto the rail as we were flung into the air and then back down. we hit a rock and started sinking. we tried yanking the cuffs. "What are we going to do!" Tuk yelled. then we heard a noise over the screaming and yelling. It was Neteyam. he had jumped onto the boat. he first uncut Tsireya and Tuk and told them to "Go quickly, get Tuk to safety." they nod before frantically running to the water and diving in. He walks over to Lo'ak. "Who's the mighty warrior now?" He laughs. "Bro!" Lo'ak laughs, Neteyam walks over to me and carefully cuts the cuff. "Are you hurt?" He asked me. "I think I'm fine." I said to him. We start to walk off, but Lo'ak stops us. "They've got spider, we have to save him! come on!" Lo'ak shouts. Neteyam stands there deciding. "Okay! you follow Tsireya and Tuk." he said to me. "No, I'm coming with you end of discussion!" I tell him. he looks at me. "Fine! but you will be careful!" he said before following Lo'ak into the ship. I trip over and hit my face as I ran further into the ship with them. "Fuck!" I felt a gush of pain in my knee the instant I moved it. I grabbed my leg checking to see if it was bleeding. It was not. "Y/N are you okay?" Neteyam asked me. I nodded as he helped me get up.  We continued carefully walking, we hear talking and hide behind a wall. Neteyam sees a pistol on the ground. he grabs the gun and checks it for ammo. "Dad teach you how to use a gun? " He asked Lo'ak, Neteyam chuckled. 

We were climbing over sky people. I watched as they got onto, they're boats and left. "Neteyam!" I whispered to him. we jumped down and hit behind a corner.  "Who's there!" A man shouts. He must've heard us. I turn back and see Neteyam pointing a gun about to shoot him. I watch as he shoots the man. other people start shooting at us. We ended up running more inside the boat. We climb onto what looks like a metal ladder. We crouch and quietly walk towards a small crowd. Lo'ak points at spider. Lo'ak slowly points the gun at somebody, but Neteyam puts a hand on the gun. He lowers it we all jump down onto the sky people. Neteyam takes a gun and hits someone in the head with it, Lo'ak shoots some people and I stab someone. "Did you have to kill them?" Neteyam asks throwing his arms in the air. We ignore him and turn to spider. "Hey guys" He mumbles. "Spider!" Lo'ak started but we got cut off by gun shots. Neteyam pushes us all towards a wall. Sky People start shooting at us. Lo'ak was about to use his gun, but Neteyam takes it off him and starts to shoot people. After a after shooting a few of them Neteyam shouts run. We all run and stop behind a crate before jumping into the water to the side of the boat and jump out into the water. i could still hear gun shots and yelling as I surfaced. the others jumped into the water surfacing one by one. "Dude that was crazy!" Lo'ak shouts as he waved his air around. Tsireya swam over on her Ilu. "Guys hop on!" she said making space for Lo'ak and the boy. Neteyam surfaced the water. I saw him start to struggle to swim. He mumbles something to us. We all look at him. We could see red puddle forming around of him. "You skxawng, I was shot." I call my Ilu and pull him on. "Net it's okay!" I say holding his hand while guiding the Ilu. "They have Kiri and Tuk!" Tsireya yelled as we swam closer to a small island. "It's too late to go back!" Lo'ak yells. we arrive on the island where theyre father was already. "Dad its Neteyam!" I swam over pulling Neteyam off my Ilu. "Hold his head!" theyre father yelled holding Neteyam. I held his head as we placed him down. "Neteyam." I said through tears. "My Y/N." he said holding my cheek. "I want to go home." he said to his father. "We're going home son were going home.". his mother landed on the island and ran to his side. I stood up and went over to Tsireya. "Tsireya.." i hugged her. "We just got together and im going to lose him this soon." "i know." she hugged me back. i heard theyre mother start screaming. "Neteyam!" she yelled. i looked behind me as i saw his lifeless eyes. "Where are your sisters?" theyre father asked. "They're still on-" "On what!" his father cut him." "They're still on the ship!" Tsireya yelled at him. "Stay here!" he yelled at us taking his wife with him. "I know where they are!" the boy said. "Then come with me!" he said as he pulled him on his tsurak. they're mother climbed onto her Ikran and flew towards the ship. "You to stay here with him!" Lo'ak yelled at us as he climbed onto his Ilu. i started to hear coughing coming from the direction of Neteyam.

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