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"Father." Neteyam said into his communicator as we hid behind a tree. "I will stab him!" I whispered to Neteyam. "Father the sky people are still out here. there's Quaritch and some others." he said. "Okay where are you?" I heard his father from the other side of the communicator. "And who are you with?" he asked. "I'm on the outside of the reef on an island in front of three brothers rock and I'm with... I'm with Y/N." "Okay stay where you are do not move me and your mother are coming out to get you." his father said. "Stay here and be quite." Neteyam said letting me go. he walked off watching the sky people. "Neteyam." I whispered to him. "Stay there!" he whispered to me. i waited in my spot as I watched him walk around the group of people. They started talking in their language. Neteyam listened from behind a tree. I watched as his face turned from shock to anger. Neteyam got back to me and grabbed my arm. "What'd they say?" I grabbed onto his arm. "You know spiders oxyge?" He asked me. I nodded looking at him looking at the sky people. "Well his mask apparently has a tracker and it lead them to us. They're going to attack tonight." Neteyam said worried. "Neteyam what do we do?" i asked him, as i squeezed his arm. "We should go now!" he said as he balled his hand into a fist and started dragging me into the forest. I tripped over a root of a tree that was sticking out. I yelped as i fell onto my face. "Net-" i was cut off by him shushing me. I could hear the avatars talking to each other and start loading theyre guns. I pulled myself up to my feet with Nets help. We walked away slowly our backs facing the forest and out faces facing the avatars. "Son? Son! where are you!" i heard his communicator yell. I saw the avatars turn. They started to yell and run our way. "Run!" Neteyam yelled as we ran off further into the forest. I let go of Neteyams hand as we ran. I started to run into the forest further. I ran out of breathe and hid behind a tree. I closed my eyes and  listened for anything that may give me a sign that they were around. I listened only hearing Tspìng's chirping and Syaksyuk's swinging. I listen even more carefully as I heard twigs start to snap in the direction of the avatars. I stayed as still as I could listening to them. They were talking in they're language. I could feel my heart start to race as the footsteps got louder and louder. I could almost feel the breathe of the avatars around me. I crouched behind the tree keeping an eye around making sure I don't get seen. I watched as two avatars walked on either side of me. I slowed me breathing as they came right in front of me and started talking to one another. I watched them closely analysing them. I took a deep breathe as they started to walk away. But my breathe must've been loud to them because they turned around and looked right at me. I stood Jo and ran around the tree before hitting something like a tree. It was the avatar who had killed my brother. I hissed at him as he grabbed my wrists. "Shut up!" He hissed at me. I hissed back and bit onto his arm. "Hah your the villages Chiefs son! Now only son." He laughed at me. I hissed at him biting harder and making him bleed. He started to talk to the other avatars calling them over. They hand cuffed me and dragged me around the forest. They continued to talk to me in they're language. They stopped after realizing I did not understand shit. They pulled me back to where they're Ikrans were. They sat me down next to a tree and handcuffed me there to make sure I didn't move. I hissed at them as they looked at me. If I survive this I'm killing Neteyam and if I don't I'm double killing Ao'nung. I watched as they talked to each other by this time it was night the moons had risen and all alined in the sky. I watched as stars shot across the sky. "Maybe I should admire the sky more." I said to myself. I could feel a slight tug on the cuffs. I grabbed onto whatever was there. "Net?" I whispered. I felt a breathe on my neck as I heard. "Stay very still." He said holding my hands. "Our parents are here, stay quiet don't be obvious." He whispered once more before running off. I looked around seeing fathers eyes in the forests wall. I saw one of the avatars walk towards me. "Now you listen." I heard a voice come from something in his hand. "You are going to come with us and your going to be nice." I hissed at him. He unlocked the cuffs that were on the tree and dragged me to an Ikran that was already mid way in the air. He hooked my arms onto the Ikrans legs. He jumped onto his Ikran. The person on my Ikran yelled at everyone and everyone started flying away from the island. I looked down at the island as I saw mother and father run out of the forest and into the empty space I had just come from. I tried pulling my arms away from the Ikrans grasp failing to do so. I watched as the island got smaller and smaller till eventually I couldn't see it anymore. The Ikran threw me onto the demon ship making me hit my shoulder. People started to surround me. "Don't touch!" I yelled at them. They all ignored me and dragged me into the ship. They handcuffed me to a rail that was inside. "Listen."

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