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"Neteyam?" I groaned; I was having a giant migraine. "Y/N are you okay your crying?!" he asked wiping the tears away. "I'm fine Net just napping." I said to him waving him off." "Your crying Y/N you're not okay." he watched me stand up and brush myself off. "C'mon Y/N tell me, I know there was something." he said standing up himself. "Y/N I won't stop asking until you tell me." he said walking after me. "Please it was nothing." "c'mon Y/N." he turned me around to face him. my tears were streaming down my face. "Y/N come here." he said to me pulling me into a hug. "Y/N tell me." I nodded. he brought me to the shore where no one would be around. "So, what happened." he said holding my hand and letting me lay on his shoulder. I told him everything from ___ to the small island. "Yknow all of those have meanings. if you have a dream about being in the ocean sailing its means you have found freedom and independence but sailing means you will overcome life's difficulties, saltwater symbolizes tears and heartache, sand indicates that in which it may be suggesting that you are wasting your time or letting time pass you by. If the sand is wet, then it indicates that you are lacking a sense of balance in your life. To dream that you are in danger suggests that you need to be more cautious in some aspect of your life. Alternatively, your negativity and pessimistic attitude is causing you to be depressed about the future." he told me very confidently. It cheered me up seeing how much of a geek he is. "I got bored at the lab once and Norm let me go on the computer." he laughed. "No, it's fine it made me feel better hearing it." I told him smiling. "Y/N." he said. I looked up at him seeing the sun on his face. "Yes?" I answered sitting up. "I think I like you Y/N." "what?" "I-" he was cut off by people cheering and running into the water. I could hear the drums pounding. "They're here!" I yelled standing up. "Y/N." Net held onto my hands as he got up. "Did you hear what I said." he continued to hold my hand. "Net can we talk about this later please I need to go see Ziäa." "Y/N please." he grabbed onto both my hands. I looked at my hands then him. "Fine I'll listen." I said facing him. "Y/N you don't have to give me an answer just let me know you heard what I said. "I heard you Net." I said looking him in the eyes. "Okay now explain to me what is happening." he smiled at me. what a perfect smile. "Okay so it's the time of year our tulkun sisters and brothers come to our shores. they live are on a constant migration course so once a year they come here for little then continue moving." I said to him pulling him to the water. "c'mon let's go I want you to meet Ziäa Shes the nicest." I smiled at him. I let go of his hand and jumped into the water. I swam around making sure to stop every couple seconds to make sure Net wasn't gonna get squished by and Tulkun's. I swam around tons of Na'vi and they're Tulkun brothers and sisters. Ziäa was a very shy Tulkun so it would make sense that she would be on the outer layer by herself. Finally, I found Ziäa. I stopped waiting for Net to come around. I saw him and turned around to greet Ziäa. "Ziäa I see you." I signed to her. "I see you too." she signed back. I looked around to see Net puffed and getting air. "Who is that boy?" she asked me. "He is Neteyam." I smiled at her. "You like him don't you! I'm so proud!" she signed going up to meet him. "Ziäa don't Hes doesn't know you!" I signed to her in a rush. I could hear her blow her air at him and him screaming. "Ziäa don't he isn't used to you." I signed to her going up to the surface. "Neteyam this is my soul sister Ziäa, Ziäa this is Neteyam." "I see you." she signed to him. "She says 'I see you.'" I told Neteyam. "I see you." he signed back. "where'd you learn that?" I asked him. "I got someone to teach me." he said to me. "Do you believe this hardhead." I signed to Ziäa. "Who would teach him." she signed back. I laughed at the response. "I started talking to her about what's been happening. "Then I got my leg squished in coral." I told her. "You're swimming so your fine right?" "I am fine sister I has little pain." "Could you give me a little info about the boy I will tell Ayzuu." she signed to me. "No, I will talk to him." I signed back. "I will go now for I need to tell Ayzuu. I will come back." I signed to her before waving Neteyam in. "Neteyam you can go back to shore if-" "I would like to be with you." "Alright c'mon I need to see someone." I said swimming into the pod of Tulkun. I swam into the pod of Tulkun seeing Rotxo kiri and Tuk on Rotxo's Tulkun.  I signed "having fun?" to him. he signed back "shut up." and continued to swim with them. I swam into the pod till I saw the stupid tattoos Ayzuu had. "Ayzuu I see you." I signed to him. "Hello Y\N" he signed back. "I would like to introduce you to Neteyam." I signed to him. "Neteyam?" I nodded watching the boy almost get squished by Tulkun. "You will be nice please." I signed to Ayzuu. "I see you." Neteyam signed to Ayzuu. "This is Ayzuuhe is." I paused. "He is ___'s Tulkun." I said to Neteyam.

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