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"I miss Awa'atlu Ao'nung." i said as i held my knees.  Ao'nung stopped stirring the pot and looked at me. "Y/N I also miss it but it's been at least a month since we left, you need to get used to this we will be here for a long time." He said as he continued to stir the soup in the make shift pot we made weaving together cutty grass. we got tons of cuts on our hands as we weaved it together. "Here it all done try it." he said lifting the stick we used as a stir to me. I took a sip of the soup nodding as it did taste good. "At least your cooking has gotten better." i laughed dipping my bowl that was also weaved by us into the pot and bringing out some soup with it. Ao'nunug did the same and started drinking it. We were far away from the villages in the middle of no where. Ao'nung thought that it would be a good idea if we did so since it would be dangerous for us so we went far. I had doubts about us going back anytime soon obviously I didn't tell Ao'nung. We finished our food and went back to building our marui. We had been building it for the last couple days. We tried to rely on memory for the build. We had witnessed many marui's being built over time. Whenever we had nothing to do while mother was pregnant with Tsireya we would watch the maruis be build. "Listen this goes here and this goes here." Ao'nung said correcting my mistake. "Listen Ao'nung I watched them be built just like you did in fact I was right beside you when we started watching them be built!" I instructed him. "Alright then jeez just trying to help." He said lifting his hands and getting back to working on his side.  I folded flax underneath each other looking at what Ao'nung was doing every few minutes. I stepped back at my side looking at it. "I think my side is finished!" I smiled and clapped my cut fingers together. "I finished mine and now we're good to go. Wanna take a nap?" He asked me as he took a few steps back to look at the whole Marui. It was only small since it was just us. "Yes please I am so tired bro." I said slouching my back and walking into the room. I looked at the stitching of the roof and walls. I sat down watching Ao'nung walk in. He sat down next to me sighing. "Finally its over." He said laying down. I lay down and closed my eyes.

I woke up early the next morning Ao'nung was gone and breakfast was already made and sitting beside me. The breakfast was some fruits we had harvested from the island we were on and some fish we had caught the night before. I picked up the food and walked outside to eat. I sat in front of the shore and watched the sea animals swim around. I watched as they looked free and didn't have anything to do. They were free to do whatever they pleased. I noticed the amount of free time I had here. I didn't feel preoccupied like before when I had to help build the marui. I felt bored and didn't want to stay in one spot throughout the entire day. I finished my food and decided to go out and find Ao'nung. I walked into the forest that occupied our small island. I looked around finding the red dye we had put on the trees to help guide us. I walked down to the creak in the middle of the forest and there Ao'nung was staring at the water. "Ao'nung what in eywa are you doing out here?" I asked walking up to him. "I miss home." he said. "What?" i asked leaning down to his level putting my legs to my chest. "I want to go home." he said turning to me. I saw tears stream down his face one by one. "Ao'nung.." I said pulling him into a hug. "I want to go home Y/N, I really want to go home." he said as he continued to cry. "I want to go home to Ao'nung but you know we can't, I mean you're the one that said that we can't after all." I said to him while wiping his tears. "I know but I mean I want to be with mama and papa and Tsireya." He said hugging me back. "I want to be with them too." I said back to him. We sat there hugging each other for a while before Ao'nung pulled away from me and wiped his nose on his hand. gross. He washed his hands in the near water and stood up. "Thank you Y/N I needed this." he said sniffling. I stood up in front of him. "It is fine Ao'nung we siblings we have to stick together." I said back to him. He smiled and we walked our way back to our Marui. I looked around at each mark we had made on the way back to our marui. I watched as the birds n the tree flew away with each twig we broke with each step we took on the ground. The twigs all looking exactly like their mother trees. Each tree helping us to get back to our Marui. 

We got back to our Marui and sat down near the shore. "You notice how unoccupied we feel here or is it just me. Like we had just finished building our marui and now we have nothing to do." I said to him as I fiddled with my necklace. "Yeah it seems that way does it not, I mean it feels as if we are empty and can never fill it." he said to me. I looked at him and gave him a smile. "But as long as we have each other we will be fine!" I said back to him.

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