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"Yeah!!" Riley shoves her hands into her pockets excitedly. Bad Romance by Lady Gaga plays faintly below everyone else's voices.
"That's great!" Alya leans on the counter and grins. "Last time I went bowling was when I was 14."
"At least we can relive this together?" Riley leans on the counter as well.
"Exactly!" Alya says "Wanna get KFC after?"
"Hell yeah!" Riley exclaims as Cal walks out with two pairs of red and white shoes. The laces are chequered with red and white to match the shoes.
"Your shoes are ready! Make sure to not run off them!" Cal jokes.
"Don't worry!" Alya laughs, and Riley smiles quietly. "Cmon, Riley!"
"Thank you!" Riley grins.
"No problem kiddo!" Cal salutes, then heads to the back of the counter.

The bowling alley is fairly average- various lights illuminate the long alleyway brightly, beckoning the two forward. Ten freshly polished white pins sit there mockingly at the end of the lane, bathed in their own white lights as if they were royalty. Different coloured bowling balls lay to the side of Riley, each one relatively heavy. Riley smooths her fingers against a purple one, picking it up by the three holes arranged in a triangle. It's weight dangles below her fingers had she holds it loosely.

"Okay, should I put you as Riley, or a different name?" Alya swerves her head around from the screen and looks at Riley excitedly.
"Just Riley is fine." Riley keeps her gaze on the purple ball at her fingertips. Alya gives a thumbs up to Riley and turns her head back to the screen, her long braids down her back. Placing the bowling ball back where it went, Riley walks over to Alya slowly. Alya taps at the screen, her nails making a satisfying sound as they prod the glass gently.

"Okay, all set!" Alya heads towards a red booth to the left of the alley and places her blue purse there. "Your turn."
"Okay." Riley clutches the same purple ball from before as the gate lifts, revealing the bowling pins. They have little faces on for some reason. Weird. The young girl keeps her eyes fixed on them with stormy eyes, preparing to launch the ball. Taking a few steps forwards and a quick exhale of excitement, she releases it; the ball rolls at high speed, knocking some but not all of the pins down. Looking up, the number "7" appears in-front of a flashing background.
"Not bad." Riley thinks to herself, picking up a green ball. "Let's give it another shot." She rolls again. This time, the remaining three pins fall over, tumbling down the abyss behind the alley where all pins go.
"Nice one, Kid!" Alya clasps her hands. "Okay, now it's my turn."
"Good luck." Riley teases light heartedly. Alya takes a pink ball and rolls the ball as soon as the gate lifts. She hits them all in one go. The word "Strike!" appears on the screen with happy colours flashing away.
"Nice one!!" Riley and Alya high 5 eachother, laughing and smiling. "Considering you haven't been for years, you're really good."
"Thanks!" Alya lets Riley get another ball for her second turn. "I was the best bowler in my friend group- I could tell they were all jealous."
"I can see why." Riley bowls the ball again and it hits all of them. She turns around and Alya grins.
"Way to show off like that!" Alya laughs.
"Hey!!" Riley giggles. "Didn't you do the same?"
"Guilty." Alya raises her hands as they both chuckle. "Okay, my turn."

The two went on until the end of the game, Alya one point off of beating Riley.
"I can't believe it." Alya clutches her bag's silver chain. "ONE point and we could have tied."
"Well at least we had fun!" Riley fiddles with a clear ring on her right index finger. "That's all that matters to me."
"Yeah." Alya sighs. "I'm just glad we can get these crusty ass bowling shoes off of us."
"Literally!" Riley cringes as she stares at the shoes. "The person at the desk seemed nice, but the shoes? Just, ew."
"Tell me about it." Alya rolls her eyes with a playful smirk. "Okay, next stop: Kentucky Fried Chicken!"
"Was the large title really necessary?" Riley sighs, snatching the shoes off of the floor and standing up.
"Obviously." Alya gets up as well. "It's just...superior."
"You have a point." Riley nods as they head towards the shoe drop off point- an array of varied wooden shelves. Some were empty, some had shoes in them. Riley places hers in an empty place along with Alya's in the next shelf.

Fresh air enters Riley's lungs as fast as lightning. She likes the bowling alley, but it gets stuffy in there, so the wind blowing in her face and fresh air into her lungs felt amazing. Alya fishes for her keys in her purse as they both approach her black Porsche.
"Where are they...aha!" Alya smiles a little as she pulls out some car keys with a lot of keychains. They jingle around as Alya unlocks her car, hurling the door open and stepping inside.
"Wanna call shotgun or chill in the back?" Alya looks at Riley swiftly.
"Shotgun, duh." Riley smiles at Alya, climbing into the front seat.
"Good choice." Alya shoves her keys into the slot and the engine vibrates and starts up. "Make sure to decide what you want before we get there okay?"
"Mhm." Riley stares outside for a second into an alleyway and squints.

She could have sworn someone was staring back at her in a yellow jacket, and it wasn't her reflection.

Blinking a few times, she turns her head back as Alya swerves left softly. Riley stays quiet, her palm getting sweaty a little. She takes a breath- she's probably seeing things. These past few weeks have been stressful, and very tiring. Gripping her jeans tightly, she stares ahead for a few moments.

"Hey, Riley, you still got your phone?" Alya asks.
"Mhm." Riley nods, pulling it out. It's dark blue with a plain black case; an iPhone 11 from her father.
"Okay." Alya grins. "You can load up Safari and look at the menu if you want."
"Sure." Riley loads up Safari and types in "KFV" by accident then presses enter. It autocorrects to KFC, thank god. She clicks on the website, red and white logo appearing. An option appears for downloading the app; she declines, thinking it's going to be a waste of time.

"Hey, Lee." Alya turns right. "I need gas. Can you stay here for 5 minutes?"
"Mhm." Riley nods, scanning the menu's delicious options as Alya pulls into a gas station.
"Okay, try not to run off." Alya jokes and Riley smirks. She steps out of the car and starts to fill it up with gas. After a minute or so, she heads into the store to pay for it.

Riley clutches her knees, a shiver slithering down her spine. She feels uncomfortable. She knows something is off. But what?

Something flies from behind a set of bushes. She darts up, staring into them, it darts by again- a blur of red fury. The being sneaks out, and an ever so cold stare pierced her soul.

She looks so different yet familiar. Red hair down to her shoulders, eyes dark and mysterious. One last glance and she's gone.

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