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"As I said, it's very nice to meet you both." Lucas stares the couple down. "You know how amazing that night was with that excellent bonfire."
"I agree, it was amazing." Daniel smiles as the flashing of flames and screaming of two young parents made its way into his head once more. "Does that mean we fill those empty gaps that those people left?"
"Of course." Lucas stands up. "That's why I called you two to me today. To give you a small tour of what we do."
"Perfect." Elizabeth smirks. "Who else is here? How many?"
"6 of us." Lucas swerves his head to a picture on the bricked wall. It has 7 people on it. "Beth, Kai, Charlie and myself are still here. Maxwell and Rosalyn are on the run, and Charlotte had a sticky "accident""
"What happened to Charlotte?" Elizabeth asks.
"She got crushed by a falling building." Lucas sighs sadly. "She was a great member, the smartest, I believe."
"I'm sorry for your loss." Daniel apologies.
"No need to be." Lucas turns towards them. "After all its not your fault." He smiles, then turns towards a door behind his desk. "Follow me!" The pair look at each other, then walk after him.

The next room is a strange one. Tapestries hang the walls of a pink eye with cracks surrounding it. The walls are bricked up and the lighting is dim, like a jail cell without natural light. The entire room is cold, and it gives Elizabeth intense goosebumps. A fire is in the middle of the room, burning away as the center of attention.
"This is where we show our blessings to her." Lucas walks towards the fire, then looks at it in pleasure, a sadistic look in his eye. "She helps up regain our strengths, and hopefully she will join with one of us. You have heard the legend, have you?"
"Yes, the one about you-know-who?" Daniel speaks, and Lucas nods. It was forbidden to say her name, no matter what circumstance. She didn't have many names to go under, but she is powerful. Her presence is overwhelming sometimes, like hot weather. She also has many forms, that's what Daniel's father had told him about her.

"She has been a part of our ancestors' lives for centuries." Lucas explains. "This organisation is far older than most, and with supporting allies we are sure to get what we desire very soon."

"Why?" Elizabeth questions.

"Because the host she currently holds is close to rotting away." Lucas smiles. "Then we find her, and one of us will become a part of her, she will become a part of us."

"Oh, I understand." Elizabeth nods, stepping back slightly. "So then our goal is complete? We can conquer and overpower who we wish?"

"Exactly." Lucas chuckles like he's off his head. Daniel gives him a concerning look as he starts to question his life's choices in that very moment. "God, you guys are so understanding...the others don't really know much about my ideas. Sometimes they think I'm off my rocker!" Yeah, that's true, Daniel thinks.

"Okay, enough about her." Elizabeth interrupts, smiling excitedly. "Why don't we go and see these cool weapons of yours!"

"Why, of course." Lucas heads over to a red curtain with the symbol of the cult they have joined on it- a circle with an eye in the center. Her eye. Drawing the curtain back aggressively, an arsenal of weapons are revealed- everything from daggers to poison to pistols. It is all there, all there for Elizabeth's power hungry eyes to feast on. This was her paradise, her idea of heaven. Daniel stares at her craving girlfriend and sighs.

"Sorry about her." Daniel apologizes.

"She gets overexcited when it comes to weaponry."
"Mhm... I can see."
"Why are you showing this us anyway?"
"Pick any two you want." Lucas smiles. "My treat."
"Really?!" Elizabeth gasps in disbelief. "THANK YOU!" She tackles Lucas into a hug, and Daniel feels a wave of jealousy for a moment, then sighs and lets it go. He knows she's just trying to be nice, it's classic Lizzy.

"You're welcome-." Lucas seems surprised. "You too, Daniel. Can't forget the police officer's son, can we?"

"No, I guess not." He approaches the rack and examines a few carefully under his ocean-like eyes. They are different to Lucas', whilst his own are like oceans, Lucas' are like ice. They can pierce through you like knives if they wanted to, and gave anyone chills who looked directly into them. That was one of the scary parts about Lucas- how he can instantly make you shut up with one small glare.

Daniel's eyes drift to a pistol. It's sleek and shiny, and calls his name like a child missing its father. He hesitantly picks it up, holding its stylish handle in fascination. He runs a finger down its smooth, slick metal build, and then puts it into his pocket. That's his first choice. For his second, he wants a melee weapon, to balance things out. Skimming through the rack of weapons, in thought of what he should pick next. A spear? No, too hard to use. He doesn't like long weaponry. Daggers? Too basic, and it looks more like Elizabeth would like them. Batons? No- wait. Yes. Black with blue handles, they stand out in the crowd of weapons. He slowly picks them up, examining them like Sherlock would to a dead person. they're even better than the gun. They remind him so much of dad, and how he used to pick up the batons his father owned when he was 8.

"I'll take the pistol and the baton." Daniel turns towards them.

"Ooh!" Elizabeth stares at them. "They suit you!" She is holding a crucifix in the left hand and what looks like daggers in the right, along with a strange vial. Must be poison, Dan infers, looking at the translucent liquid in his girlfriend's hands.

"You are both so...creative." Lucas pauses to find his words. "I think the others are going to love you two to bits!" He turns towards the door they just came from. "Come along now, we have some new friends to meet!"


Hey guys! Jinx here! We are really close to 100 views, which I am very happy about. Please keep voting, commenting and following as it really helps, and have an awesome day/night! :)

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