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Hey guys! Jinx here! Thank you so much for 100 views on this book! I'm so grateful for all of you! Please sit back and enjoy chapter 16...


"So this is your little base?" Riley scratches her head, fluffing her nest of black hair up slightly. "Looks neat."

"Cheers." Binx smiles slightly, like someone is tugging the corner of her mouth. "At least your more grateful we have a base. Sara wouldn't stop complaining for another 5 hours."

"That sucks." Riley sighs. " She sounds like a piece of work."

"Eh, she's just a spoiled brat." Cole stands to the left of Binx. "Elijah isn't so bad to be fair."

"Glad there isn't two of them." Binx chuckles. "Now, let's head inside." She walks over to the green coloured door, neatly painted, and turns the handle after pressing a key into the hole and turning. A warm flush of air wafts Riley's face softly, relieving the cold-ish air. The interior of the base matches the exterior well. Sage greens and dark greys are the colour scheme, different hand taken photos of the forest in various picture frames. The luscious green forest is mainly in each of these photos, some in black and white, others are in full colour. The floor is laminated to look like wood, spruce to be exact. A fire is lit in the corner, embracing the room in a warm, lovely glow. There are chairs to the right of the room, all cosy and comfortable looking. A table is surrounded by the chairs, covered in mugs and pieces of paper, as well as a sharp knife with a black handle. Maybe for opening letters, Riley thinks to herself. That's possible, and it keeps the negative thought of it being used as a weapon pushed towards the back of her mind. A nursing table is also seen, along with a bed and a few storage containers, possibly containing medical supplies. 

In the center, two girls are talking to each other. One has heavy makeup, like you would see on TikTok, and a lot of rings on, her eyes green and her hair pink and long, down to her waist. She's wearing Adidas joggers and a plain pink hoodie, completed with black trainers. Riley is reminded of Strawberry Shortcake when she looks at her. All she's missing is a hat and outfit...

The second girl has a baggy white shirt and jeans on, which are torn. She has dark skin and braids which are tied back. Unlike Alya's, they are blonde with beads in them. The girl has a piercing in her nose, Riley thinks its called a septum piercing. Her eyes are brown and she's wearing false lashes, but not too long. This girl has yellow acrylics on.

The two turn towards Binx, Riley and Cole and bear a grin. 

"Welcome back!" The second girl says, whilst the first eyes Riley up and down. this must be Sara, by the looks of it. Riley gives her a friendly look and she rolls her eyes. What a brat.

"Hello, Elijah!" Cole waves. "Got lost again?"

"Yeah." She sighs. "Stupid Google wouldn't work." 

"Or are you just bad with directions?" Binx giggles.

"Hey!" Elijah grunts. "I'm not that stupid."

"If you say so." Binx smiles, and then realises Riley is there. "Oh, sorry for being so rude, Riley this is Elijah and Sara!"

"Oh my god!" Elijah runs up to Riley and grabs her arms. "Hi!"

"Heya!" Riley smiles, but its small. "Nice to meet you!"

"You too!!" Elijah beams. "Mind if I call you Lee for short?"

"Not at all."

"Aww, thanks!" Elijah looks over to her miserable companion. "Cmon, Sara, lighten up a little."

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