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"It's been 5 hours." Elijah stares outside towards the forest shrouded by a setting sun. Clouds gather above a pink sky like a crowd huddling around a scene. "She should be back by now."

"Yeah." Cole mutters. "I'm starting to have my suspicions."

"Mhm." Binx mutters, she seems the most concerned. "This isn't like her."

"We can't just sit around here all day, guys." Riley leans back in her chair. "We have to go and help her at least."

"How?" Cole questions. "Where could she possibly be?"

"Maybe she was taken into the woods by someone." Riley suggests. "If it isn't like her, then what if she was forced?"

"That's possible." Binx wonders. "But we can't just see into the past like Doctor Strange or someone like that."

"True, but still." Riley sits up. "Should we go looking for her?"

"Maybe we can file a police report?" Elijah suggests.

"Bad move." Cole interrupts. "If we tell the police, they will recognize Binx, and that means she'll have to be taken from us."

"Yeah, bad idea." Binx looks a little uncomfortable. "I would rather be here than with my mother..."

"Well, the police isn't an option." Elijah stands up. "Can we go and look for her whilst the sun is relatively up? We can bring lighting if needed."

"Yeah." Riley agrees. "And we can go and look for Vi in the process! Elijah, your a genius!"

"Thanks!" She beams.

"So it's settled." Binx rises. "We go look for Sara whilst looking for Vi."

"Mhm>" Cole nods. "We should prepare thoroughly first. We don't know how long this will take."

"Okay, everyone wear something relatively dark." Binx exclaims. "Riley, you can stay as you are. Your clothes are fine."

"Shouldn't we wear stuff that can make us visible ton each other?" Riley questions.

"That's where these come in." Binx walks over to a drawer and pulls it open, revealing many strange metal sticks with dots on the end, no larger than half a pencil.

"Binx, I get it, your traumatized." Riley slowly narrows her grey eyes. "But are vapes seriously necessary?"

"They aren't-."

"Oh no! I'm in danger! Sorry, Mr Killer, let me have a bit of my gummy bear vape to call my friends over!" Riley says sarcastically, as Elijah chuckles from a few feet away.

"They aren't vapes." Binx raises her voice sternly.

"Then what are these things?" 


"Like from The Last of us?"

"No, idiot, do they look like zombies to you?"


"Then they aren't the zombie clickers."



"Are they like those things teachers have, where they point out math equations and shit."

"No." Binx puts her hand to her face, shakes her head, and sighs. "They are meant as a sort of miniature flare. When you are endangered by anyone or anything, click the button at the bottom, and a flash of light will signal us."

"Ohh!" Riley's eyes widen in realization. "That's smart."

"I know right!" Elijah walks over, grinning like the Cheshire cat. "I'm dibsing yellow."

"We have different colours too?!" Riley gasps. 

"Yes, there's loads." Binx picks one up. "I'll have red, and Cole has white because he's a basic bitch." 

"I HEARD THAT." Cole says from another room. Riley giggles.

"Sorry not sorry." Binx snickers.

"What colours are left?" Riley peers into the draw. "Orange, green, blue, purple...ooh! What colour is this one?" Riley takes out a stick with a pink sticker on the bottom, and presses it. The light flashes a pinkish red. She beams slowly.

"Perfect." Riley shoves it into her pocket.

"That took shorter than usual." Binx looks over to Elijah. "Usually she's horrible at making decisions."

"Excuse you." Riley glares at Binx. 

"What? I'm just stating a valid fact." Binx turns towards the door where Cole is meant to be. "COLE. HURRY UP."

"OKAY OKAY." Cole opens the door, coming out of the room he was getting ready in. He is wearing an excessive amount of metal and chains, all decorating his waist like its the Crown Jewels. He has a black hoodie and a shirt that's torn at the bottom, of some edgy rock band Riley has never seen or heard of before. His jeans are also ripped, and have various holes in them. Cole's shoes are white, yet dirty.

"Did you get fucked up by one of the Queen's guards or some shit?" Riley slowly narrows her eyes.

"Nah." Cole smirks. "Binx and I call it a style."

"Mhm." Binx nods. "A very cool one as well."

"Okay, if you say so." Riley rolls her eyes. "But don't come crying to me if people start calling you homeless."

"Suree." Binx chuckles. "It's not like we're going into town, more like into a deep area of forest."

"At this late at night?" Riley fluffs up her black hair. "Isn't that kinda dumb-."

"I mean, yes, in respects of getting lost." Binx sighs. "But I know these woods like I know the back of my hand, we have a better chance of going at night for stealth purposes." 

"Okay, but I'm staying with you the whole time." Riley smiles.

"Good." Binx turns towards the door. "It's about time we set off. Everyone got everything?" The three give a small nod. 

"Perfect." Binx opens the door, the cold evening air whipping around her face. "Then let's go and get my child back from those freaks."


The forest, as far as Riley knew, was always a peaceful place to be during the day, the birds chirping in the trees, the squirrels with their acorns, it always was a place for Riley to escape from the real world. At night, this whole place seemed to be hell-bent in making Riley anxious and paranoid. She fiddles with her fingers as the four of them tread through, trees towering over them, their branches embracing the night's sky. Though, something else seems off. Riley shoves her hands into her pockets of her sage green hoodie, her stomach churning. What if they get caught now? Her instincts scream at her to turn back, but she just can't. Not without a valid reason. She has to help Binx. What good of a friend would she be if she didn't? And, knowing her senses of direction, she's sure to get los-.

She stops dead in her tracks. Her foot has just touched something unexpected. Slowly turning her head, she holds back a horrifying scream. 

Right in front of her is Sara, multiple bullet holes in her chest and head, a bruised face and her body as cold as a ghoul's.

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