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Shit- they've been spotted.

"Why is it your business?" Binx points a gun back at the masked man. Riley instantly recognizes him after looking at his mask and shirt- he's the one that's been following her. But why?

"Because it is." The man to the left of Masky steps forward. This one wears a black ski mask with a bright red frowny face, worn away by what seems like time itself. He wears a yellow hoodie with the hood up, covering the back of his head. "What are you doing here? Spying on us? I'm sure boss would love to hear that."

"You took my daughter." Binx gives the three of them a nasty, eye-piercing glare, yet knowing Binx, she knew that part of it was spite, part of it was anxiety for her child. Riley couldn't tell if they were scared or not- I mean, their faces were covered completely, so how could she?

"Oh, h-her...yes." The third chuckles. When he says "her," his head seems to twitch to the right uncontrollably, maybe tourettes. Riley's mother used to be a nurse, and she once had a patient with tourettes named Sandy. Riley was younger and had seen the way she had acted, and Riley gotten curious. 

"We let her l-loose ages ago." He doesn't need a mask to hide his smirk- it's obvious. Binx stares at the three of them, her stomach having butterflies as well as a hot fire burning away inside of it. She clenches her left fist, the gun still pointed at Masky in her right hand, yet how intimidating she looked on the face, her hand contrasts that, shaking like a puppy after being lost in the rain. Tears form in her eyes, yet she blinks them back. She can't be weak now- she has to find her daughter. She notices a chandelier with a few broken lights and scraped off gold paint.

Masky lowers his gun. "We can tell you where she is. But you know what we want in return." Binx moves to the side, putting her left arm protectively across where Riley is, stopping her from going forward, putting a barrier between her and possible danger.

"Neither of us are staying here." Binx says stubbornly. What did she mean by that?

"Is that so?" The hooded man looks at his two friends. "Well, you don't have a choice."

Binx gives out a small chuckle. "But we do." Then she points her gun at the ceiling, and takes fire, sending the chandelier tumbling down, crashing onto the three mysterious figures. 

Are they dead?

No, Riley could see them quickly trying to get the chandelier off their bodies. The other three start to quickly and quietly hop over the chandelier, and Riley does the same. But, she felt something tug at her angle.

A gloved hand, presumably the one belonging to the hooded man, has grabbed her ankle, and tightly too. Her eyes widen, and she could feel his hand almost burning her skin like an iron.

"Uh... Binx?" Riley hisses at her friend. Binx turns around, and her eyes widen, running over and trying to pull her away from the man's grip.

As Binx pulled her away, she could feel the grip loosening, and then she felt her leg fall free from his hand. Noticing the three slowly but surely making their way out of the chandelier, Binx rushes her friend away from the mansion. 

The cold evening air whips around their faces, blowing their hair behind them messily. Running in darkness isn't the smartest idea, but they had little time to do much about it. Riley could hear the echoing of the people, shouting for backup, possibly. But the more they ran, the quieter the cries got, and the colder she began to feel.

"Thank you." Riley sighs. "But we have to keep going, find your daughter."

If she's still alive.

"Right." Binx seems to have panic in her eyes. "Let's go. Cole and Elijah are both together searching for her. They'll give a signal if they find her." 

If they're still alive.

"Alright." Riley murmurs, whipping her phone out. She didn't have time to check what time it was- she goes straight to the torch option and presses it, and a light illuminates the area near her feet. The sun had long gone, replaced by the artificial light from her phone, unsteady from her shaky hand. Sticks and the stray bug can be seen on the floor, underneath a layer of dried dust and dirt, looking behind her she doesn't see any footprints. They can't be traced. That's always a great sign, she thinks to herself as the cold nips at her skin menacingly. 

Continuing their hectic search for a child that may be long gone, Binx frantically shouts her name. 

"VI?!" They choke back a sob hesitantly. "Please...answer me." Binx struggles to keep her emotions at bay, like a sailor in a violent storm, trying to find his way across the sea.

It seems like all hope is lost- their calls being answered by the silence of the forest, wind still whipping around the mourning parent's hair.

Riley checks her phone- it's been 10 minutes.

It's hopeless.

She's gone.

The same, pessimistic thought races round her head: if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still alive if she's still ali--.

"Mom?" A weakened voice stutters.

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