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Riley stares at the empty space for a while, trying to soak in what the hell just happened. Who was that guy? Why did he warn her? And why can't she exit this dream? Looking down at her arm, she pinches it tightly, her eyes squinting from the pain. Nothing. Not even a sign that she would get out of this dream. So why is she here? Who was the "her" that the strange figure was talking about before he vanished into thin air? Questions bubble violently away like a witch's cauldron- she needs context. And a lot of it, by the looks of things. Where could she go for this information? All the buildings look the same, except for one in the distance. this one looks more regal, more well developed- it must be the church the figure was talking about. As long as she doesn't touch anything, it should be fine, right? And maybe she could find some murals to figure out what the heck is going on with this being that was causing people to get so upset. Riley knows she will probably not be able to reason with it, or even find it, but she could get answers. With curiosity in her heart, she makes her way towards the faint church on the horizon.

After what seems like forever, glass windows come into view, each one sparkling away with different colours and pictures. Most of them have some sort of pink shade in them, the lining a deep shade of blue or black; it's too hard to tell. The walls are made out of stone, some look eroded away and others look new. Maybe it took a long time to build? Who knows. The door is wooden, kind of like the Minecraft spruce door, with metal loops as handles dangling from the middle. Nails are hammered into the planks, probably to keep it stable. Riley approaches the door, her hand grasping the cooling metal. She's about to yank it open, until-.

"WAIT." Someone yells from behind. She turns her head quick enough to get whip lash. 
"Huh?" Riley mutters.
"Be careful." another figure approaches her. This time, it wears a bird's beak mask instead of a smiley face, and sounds more masculine. A Plague Doctor, but that's impossible- they didn't exist until the 1500's at least. So why is there one in a 1400's village, 100 years before they should even be a concept? 
"If you go in there." It pants, and Riley gets the impression that this man was running after her. "You will regret it."
"Why?" Riley replies calmly.
"She will call to you." He explains quickly. "And the temptation to touch the box will be overwhelming."
"Okay? I'll just stay away from the box then." Riley blinks at him. He stands there, almost shocked.
"I've...never thought of that before." The man sighs. "Alright, just please, by the name of the lord himself, be careful." Then, he vanishes too. Maybe these figures aren't the smartest like she thought. Interesting.

Exhaling slowly and steadily, she touches the ice-like handle once more, and the door creaks open, light leaking though the murky building. Nothing seems to be lit up as Riley enters the crooked church. The door slams behind her, but she doesn't look back.
"Wow." She says sarcastically. "A slamming door. So totally not cli-." Suddenly, the candles, which weren't lit before, light up in an instant. 

There are 5 of them, each one evenly spaced around the room's edges, each one coincidentally below a glass mural. The one on the far left is an image of a man. He has brown hair and seems to have no describable features other than that, as his eyes are blanked by a black substance. He seems to hold the town in his hands, like he is in a higher class compared to everyone else that trudges this landscape. The second mural is of the town, the people, both crow faced and smiley faced, wander the streets in harmony and prosperity. The sun is shining, in contrast to the gloomy clouds outside. Some words in an unknown language are in the corner neatly arranged at the bottom, but she can't decipher them. The mural on the far right is of a box. It has gold outlines and a black base. It looks grand yet suspicious- this is what the two figures meant when they said to be careful and to not touch anything in the church. Who knows what could be in there? But curiosity itches the back of her mind; she ignores it for now. The mural on the middle right is missing? All there is left is a blank wall. 

The middle mural seems to attract her attention the most. A single eye glares down at her, surrounded by an inky black and the iris a violent pink. The town is shown again, yet it is engulfed in darkness; an inky sky, and inky entity. It makes sense what it is trying to tell her- this being took control, or has been in control, of the people of this town for some time now. They fear her, no matter what happens. Some of the civilians now have pink lines across their cloaks, like a crack inside of a porcelain doll. The smiley faces look more like cries for help now, the bird masks' eyes seem vulnerable. Riley knows this feeling all to well from when she was younger- the feeling of not being able to do anything about the bruises to her stomach. Luckily, the three of them stopped doing that a long time ago.

Below the middle mural is a table with the same box from before. It doesn't have a lock, and a strange noise comes from it. Growling, almost. A strong sensation appears in her gut once more- this is extremely weird. Why is the same box here? And what happens if she peeked into it? Would this be like Pandora's jar, and how she let out all those evil things into the world? Will there be hope at the end of the line? She takes one hesitant step towards it- whispers seem to emerge as she steps closer. It's calling her name now. How does it know her name? Stepping as close as she can without touching the box, she peers inside, her eyes scanning it in interest.

She stares back at the pink eye at the bottom of the box in complete shock and horror.

The gaze seemed to stay with her as she lies in bed, sweat down the back of her neck.

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