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Stunned by what just happened, Riley takes a moment to process things, blinking repeatedly. Either her sleep schedule is extremely fucked up, or someone's stalking her.

But why?

Suddenly the car door opens. Riley jumps at the sound, and exhales deeply with a hand on her heart when she realises its just Alya.
"Did I scare you?" Alya chuckles as she steps into the driver's seat with a receipt in her hand.
"Yeah." Riley leans back into her chair. "I think I need to fix my sleep schedule."
"I mean after the two weeks you have had, I can't blame you." Alya shoves her keys into a slot and the car starts once more. "Do you know what you want yet?"
"Mhm." Riley grips her phone, which is on her knee with the screen down. "I'll have a burger if that's okay?"
"That's fine!" Alya starts to pull out of the gas station, eyes fixed on the road like a hawk on its prey. Riley, still confused about the red headed girl, fiddles with her phone strap- a black and white one with beads. Some were mushrooms, some circles or seed shaped. The crinkle of beads under her fingers soothes her head and her hand.

After what seemed like years, the car turns right and exits the station swiftly. Alya is muttering something about bad drivers, but Riley isn't really paying attention. Her mind is focused on the two people- the yellow jacket and the red girl. She never saw the yellow guy's face; it was hidden by shadow. But something about that girl seemed different. Maybe even familiar. It was hard to tell though; after all, she was only there for what seemed like a fraction of a second.

Thoughts bubble away in her head like scolding oil. She restlessly taps her fingers quickly against her knees as she stares at her shoes. They are dark grey with white laces, though they are a little dirty at the ends. She stops tapping her hands and starts to tap her feet. Her stomach feels queasy. Riley takes a quick glance at Alya, still muttering to herself, then focuses back on her feet. Her mouth is as dry as her bones. Something seems off about this whole thing. Is she dreaming? Whatever it is, she doesn't like it. Beads of sweat start to emerge on her forehead as well as her palms. What if she was being stalked? If so, why would they-.

"STUPID BITCH." Alya slams her horn and breaks, making Riley fall forward a bit. Her fave was just saved by her hand.
"Sorry about that kiddo." She takes a deep breath."Some people gotta have their licences taken off them."
"Eh, it's fine." Riley adjusts her position in her chair. "What happened anyway?"
"Some son of a bitch went out on a red light." Alya grips the wheel tighter than before.
"That isn't good." Riley crosses her arms, then notices the red KFC sign from the website. "There it is!"
"Finally I'm starving!" Alya groans. "I get hangry easily."
"I don't get hangry, but my stomach does." Riley sighs, the thought of her stomach angrily growling making her laugh a bit.

Alya pulls her car into the drive thru. There aren't many lingering around the area; there are one or two in the queue for ordering however, which doesn't bother her too much.
"I'll get our orders and then some popcorn chicken for extra?" Alya suggests excitedly.
"Hell yeah!" Riley grins. "Regular will be enough."
"Mhm." Alya nods as she pulls near the speaker. There's silence for a few seconds, only the sounds of faint muffled movement coming from the box. Then someone speaks.
"Welcome to KFC, how can I help you today?"A very exhausted sounding woman asks gently from the other end.
"Hi!" Alya smiles. "May I have a..." As Alya speaks into the box with the occasional voice of the tired woman chirping in, Riley leans her head against the window, its cold feeling against the side of her face. Staring outside, her thoughts begin to wander once more. It's a bad habit, but she likes the thought of wandering aimlessly around her head. It comforts her.

The car jolts forward once more, the sound of the car window reeling upwards on Alya's side. The noise isn't too bothersome, so she carries on daydreaming. She thinks about her parents and how they used to comfort her in times of need; she goes back to a time where things were simpler...

"Mom!!" The young girl sobs, stumbling clumsily into the house and clinging onto her mother's leg in desperation.
"Sweetie!" The mother gasps at the sight of her dark haired child crying into her leg. "Are you hurt?!"
"I scraped my k-knee." The girl sniffles softly. "I saw a s-scary monster!!"
"I'm sure it wasn't real, sweetie." The mother smiles. "Has dad been showing you scary movies again?"
"No..." Young Riley looks up at her mother, dark eyes full of tears. "All I know is that he was very tall and he scared me."
"It's okay, I'm here." Her mother pulls her in for a hug. "Why don't you go and see your father whilst I make you something?"
"Like what?" The young girl raises an eyebrow, inquisitive gleams replacing the sadness in her eyes.
"That's a surprise, Rey." Her mother winks cheekily. "Now go and run along to your father."
"Okay!" Riley giggles and runs off upstairs, her yellow plaid dress down to her knees.
"Dad! Dad!" She calls out to her father desperately. A man peeps around the corner of a room off to the right of the hall way; Riley's father. He has her hair colour- crow coloured and quite shaggy, compared to Riley's neat pigtails done by her mother. He is wearing a plain white shirt and blue jeans, a smile on his face.
"Riley!" He smiles, dimples showing. "Come here!" Riley flops into his stomach, embracing him in a hug.
"Do you have any plasters?" She asks, her voice muffled in his white shirt.
"Yeah, why?" He asks, then notices a scrape on her knee. "Oh, Riley. You have to be more careful!"
"But it was an accident!" She scrambles onto her mother and father's bed and sits patiently. "I saw a scary monster!"
"Did you?" Her dad turns around. "What like?"
"He was tall and wore this weird outfit, and he didn't have eyes! Or a face?" Riley looks at her scrape.

"It must have been your imagination, kiddo." Her dad walks over to her, a plaster in hand. "It can run wild at times."
"Maybe..." Riley wipes one last tear from her eye. "But he felt real to me, which is what scares me."
"Listen, kiddo." Her dad takes the seal off the back of the plaster as he speaks to her. "Don't let anything in your head hurt you. The things in your head aren't real."
"O-okay, dad..." She sniffles. "Thank you."
"No problem." He places the plaster onto her wound, then smooths it over. "I heard something about a surprised from your mom?"
"Yeah!!" Riley claps her hands. "She won't tell me though."
"It wouldn't be a surprise if she told you, would it now?" Her father boops her nose, and she blinks in confusion. "Now let's go."
"Yeah, let's!" The girl giggles.

That was 12 years ago. When she was 5.

A warm feeling on her lap brings her back to reality. Riley blinks a few times. and notices the car is moving.
"GAH!" She jumps.
"There you are." Alya chuckles. "Yiu zoned out for 5 minutes."
"It felt like longer to be honest." Riley groans. "Can we eat this at home?"
"'Course." Alya turns her indicator on, it's synchronised clicking ringing in her ears. "I'll show you to your room to place your stuff as well."
"Since when did you-."
"Oh, the hospital staff placed it there." Alya taps the wheel. "You gotta keep what you can after the fire."
"Mhm." Riley agrees.
"Oh yeah, one more thing." Alya turns into a street. "I read your papers and they say you have ADHD, correct?"
"Yeah, sadly." Riley sighs. "Zoning out and time consumption is the hardest part."
"You zoned out for 5 whole minutes without hearing me, and I'm a loud person." Alya says with pride in her voice. "Oh! We're home!"

The house can be described in one word: stunning. It's a two storey detached house with white walls and a gravel floor. A few areas of the walls are covered in ivy, windows neatly decorated with flowers.
"Woah..." Riley gasps. "It's amazing!"
"Aww, thanks kiddo!" Alya smiles as she stops the car onto the fancy driveway. She pulls out her keys with many keychains and her hand encloses with the keys inside. Riley opens her  own door and steps out, trying not to damage Alya's car with the pebbles below her feet.

The door is brown and modern; the texture of wood can be seen, fine markings of what used to be trees spread their fine grains against the door's surface. Slim windows are like glimpses into what is yet to come.

Knowing recent events, it probably won't be predictable, that's for sure.

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