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Sunlight floods the room as Riley opens her blinds. She can't stop thinking of that dream she had last night- it's engraved into her head like text on a stone tablet; like a tattoo; like a painful memory. Tapping her finger on the window ledge in thought, she peers down at the streets below her. Not many people seem to be outside, only an old man with a grey beard and beanie, sitting alone by an abandoned building. He must be homeless, as he has a mug half full of coins. Poor guy, maybe she can give him a dollar or two to help the poor soul out when her and Binx head out to get Binx's daughter. Then it hits her- the awful realization that she could die. Today. If she isn't careful. Her heart begins to beat a little faster, sweat starting to form on her palms. Someone taps her shoulder, and she whips her head around. It's only Binx.

"You're up." Binx says.
"Yeah, no shit." Riley sighs. "I thought you were someone else."
"Sorry-." Binx puts her hands up, smiling. "Not my fault I'm sneaky."
"True, true." Riley says. Should she tell Binx about the dream? She could know something. "Can you...close the door? I need to tell you something."
"Sure." Binx shuts her white door, then sits in Riley's egg chair. Riley takes a seat on the bed. "Okay, spill."
"So last night I had this weird dream."
"...Oh no." Binx's eyes widen. "Tell me what you remember from it, if this is what I think it is I swear..."
"I was in a Medieval town, and there were these weird things with bird masks and smiley face masks."
"Did they say anything to you?"
"Yes, they told me to be aware of a church on the other side of the village. So I advanced to go to it to find some answers."
"Classic Riley." Binx tuts, and Riley punches her arm playfully. Binx laughs. "Carry on, with less violence this time."
"Then I went in and saw these murals of this entity-."
"Which entity?" Binx stops her in alarm. Her eyes are narrowed with concern again.
"It was this weird blob creature with a single beady pink eye." Riley explains. "Whatever it was, the villagers feared it."
"Oh?" Binx's expression changes from concern to confusion. "I thought it was talking about someone else. Carry on."
"There was a box on a table below the middle mural, so I peeped inside, because technically it isn't touching the box, and the same eye started back at me, then I woke up." Riley explains. "Is it anything to do with my fit yesterday? The man we saw?"
"That is...strange..." Binx puts her hands on the edges of the chair. "And, to answer your question, no. It doesn't. Not in my knowledge anyway.

"That sucks... Oh yeah!" Riley grabs a piece of paper of her research last night, and passes it to Binx. "Remember when we were kids and spent hours discussing the world's most random questions?"
"Oh yeah!" Binx scans through the paper. "Damn, you did a lot of stuff."
"Yeah, i was gonna research the yellow guy, but-."
"Did you?"
"Yes, but nothing showed up." 
"Don't search them up in future, it triggers them." Binx explains.
"Okay, noted." Riley nods. "Can we go into town now? I need food so badly."
"Same. You get changed, and I'll wait for you downstairs."
"Okay! See ya soon!" Binx shuts the door behind her as Riley says goodbye for now.


10 minutes later, Riley is fully ready to go. Wearing a simple baggy shirt, jeans and a sage green jacket, she walks out of her room, adjusting her ear piercings. Today, she's decided to wear leaf shaped studs to match her hoodie. Her dad had always said they remind him of the Mario leaves that Mario picks up to gain the abilities of one of the monsters. She smiles at the thought as she walks out of her bedroom. Binx is expectantly waiting for her in the middle of the hallway. She's wearing black jeans with holes in them, and Riley cannot interpret whether they were intentional holes or not. Her dark red hair is tied back and she has a mask hanging from her belt, overlapping a red shirt, with questionable stains of a darker red on it.

"At least you have common sense with what to wear to this sort of thing." Binx smirks. "I mean, Sara once wore a dress to a stealth operation."
"Sara?" Riley raises an eyebrow.
"One of the people we're meeting." Binx explains. "Kind of like my partners. there are two others as well as Sara."
"Oh." Riley smiles. "That's always cool, the more the merrier, right?"
"If I've learnt anything from you, its to be positive about others." Binx opens the door to the kitchen and heads down the narrow staircase, Riley following her behind closely. 

"Morning, girls." Alya smiles happily, her hair tied into a ponytail. "I'm off to go to the store, you sure you don't want a ride?"
"We're fine." Binx responds. "But thanks for the offer."
"No problem!" Alya puts her bag on her shoulder. "See you girls later!"
"Bye!" Riley waves, and walks over to grab her trainers in the hallway. The door closes, and Alya heads towards her car.

"Where are we meeting your friends?" Riley asks.
"The diner." Binx says, tying her combat boots up. "The one withe crocodile?"
"Scaly's." Riley realises. "Okay, that's fine. Just, don't get the tacos."
"Why no- oh."
"Yeah." Riley laughs. "My dad learnt that the hard way."
"Brutal." Binx coughs. 
"Mhm." Riley opens the door, the fresh morning air making her feel refreshed. The sun light travels onto her skin, the warmth  being absorbed like a sponge.
"You ready?" Binx stands at her side.
"Mhm." Riley nods, as they both start to descend towards town.


"Lucas! So glad you can see these two." Kai grins. He's had to wait a whole evening for Lucas to return from his little trip. Lucas puts his hand through his own blonde hair, the curls drifting through his fingers.
"Yes, I thought I would be much longer." He responds. Something seems formal about this person, as if they are almost in charge of this whole place.
"Well, the two candidates are here." Kai steps to the side, revealing Daniel and Elizabeth's nervous selves.
"Daniel Evergreen and Elizabeth Walton...how nice to see you both." He scans them with icy eyes. "So you two helped me in the murder of Scarlet and Xavier Elton?"

The two people nod, and Lucas smiles evily.


Hey guys! Jinx here! Thank so so much for making it this far. I am currently working on a Discord server for my book, I am making roles, channels etc right now, and it should be done soon!

Things are going to get a lot more interesting from now on, and I won't spoil much yet, but lets just say things will start to escalate highly... :)

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