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Scaly's is a very strange place indeed. With its green and blue tiled flooring with white lines separating each and every tile evenly. The tiles are dirty in some areas, and neat and clean in others. Its clear that whoever the janitor is, they don't have much experience, or they got sloppy over the past few months. The walls are cream coloured with various posters of Scaly, the alligator mascot, covering the walls. Riley is always reminded of FNAF when she enters this place; she doesn't know whether its the tile flooring or the mascot posters, but it gives her a feeling of nostalgia, yet a feeling of uneasiness at the same time. A waiter approaches them. It's a man with dark hair and brown eyes, tanned skin and the Scaly's uniform; a white apron with Scaly stitched into the top of the apron where the chest is, with any sort of black clothing underneath.

"Welcome to Scaly's how can I assist you today?" He smiles enthusiastically. His name card, which is chipped in the bottom left corner, says "Hello, my name is: Malcolm," with Malcolm being written in neat handwriting.
"Can we have a table for 5 please?" Binx requests politely.
"Of course!" Malcolm puts his left thumb up and then scribbles down something on a yellow notepad. "Why for 5, may I ask?"
"Meeting friends." Riley responds, and Malcolm nods. "Why?"
"Just curious." Malcolm points to a green booth in the far corner. "That's the best we have right now."
"Perfect." Binx starts to walk over. "Cheers, mate."
"No problem!" Malcolm smiles, showing braces, and then hurries off into the back counters of the establishment. He can't be no older than 19, Riley infers. She follows Binx and takes a seat opposite her in the corner.
"We'll wait for everyone to arrive first before ordering." Binx advises, and Riley nods, looking at her phone. It's currently 9:45AM, and she hasn't eaten since yesterday. But she isn't that hungry yet, she can wait a few hours if she needs to.
"How long until they're here?" Riley asks.
"Let me check..." Binx pulls out her own phone- it has a plain black case with a knife charm hanging out the side.
"No offence, but people with plain cases are kind of boring." Riley jokes.
"Eh, I can live with that." Binx smiles. "Cole cis almost here, Sara and Elijah are close, but not that close."
"Elijah's in charge of directions, so it makes sense- they're probably lost." Binx smirks.
"That sucks." Riley takes out her own phone- it has a case with assortments of black and white mushrooms, with a mushroom phone strap matching the same colour scheme.

4 minutes later, someone enters the shop. Malcolm goes over to greet them, anxiously saying hello.
"Do you need a table, sir?"
"No, I'm meeting friends here. One of them has dark red hair."
"Oh! Then they are in the corner, right here." He points to our table.
"Thanks." The man says, approaching us.
"No problem!" Malcolm heads back to the back of the store. The strange man has black hair, that is slicked back and in a ponytail, and piercing green eyes. He is wearing a black vest and joggers, which have pockets. His shoes are also combat boots.
"Cole!" Binx beams. "How are you today?"
"Eh, same old same old..." Cole responds, sitting next to Binx. "You know, getting into scraps with druggies and stuff." Riley looks at him with out him noticing, giving him a small side eye. He seems sketchy.

"So this is who you wanted to try and warn?" Cole notices Riley looking at her phone, she turns it off and looks at the two of them.
"Yeah, this is my childhood best friend Riley."
"Hi." Riley smiles weakly. "Nice to meet you."
"You too." Cole shakes her hand. "The others may be some time yet, you know how Elijah is with directions."
"Mhm." Binx nods. "We'll wait for them to arrive, then order." 
"Sounds good to me." Cole scrolls through his phone, which has a plain case, but green this time. Riley feels like if she comments, she will probably get a bruised face at least. She stares out the window, looking at the kids playing on the park, without a care in the world. Riley wishes she could be like that- no responsibilities, no worries, nothing to care about, just doing what you think is fun. Riley misses being a kid. She misses the way her mother used to help her make muffins, and how her dad would run off with one or two to snag for himself. The thought makes her smile slightly, but then she stops looking out of the window, as Cole gives out an irritated sigh.
"Well," Cole places his phone down. "Elijah says that they will meet us back at base."
"You're joking." Binx groans. "May as well eat here now."
"They gave up too easily." Riley leans on her hand, tapping her left index finger on the table in boredom. "Well, let's order shall we? It's the best thing we can do."


10 minutes later, they have their items. Binx has gone for a red and purple slush and a burger, even though it's only 10:15 AM. Cole has ordered a small pepperoni pizza with a milkshake, which looks like chocolate. Riley has ordered a Scaly's slush (blue and green) and a chicken burger. She never really liked beef that much, if she was being honest with herself. So she goes with chicken on the usual instead. The chicken is slightly spicy, which she likes. Kind of like at Mc Donald's with more quality to it. 

"We'll eat now, take our drinks with us?" Cole suggests.
"Sure," Riley agrees. "It's practical after all."
"Yeah." Binx nods, taking a bite of her burger. "This is some good shit."
"Yeah." Cole peels a bit of pepperoni off his pizza and puts it into his mouth. "I'm surprised a place like this can do such good food."
"That's only because the old manager was a perverted bitch." Riley explains. "That's why no one comes here, and they don't realise that he's been arrested, and someone else runs the place now."
"True, true..." Cole nods. Riley continues to eat, ignoring the prickling hairs on the back of her neck, and the feeling of being watched returning to her once more.

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