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Riley's hand slowly covers her mouth. Frozen in fear, her stomach does a somersault. What happened to Sara? She didn't like her, but she never deserved this. . .

"Riley." Cole calls behind her loudly. "We gotta go, cmon."

"Cole, come here please." She murmurs quietly. "Look at this." Cole slowly walks over to Riley, as disgust forms on his face.

"What the fuck." He whispers to himself. "Binx, Sara...she's gone."

"What?" Elijah spins around faster than she can think and jogs over to the body. Her eyes are filled with tears now. "No..."

"Oh shit..." Binx stares at it. She seems the most unbothered. "I don't know whether to feel bad or to feel happy."

"She didn't deserve to die." Elijah drops to her knees, tears streaming down her face. She touches Sara's arm gently. "She's been dead longer than an hour."

"She must have stormed off, then killed by someone, but who?" Riley whips out her phone, and turns it on. She then uses her right thumb to unlock it, and turns on the torch. She counts several bullet wounds without moving the body, then scans the area around it. Nothing except bullet shells and a can of cola on the floor. She checks above Sara, and is about to turn her torch off, when she notices something.

A symbol.

A circle with an X in the middle, clumsily drawn onto the bark of a tree.

She almost drops her phone as her eyes widen, then narrow. Something deep down tells her that she's seen it before, but where?

"Binx, what's with this weird circle shit?" Riley hovers the torch onto the symbol. Binx's eyes widen as well.

"Knew it was them." Binx mutters, and goes behind Sara's body. She picks up a cigarette. "Masky. . ."

Riley tries to hold back a laugh. "I'm sorry, what kind of a name is that?"   

"That's what I said when I first heard of them." Elijah smirks.

"They aren't to be messed with." Cole interrupts, a stern expression plastered across his face. "He's a very skilled and experienced killer, who will stop at nothing to hunt his victims down."

"What does this guy look like?" Riley asks, remembering the figure she has been seeing recently.

"He has a mask with black eyes and lips, an orange jacket and dark jeans." Cole recalls.

An orange jacket.

Riley's heart beats a little faster. "That little shit."

"Excuse me?" Binx raises an eyebrow.

"That man I told you about, he has a yellow-orange-y jacket, remember?" Riley exclaims.

"Yeah." Binx sighs. "I don't think he's following us now, thank fuck."

"Hopefully not." Riley turns her head to Elijah. "Let's keep moving before they suspect anything."

"Mhm." Cole nods, and the four of them leave Sara's dead body behind, like a long forgotten memory. 


"Are we there yet?" Elijah complains. The sun had completely set by now, darkness enshrouds the forest in a hug, yet it's cold. Trees seem to depart away into a clearing, and Cole spots a familiar, yet haunting sight.

"We're here." He murmurs. An old, run-down house sits in the middle of the clearing. It's extremely large, and has a front porch. Luckily, no one is on there, and there doesn't appear to be any cameras or security. The four cautiously sneak up behind some bushes, which look like they haven't had water in some time now. Riley takes a leaf off of one of the branches, and watches it fall. A figure walks past the window and she and Elijah duck faster than lightning. The figure looks female, yet Riley isn't too sure about who it is. 

Binx moves her hand and beckons the other three to follow her. They all move round the side of the house, and Elijah spots a backdoor. It isn't guarded, luckily, and is also open. Binx pulls out a gun and puts it on safety for now, then places it into her pocket with ease. Cole takes the lead, and sneaks inside carefully, followed by Binx, then Elijah, and then a very anxious and nervous Riley. Who knows what's in there? There could be monsters in there, and she means all types. Not just the ones who aren't people, but the ones who have no hearts, or just hearts of pure evil...

Riley peeps her head down, and sees a long corridor, with parts of the paint peeling off the walls. they look bare and unpleasant, like the house itself is falling apart, like a rotting body. Various door scatter the bare halls, each with a sign on them. 

"Which one has Vi?" Cole murmurs. Binx beckons them all to follow her towards a door with battered corners. It has the same symbol that was above Sara's body; chills shoot up Riley's spine. It looks like it's drawn in...blood? Who knows what they're capable of.

Binx nudges the door open with her elbow, and then narrows her eyes. The smell of rotting flesh hits them like a tonne of bricks. Its so strong, it makes Binx start to worry- what if they butchered her child? She'd have to try not to scream. She remembers what her child's father could do, and she shakes the thought out of her head. No, these people were different. They had a different intention.

The room itself is made of concrete, with grey, cold littered with random objects. A blue shirt, well, what looks like a blue shirt. It's ripped up and torn, covered in red liquid. Riley shudders at the thought of it being blood. Another item is a wooden stool, with someone laying on it. The girl has a hoodie on, and her face is seemingly on the stool, like she is resting. She is also wearing what looks like a school uniform, the pleated skirt, the tights and shoes visible. Binx walks up to the girl, then taps her gently.

"Vi...?" She murmurs softly. "It's me." She nudges the girl carefully once more, then turns her over. Her eyes, closed and bruised, make Riley's blood run cold. Is she really dead? Do people have the capability to do that to someone? Her arms are covered in bruises and stab wounds as well. Elijah looks as worried as Riley, and puts her hand over her mouth in shock. Cole, however, looks concerned. So does Binx, and she swiftly turns towards the three of them. Instead of looking sad, angry or visibly upset. She looks panicked.

"That isn't my child." Binx's eyes look panicked. "We have to go, NOW." She quickly pushes everyone outside, and shuts the door behind her. The four begin to walk towards the exit quickly, but something stops them.

Three figures stand before them, each one of their faces covered by some sort of headgear.

"And where do you think your going?" Masky points a gun at Binx.

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