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Lilia held her baby closely against her chest. The tiny baby's breaths were growing more shallow and weak by the minute. Even in the warm, flickering candle light, her skin was pale and desaturated, almost like the clouds on a drizzling day.

"Aurelia," she sobbed as tears uncontrollably rolled down her cheeks. Her fifth birth and not a single child had survived more than a week.

Lilia suddenly felt a gust of wind and heard what sounded like the ruffle of feathers. The candle light went out, leaving them in pitch darkness. She clutched onto Aurelia even more tightly, frozen with fear.

"Hello Lilia," a deep, yet soft voice said.

Lilia gasped as the candle reilluminated and a large figure slowly began to approach her. She scrambled to the corner of the room, pressing her back against the wall. "W-who are you?"

"I am Azrael, the angel of death."

He wore a long, hooded cloak that shadowed his face. His wings were massive – they stretched across the entire room and brushed against the furniture. There was a soft, ethereal glow to him that grew brighter as he came up to Lilia.

Azrael had decided to personally pay Lilia a visit this time, he knew how much she had lost over the last few years. The four children he had guided to the afterlife were all gentle, kind souls – it was a shame she never had the opportunity to properly meet them.

Lilia took in a shaky breath. "W-what do you want?" she asked, though she already knew the answer.

Azrael lightly placed his hand onto the baby's delicate chest. The pulse drumming against his fingertips was barely there. "She is weak, very weak," he said and sighed softly. Cases like these were always the hardest. "I'm truly sorry, Lilia, but it is her time."

"P-please don't t-take her." Lilia fell to her knees and began sobbing again. "There must be something you can do."

Azrael hesitated, internally debating with himself. There was something he could try, but the other angels were not going to be happy about this when they found out. He was torn – he just couldn't take the baby, there was something different about this one.

"I've never done this before," he began slowly, "and I can't make any promises, but I will try to help her."

Lilia hastily wiped away her tears and stood up. "T-thank you."

He outstretched his arms and Lilia carefully handed Aurelia to him. The baby's temperature was quickly dropping, he knew time was running out. "It will take an immense amount of power to save her – if it is even possible," he explained. "I must warn you that the results will be unpredictable."

She held her breath and nodded, heart pounding in anticipation as she watched Azrael holding Aurelia. He mumbled something under his breath, but Lilia couldn't make out the words. A warm glow appeared at the baby's heart, and it slowly spread through her body – from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. The light grew so bright that she found herself needing to squint. There was a low rumble and the entire room began to shake. Lilia gripped onto a nearby table to hold herself up. She couldn't believe this was real.

Seconds passed by, though they could have been hours as far as Lilia was concerned. As Azrael stopped speaking, the glow faded until Aurelia appeared to be nothing beyond a normal baby again and the room steadied. He took a moment to examine the baby. Lilia heard a small gasp escape and his body suddenly tensed.

"What happened?" Lilia asked.

He wordlessly handed Aurelia back. "She will make it, but..." he hesitated for a moment. How in the world could he explain this to a mother? "It may have been too much for such a young being."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"She... she is immortal."

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