Chapter 1

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Aurelia stared slack jawed at Jeff, currently down on one knee in front of her. She couldn't believe how far she had let the relationship go this time. Things had been so fun that she completely lost track of how long it had actually been, she would normally be long gone by this point.

"Aurelia?" Jeff asked again. His eyes nervously darted around the room. The room was dead silent as his friends and family anxiously watched the two of them.

"Um, Jeff," Aurelia began nervously, "there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

His face went pale as she quickly grabbed his wrist and tugged him into the nearest bathroom. They could hear the judgemental murmuring coming from outside.

He looked at her, completely heartbroken. "I-I don't get it, I thought things were going well!"

Aurelia bit her lip, trying to keep her expression steady. Despite having done this thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of times, this was always the hardest part.

She took a deep breath and braced herself for the worst. "Jeff, I've enjoyed the last few years together, I really have," Aurelia said. She had perfected the art of breaking up centuries ago, she could do it in her sleep. "But... we've grown apart, look at how different we are compared to when we first met. You've excelled, and I'm so happy for you, please don't let me hold you back."

The two of them had met one chilly autumn morning outside of a cafe. Jeff was a photography intern at the time, in the process of doing a coffee run for the office.

In his attempt to be quick, his speed walking turned into a full out sprint. He proceeded to crash into Aurelia as he rounded the corner. The cups went flying and he spilled the cardboard tray of coffee all over her. He was mortified and quickly bought her a new shirt from the closest clothing store.

Aurelia immediately found his dorky clumsiness to be endearing, and the rest was history. Fortunately for her and her clothes, Jeff quickly got past that stage. His confidence grew and hand eye coordination improved. He worked hard and eventually became president of the most reputable photography agency in the city. She knew it was unfair of her to keep leading him on when he deserved so much more happiness.

More happiness than she could ever give him.

Regardless, Aurelia was so proud, having watched him become the cool and collected Jeff she knew today.

Well... not today, exactly.

Jeff's lower lip trembled. "But you're not holding me back!"

Seeing him this upset broke her heart, but she couldn't let it show. She was the one ending things after all. It had been ages since the last time she had gotten this attached to someone – the baker back in the early 1800's, Derek.

She took his cold, trembling hands in hers and gave him a teary smile. "I'll always love you, but I think our time together is up. Please take care of yourself, Jeff. I hope you find your soulmate one day."

Soulmate. Aurelia felt disingenuous even just using that word. She had once believed in soulmates – you're bound to find true love when you have all the time in the world, right?

She learned the hard way that life didn't work like that. She had given up on the idea of a soulmate a long time ago. How was she supposed to have a soulmate when she would outlive her partner, every single time? Their souls would eventually disappear, leaving her behind and broken.

Although, a tiny part of her, just the faintest wisp of a voice in her head, still clung onto that belief. The idea that there really was someone out there for her. She had waited this long for love, what was a little longer?

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