Chapter 4

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Winter, mid 1800's

Aurelia peered inside the bakery. The room was quite dim, a lone candle's flame was beginning to burn out, dancing around on a small puddle of melted wax. It was humid and smelled like yeast, but the storefront was empty.

"Hello?" she called softly as she stepped inside. It was the first time Derek hadn't shown up at the shop after work – she had no idea where he could be besides here.

No one responded, but she saw a faint light coming from behind the door at the top of the stairs. Derek and his family lived above the bakery, though she rarely visited. The bakery was always busy and his parents didn't have time for pleasantries.

She considered heading up the stairs. Trespassing was wrong, but she was worried about Derek – something might have happened to him. After a bit of internal debating, she took a deep breath and went against her instincts, gripping onto the rail and gingerly climbing up the stairs.

As she approached the door, she heard muffled voices inside.

"Again, I said no, Derek." She recognized the gruff sound of his father's voice. Maurice was stoic and strict, especially so with his oldest child and only son. Despite how much Derek tried to hide it, she could clearly see how heavily he was weighed down by his father's pressure and expectations.

"You're being completely unreasonable." Aurelia didn't recognize Derek's voice at first, she had never heard him sound this angry before. She had never witnessed him angry, period. "I love Aurelia regardless! Why can't you just accept that?"

"Son," Maurice sighed, "when will you understand that marriage isn't just about you. This is meant to be the union of two families. You bring the family name and bakery into the marriage, why should Aurelia receive that when she has nothing?"

"That's not true," Derek retorted, "she's kind, intelligent, funny, and beautiful – that's not nothing. Plus, she has her sewing shop."

Aurelia felt her feelings being pulled left and right. She never would've expected Maurice's feelings about her to be so harsh. It hurt, but the pain was soothed by Derek's words.

Maurice scoffed. "That tiny place around the corner? Doesn't she sew for free?" he sneered. "What's wrong with Elisa? You know she's taken a liking towards you, and our family would be connected to the mayor's!"

Aurelia's stomach sank. The mayor's daughter was beautiful, graceful, and charming – and incredibly powerful. Elisa could have anyone, but her eyes just had to land on Derek.

"I think it's nice," Aurelia heard a quiet, timid voice add. It sounded like Julia, Derek's second youngest sister. She was sweet and shy, reminding Aurelia of Derek. "They love each other, who cares about those other things?"

"I care," Maurice said flatly. "We don't know anything about her family, let alone her. Where did she come from? No one else in the village has the surname Taylor. She's secretive, and I have a bad feeling about what she's trying to hide."

Aurelia heard Derek mutter some obscenities under his breath.

"Just as I said yesterday, I forbid you from asking for her hand in marriage," Maurice added coldly.

"And what if I do?" Derek retorted.

"I will let the priest know, he won't officiate the marriage," Maurice stated calmly. "Even if you somehow manage to, I promise I will have you ostracized by everyone. You'll never be married so long as you reside in this village."


Aurelia laid restlessly in bed, her thoughts were running a mile a minute. Derek wanted to marry her, but he would never get his father's blessing. The pragmatic side of her knew there was no point in over thinking it. Derek was respectful and would never so blatantly disobey his father's wishes. On the other hand, the wishful side of her was still hopeful.

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