Chapter 2

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Eclipsa woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for airand looking frantically around her room. She quickly got up from bed and went immediatly to the throne room, the images she dreamed still clear in her head. These visions taunted her ever since the she became a zodiac knight and her sister became queen and married the king.

She summoned her sister, brother in law and her fellow knights there and as soon as they arrived they become worried. It was quite common for Eclipsa to have these visions, but she never called for them in the middle in the middle of night. Something was defenitly wrong.

-Eclipsa, whats wong my dear sister ? Are you okay? – Moon asked worried as she embraced her sister.

-We... we are in great danger...Ophiucus... she's back...- she answered breathlessly as she took a seat in the table in the middle of the enourmous throne room.

Suddenly all you could ear was gasps and whispers across the room.

-Are you sure ? – king Sun asked with worry as everyone took a seat.

-When will she arrive?- One of the other nights asked.

-I... I'm not sure... in my vision I only saw someone with an extremely evil aura at the front gates- she answered- It could happen at any time.

-Your highnesses, you shoudn't worry about tomorrows presentation- one of the knights said- We will assure everyone's safety.

The king and queen looked worriedly at one another. Tomorow would be the presentation of their youngest child, the newborn princess Crescent.

-Do you think this has something to do with the prophecy? – Moon asked worriedly

-Possibly- Eclipsa answered seriously- "Shall darkness arise again so will two lights that will lead us to victory"

-It all makes sense now- king sun said realising something- As I'm sure you all remember, Leo was born with a bright gold aura, and last week, Crescent was born with a shiny silver aura

-You don't think she will...-Queen Moon said, staring to cry

-Don't worry dear sister, I shall protect prince Leo and princess Crescent, even if it costs my life- Eclipsa said, getting up to hug the queen.

-And while Eclipsa protects the prince and princess, we will lend more power to the barrier- another kight said.

-It's all settled then -king sun said also hugging the still crying queen- Reunion dismissed.

All the other kight got up, bowed and left the throne room.

-It can't be... -queen Moon wailed -Why does it have to be them?!

-I'm afraid that's their destiny- Eclipsa said sadly.

Later that night, Eclipsa walked through the corridors and stoped in front of one door. Pushing the door open she silently walked in and kneeled in front of a white toddler sized bed, where a 2 year old boy slept, and a white crib where a newborn baby girl laid.

-Even if it costs my life...- Eclipsa repeated

AN: That picture doesn't belong to me either and thats supposed to be Eclipsa

Bye bye ♋

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