Aries pov - Chapter 4

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Today was the day.

The day when me and my little sister, Cancer, would travel to Astro Academy, a very famous and prestigious boarding school, where only rich people and nobility studied.

I'm still curious about why this year they are also choosing teenagers from middle and smaller classes to attend.

I took a look at myself in my bedroom's mirror.

I gotta say, this uniform they sent me really suits me.

I looked at the clock in my nightstand and realized it was time to go.

After putting my phone into my pocket I grabbed my two suitcases and went downstairs, where I saw five suitcases already there.

Girls, seriously.

-Hey Cance, have you packed the whole house? - I asked smirking while entering the kitchen.

-Mind you Aries, that a girl needs to be ready for everything- she said while eating her cereal

I rolled my eyes while taking a seat next to her, and started to munch on some toast.

-Where's mom and dad? - I asked.

-They left for the bakery a few hours ago. But they left us a note wishing us good bye.

-Oh okay. When is the limo supposed to arrive?

-Twenty minutes- she answered.

After eating we put our dishes in the washing machine and started to carry our bags outside.

Just as I was locking the door, a black limo pulled up in front of our house.

-Are you Aries and Cancer Adams? - the driver asked while getting out of the driver's seat.

-Yes- we said in unison.

-Well then hop in- he said opening the door.

Cancer hoped in but I decide to help the driver to put our luggage in the trunk.

-Thank you, young man- he said.

-You welcome- I said while climbing in next to Cancer.

The limo was very luxurious inside. It had a plasma screen, a mini fridge full of snacks and drinks, wi-fi, cup holders and even had heated seats. HEATED SEATS!

The trip was a long five-hour distance. I spent most of the trip watching movies and listening to music while Cancer read those online zodiac fanfictions on her phone. She was seriously addicted to those things.

When we finally arrived, we were taken aback.

This place was enourmous!

-I'm so going to get lost here- I said.

-I second that- Cancer said wide eyed.

-You must be Aries and Cancer Adams, right? -asked a male voice.

At the school main entrance was a tall, lean gray haired man with amber eyes.

-Yes- I said.

-Then welcome to Astro Academy. I'm headmaster Orion Hunter. We've been expecting you.- he said shaking both our hands

-Pleasure to meet you Mr. Hunter- Cancer said.

-The pleasure is all mine, Miss Adams. -He said bowing his head- Now follow me please.

We followed him all through the corridors until he stopped at one door.

Opening it, he gestured us to come inside and told us to take a seat.

I realized there was at least eleven other teens seated on the couches there.

-And now that we are all here maybe it would be nice for you to introduce yourselves. Why don't you start – Mr. Hunter said looking at me.

-My name is Aries Adams and I'm 19 years old.

-I'm Taurus Bull Chester and I'm 18 -said a brown haired boy.

-I'm Gem Godfrey, this is Mini and we are 17- said a bond girl pointing to another girl that looked similar to her.

-Cancer Adams, 17- my sister said

-I believe you all know me- said a whitish blond haired boy.

When we looked at him we all started to gasp.

He was none other than the actual prince Leo! The future king of Astralis!

-My name is Leo Sun Solaris and I'm 19 years old. It's a pleasure to meet you all- He said getting up and bowing and then sitting back.

-Virgo Deangelo, 18-said a sandy blond haired girl.

-I'm Libra Scales and I'm also 18- said a pink haired boy with glasses.

-Scorpio Samuels, 19- said a black haired boy.

-Sagittarius Sage, and I'm 18- said a pigtailed ginger haired girl.

-Capricorn Carnahan.19-said a grey haired boy.

-My name is Aquarius Waters and I'm 18- said a girl with braided and dyed purple hair.

-I'm Pisces and 17- said a ginger haired boy.

-Good, now that we all know each other's names, maybe it's time for me to tell you why only you thirteen will attend this school -Mr. Hunter said- You were chosen to become the next generation of Zodiac Knights.


All of us, but prince Leo, seemed to be shocked.

-Zodiac Knights are warriors with the strongest zodiac auras. Once a generation of knights dies a new one must be chosen- Mr. Hunter explained- You were the ones with the thirteen strongest auras. You are the Zodiac Knights.

AN: Did you like it?

I would have the same reaction if a celebrity attended school with me.

You know the drill about comments.

Bye bye  

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