Chapter 17

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They all watched the white haired girl fall uncounscious.

Luckilly, Leo was near her and acted quickly by grabbing her waist before she hit the hard ground.

"CANCER!" some of them yelled.

They all started running towards their friend while Leo set her gently in the ground.

"GIVE HER SOME SPACE!" Virgo yelled as Aquarius, Aries and Sagittarius scurried to Cancer's sides.

"Come on Cance wake up..." Aqua said while lifting her girlfriends head off the ground and setting it on her lap.

Sagittarius ran a hand over her friends forehead brushing her hair out of her face and her eyes widened "Holy moly! She's burnin up!"

"We can't continue the journey with her in this state" Capricorn said taking a cloth out of his pocket  and handing it to Pisces, who understanding the message got it wet and placed it on Cancer's warm forehead.

"Someone call Mr. H" Virgo said and Gem started to thinker with her bracelet walking away a few feet"We need to take  her somewhere more comfortable"

"It's best if some of us  scout the area" Scorpio said.

"I agree" Mini said "We don't know this place at all"

"Guys, I informed Mr. H about our situation and he said he's going to send us some help as soon as possible" Gem said coming back to the group.

"I'll start looking around" Scorpio anoounced.

"I'll go with you" Aries said, determination on his eyes, while getting up.

"How abou we split up?" Cap suggested "Half of us stays with her and the others search around"

They agreed to Capricorns suggestion and split into two groups: Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and the twins went to to scout the area sorrounding them and Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and Pisces stayed with Cancer untill Mr. Hunter's help arrived.

"Well since we obliously can't leave here untill she recovers, I'm going to start to set up up camp" Libra said after the others left.

"I'll help" Pisces said walking to their bags with Libra.

"Me too" Leo added catching up with them" I don't have much to do anyway"

"Oh my, look at the time" Virgo said looking at her clock which showed it was 11:30 am.

"I'll watch over her" Aqua said looking up to Virgo and Taurus "You guys should start working on lunch"

"Call us if you need something" Taurus said walking away followed by Virgo.

After a few minutes, the boys managed to get one of the tents ready.

Leo walked up to Aquarius and Cancer, whose condition has worsened as her face was now flushed and her breathing was laboured "Let's get her inside" he said while lifting Cancer bridal style and carrying her inside the  tent followed by a worry stricken Aquarius.

Once inside, Leo gently set Cancer down and Aquarius draped a blanket over her body.

"Hey. Everything going to be alright" Leo asured Aquarius, who couldn't take her eyes off her girlfriend, putting his hand on her shoulder "She is tough as nails"

"I know" Aquarius sighed "I only wish that she listened to me  about taking it easy on training"

Their training was going fairly well. Of course some were good at some things and others weren't.

Cancer was good at controlling her power and battle strategy, but she lacked physical strength and her fighting skills were by far the worst, so she spent most of her free time training hard to be as good as her peers.

"I know" Leo said looking at the whitette, remembering all the times Cancer asked him to help her with sword training and the countless hours they spent sparring.

"Shes's getting better tough" Leo said pointing to a small scar on his chin "She even managed to cut me in the face with her sword once"

"That's one of the reasons I like her so much" Aquarius said grabbing Cancers limp hand "She never gives up"

"Why would she stop now?" Leo asked smirking and raising his eyebrow.

"No reason" Aquarius said closing her violet eyes for a few seconds before reopened to look at Leo's dark blue ones "Thank you, Leo"

"Youu welcome ladies" he said bowing his head "Now if you excuse me I'm going back out. Call if you need us"

Time skip - one hour and a half later 

"Nothing seems out of the ordinary around here" Capricorn said as he and the others came back.

"How is she?" Aries asked Virgo, worry evident in his voice.

"She hasn't woken up yet" Virgo answered taking a pot out of the fire and nodding her head in the direction of one of the tents" Aqua is with her in that tent. Can you please call her out for lunch?"

Aries nodded and walked off towards his little sister's tent.

Some time later, Gem suddenly put her hand next to her hear and asked "Guys? Are you hearing this?

All the zodiacs stopped what they were doing and also started to try and listen to whatever Gem was listening.

Suddenly the air was filled with the noise of a motor vehicle.

"It's coming in our direction" Scorpio said narrowing his eyes and all of the zodiacs started to tense up.

The sound was getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, a  heavy looking black with blue flames highlights Harley Davidson with a sidecar full of boxes, pulled up in front of them.

Suddenly, a  heavy looking black with blue flames highlights Harley Davidson with a sidecar full of boxes, pulled up in front of them

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The driver wore a black leather coat, pants, gloves and knee high boots. In it's head was a black full face helmet with tinted visor, so it was hard to guess who it was.

"Who are you?" Libra asked as the driver turned off the bike and the zodiacs started to get into fighting positions.

The driver did't answer but lifted its hands to the helmet.

AN: Who do you think it is?

Is this figure good or bad?

Don't forget to comment.

Also happy International women's day to all female readers.

Bye ♋

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