Sagittarius - Chapter 6

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I was glad I wasn't alone here. I thought I'd be surrounded by complete strangers , and yet here I am  with my best friends, Cancer and Aquarius, and my crush Aries, who happens to be Cancer's brother.

I've known Aqua since were babies and then we  met Cancer back in elementary school when  we defended her against some really nasty bullies who where calling her disease because of her name. We've been inseperable since then. 

As for Aries, I fell for him when I was a new student in middle school when he helped me when i got lost or when some boys picked on me. It was fun watching him breaking a bully's nose.

Anyway back to the present.

We followed Mrs.Delphos (I guess that's her name) as she showed us around the school hallways and some of the classrooms, and I will admit that I fell in love for the second time when I saw the engineering room. How could  you not love engineering when you grew up in a family of engineers and surrounded by tools and robots?

"And finally my dears here we have the mansion you will live in. Feel free to explore it. But don't forget that you will have to take care of it by doing chores. That is if you don't like living in a mess" she said with smile.

"Really we have a whole school filled with expensive stuff and you don't have money to contract some-ACKHH" Aries started to say being interrupted as Mrs. Delphos hit him on the head with her cane.

The rest of us started to laugh as Aries rubbed his head and grimaced painfully.

"Mr. Hunter didn't hire them for a reason, young man. Now I leave you to make yourselves at home and to organize yourselves. Your bags are already in your assigned rooms" she said slowly walking away.

The house was beautiful.

It even had a gaming room and a swimming pool.

"So what now?" Taurus asked as we formed a circle in the enormous living room.

"I think it would be best if we were to go find our bedrooms and unpack" Libra suggested adjusting his glasses.

"What a wonderfull idea!" Pisces said smiling sweetly.

"Then we could have a pool party and get to know each other and assi" Gem suggested.

"Don't forget we also need to assign the domestic chores" Capricorn said. Something tells me he will be a pain in our butts.

We all agreed and went upstairs to find our bedrooms and unpack our stuff. 

I searched and found a door with my and Cancer's name on it.

Serioulsy, the person who paired me up with Cancer really knew what he or she was doing.

"Hey Cance you will have to shack up with me!" I said excitedly.

"As long as you clean up all your messes, I'm okay with that" She said hugging me and I gladly hugged her back.

Our room was amazingly big.  It had space for all our stuff.

We started unpacking while we chatted.

And all of a sudden the topic became Aries.

"So Sag, you ready to live under the same roof as Aries" She asked teasingly.

I blushed a bit.

"What about you ? Ready to live with Aqua?" I teased back smirking as her face went 50 shades of red. 

She was so cute I nearly had an heart attack right there.

I've always known they had a crush on each other, but both were too shy to take a step forward. Not that I can talk too much since I haven't had the courage to ask Aries out either. 

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