Virgo - Chapter 22

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Just great.

I sighed, cleaning my face for the uptenth time on the trip back to Astro Academy.

Of all the 12 remaining baby dragons, I had to bond with the most messy one.

Don't get me wrong, but Valdryon surely could make one heck of a mess, and for some weird reason he liked to play with mud and throw it straight in my face.

Getting hit yet another time I finally lost my patience "Can you please stop it?!?"


"Stop it!"

"No" he said again, throwing me another wave of mud with his boulder like tail.


Why do soils near water have so much mud...

Yes, we are back on the lake.

The same lake Cancer dreamed about some nights ago.

To be honest, I'm quite curious to see if Mr. Hunter's predicament about her powers is a good one.

But so far, we haven't yet met up with any evil guy who want's to kill us all, so...

I was also dubious about Cancer's leadership abilities.

I mean, yes a good leader needs to have a good heart, and she defenitly has one of gold, but what worries me the most is that she doesn't possess enough courage and communication skills.

Well at least she was good at cheering Chrystal up whenever she falled on the ground while trying to learn how to fly or failed to produce a single flame.

I actually envied the other zodiacs relationships with their dragons.

They all seemed to get fairly along, while I was the one constantly getting hit with mud.

"Hey Val let's play" said the gold dragon, Leonidas, or Leo Jr like Leo liked to call him.

"Ok" Valdryon agreed flying away from me "Must be funnier than hanging around with this witch"

"Hey! I'm not a witch!"

"Well you don't look like witch. You're more of a swamp monster right now" Leo said approaching and handing me his pocket mirror "Take a look"

I immediatly grabbed the small mirror.

"OMG! I really do look like a swamp monster" I gasped.

"Well you're the prettiest swamp monster I've ever seen" he said smirking and started cleaning my face with a towel.

Was he flirting with me?

I blushed.

What else would you readers of this wonderfull story do if your crush just said you look pretty.

"V? V?" Leo called snapping his fingers in front of my face "You there?"

Snapping back to reality, I blinked my eyes and stared at his deep blue ones "Y-yeah, I-I'm fine"

Suddenly I felt two pair of arms grab mine.

"Sorry, your highness, but we need to borrow V for a while" Gem and Mini said while starting to drag me away from the love of my life.

"But-" Leo started.

"Don't worry, you'll have her back by the end of the day" Mini cut him off while she she and Gem kept on dragging me towards the woods, passing by the other girls and signaling them to follow us"C'mon girls"

I panicked.

Could this be some sort of prank? Cause so far the twins pranks had a very bad taste.

I looked back at the other three girls. They were looking at me with a chesire cat grin on they're faces.

Oh god. 

What are they up to?

We went inside the woods and walked for at least three minutes untill we reached a small clearing.

"Spill it V" Sag said.

"Spill what?" I asked confused as the girls grouped up in a circle around me.

"Don't play dumb with us, V" Aqua said.

"We know you like him" Sag added.

Oh stars.

I felt like a deer in the spotlight.

"Like w-who?" I asked nervously "I don't like any-anyone... hehe"

"Don't lie to us" Cancer began "We all know you like Leo"

I sighed, closed my eyes and pinched my nose.

"How do you know? I asked, admitting defeat.

"We're girls" Mini answered.

"Yeah. We know this stuff" Cancer added.

"Don't worry. Guys don't know anything about romance" Gem asured me.

"Let me guess. You wanna help?"

They all nodded.

"Even if I don't approve, you're gonna do it anyway, right?

They nodded again.

There was no escape now.

"Don't worry girl" Sag said patting my back "Just live everything with your besties"

"But what about him being the prince and me being just a commoner?" I asked feeling unsure of myself.

"That only makes things better" Cancer said dreamily "A forbidden romance..."

"You already have a girlfriend" Aqua said lightly elbowing her.

"I know" Cancer said, reachin up and kissing Aqua's cheek.

Suddenly a beeping noise came from my bracelet. 

It was Libra.

I hit the green button and a video call started.

"Girls, wherever you are you better come back here" He said clearly worried about something.

"Is there any trouble?" Sag asked 

"You could say that"

"We're on our way" I said and then ended the call "C'mon"

AN: Dun Dunn Duunnn

What do you think it is?

Stay tuned to find out.

Sorry if this chapter is a bit short and if the characters are acting weird.

Bye bye♋


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