Taurus - Chapter 15

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"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"

"For the umptenth time Taur, we aren't there yet!" Virgo said exaperatly walking in the front of our group while reading the map.

We were currently walking through Starlight woods where, in my opinion every tree looked the exact same thing.

"But I'm HUNGRY! Can't you listen to my stomach!"

"Your always hungry Taur" Scorpio said matter of factly walking beside me "Besides it's only been 2 hours since we left Astro Academy"

"See? I don't know how long  I can take it without eating all the food we have!" I said while gesturing to the bag on Cap's back.

"We have to save this food Taur. Exclusivly for our meals" Cap said fastening his walk and getting away from me.

"Fine" I sighed looking at the clock in the bracelet Sag made" We need to stop to make camp in an hour or two anyway"

Waiting is defenitly not my strongsuit.

I blame it on my ADHD.

Having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be both a blessing and a curse.

I say that because I have trouble concentrating in tasks I consider boring (studying) and hyperfocus in things I like to do (video games and playing drums)

I'm still surprised how my mental disorder hasn't been affecting my training, which I neither find interesting or boring.

After two more hours of walking, Scorpio said" It's starting to get dark. Maybe it's best if we start mounting camp"

"FINALLY!" I exclaimed loudly while the others rolled their eyes.

After setting our things down, and deciding our tasks we all separated into groups.

Sag, Aqua, Gem, Aries, Leo and Libra were looking for some wood to make a fire;

Pisces was creating some water and refilling our  bottles;

V and Cancer were starting to get the food they needed for a mac and cheese meal;

Me, Scorpio, Mini and Cap were mounting the tents;

While we were at it, I noticed Scorpio staring at Cancer. It wasn't the first time I've seen him staring at her before either.

Cancer was also the first one in our group who got him to say more than 3 words in one sentence.

Could it be possible that...

No way...

"Hey Taur, you there ?" Mini asked waving her hand in my face.

"Huh, y-yes" I said startled.

"You kinda zoned out for awhile there" Scorpio added.

"No I'm okay" I replied getting back into work.

A few moments later the others came back with enough dry wood to make a decent fire and came to help us mounting the six tents Mrs. Delphos provided for us.

I noticed that in the moment that Aqua came back and kissed Cancer in the lips, Scorpio stoped staring at the white haired girl.


"You sure you ok Taur?" Gem whispered in my hear.

"Yeah I'm good"

Some time later we were all seating around the fire while eating and talking.

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