Chapter 3

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The presentation day...

Morning finally came as sunrays began to lighten the streets of Astralis.

There wasn't a cloud in the sky and you could hear birds chipping, and people rustling in the streets, aiming to arrive to the palace in time to greet their new princess.

Everyone seemed so excited that no one would notice a shadow crawling in every darkened alley.

In one of those alleys stood a mysterious black cloaked figure who seemed to be waiting for something.

Suddenly a man appeared behind it and whispered in its ear.

-The job is done, my mistress. However, I must warn you that their captain wasn't there with them.

-I see. So that's their plan- said the cloaked figure.

-It seems that she's the one protecting the prince and princess- added the man.

-Well done Draco. It seems that you do have a brain cell inside that head of yours after all- the cloaked figure said smirking- Never mind her. Right now she won't be able to stop our plan. You are dismissed.

-Yes, mistress Ophiucus- said Draco retreating to the shadows he'd came from.

At the palace entrance...

Everyone was awaiting and excitedly looking at the castles biggest balcony.

In no time trumpets started to play and when they stopped there was a defining silence in the air.

Suddenly a loud voice announced- Presenting the royal majesties, king Sun and queen Moon, and the royal prince Leo!

The people started to cheer and applause very loudly but stopped as the king and the queen, with her son in her arms, approached the microphone

-Greetings, my dear people- king Sun said gently- As you must all know there is a reason you've been all called here today. I have been blessed with many things in my life, my queen, my son and of course all of you. And today, I present you my most recent blessing.

The king then stepped aside as Eclipsa walked into the balcony, carefully holding a baby in her arms.

-Presenting the captain of the Zodiac Knights, Eclipsa and your new princess, Crescent! - said the announcer.

Everyone cheered and clapped their hands as Eclipsa handed Crescent to her father.

And then suddenly the sky began to get darker as clouds covered it completely and thundering noises overcame the cheering ones.

Suddenly, a lightning bolt came towards the queen and the prince and time seemed to stop, even if just for a few seconds...

Luckily Eclipsa reacted in time, positioning herself in between and summoning her silver shield protecting her sister and nephew j.ust in time

It was then, with everyone distracted that a dark blur appeared, knocking down the king and taking the princess with it.

-Papa! - Leo exclaimed, noticing his father on the ground

-SUN! ARE YOU OKAY? - Moon asked worried – WHERE IS CRESCENT?!?

-NO! no no no! - Sun exclaimed looking everywhere for his daughter. She disappeared...

-Don't worry your highnesses I will find her and keep her safe, keep the Leo safe in the castle- Eclipsa said.

Eclipsa then started to whistle and everyone gasped as a white dragon appeared in the sky and landed in the balcony.

Moon walked to her sister and embraced her like it was the last time.

-Please keep her safe- she said sobbing- even if you have to hide her somewhere, keep my baby safe.

-I promise- Eclipsa said breaking away from the hug and then she went to the dragon mounting on the saddle on its back.

She patted the dragons neck and it took off towards the sky with a mighty roar.

Later that day ...

While Eclipsa was flying, she noticed a woman with a baby running towards a dark forest...

-OPHIUCUS! - she yelled and the dragon roared while flying at full speed towards the woman, landing just a few feet in front of the dark cloaked women.

-Giver her back immediately- Eclipsa said frowning and staring at the woman, who just sneered, clearly unbothered.

-Finally we meet- Ophiucus said- I must say, you must be stronger than your comrades if you think you can face me head on.

-What did you do with them? - Eclipsa asked, her glaring intensifying.

-Oh? I didn't do anything- Ophiucus answered- But you and this tiny little creature will have the same fate as them.

Then Ophiucus lifted her free hand and said- Blitz- and then an explosion appeared, knocking down Eclipsa and her dragon, who became unconscious.

-Well it seems like you are tougher than I expected- Ophiucus said still smirking evilly- Not many people survived this attack and continue living.

-I'm glad I met up with your expectations- Eclipsa groaned while getting up, holding her torso with her left hand and coughing some bood.

-Well then let's finish you for good- Ophiucus said

Then a baby cry distracted them.

Then an intense silver light appeared from the baby's body.

-WHAT IS THIS!?!- Ophiucus yelled in pain as the light burned the arm that was holding the princess.

Eclipsa looked at the scene amazed, and then covered her eyes with her right arm because the light was getting too intense.

Ophiucus had let go of the baby clutching her arm and screaming in pain as her body started to turn to smoke that vanished into thin air.

When the light started to shimmer down, Eclipsa slowly opened her eyes, finding the baby floating in front of her. She quickly grabbed her niece with her free arm, and started to shush her while walking painfully to her dragon who was regaining its conscience.

-Karkinus*- she called softly

-Eclipsa. You're wounded. - the dragon said in her mind.

-I don't have much time. You must take her somewhere safe, and then fly to Astro Academy to give headmaster Orion a message.

-What message? - Karkinus asked, while opening one of its front paws.

-Tell him that Ophiucus is back and that the Zodiac Knights are all dead- Eclipsa while putting the baby in the dragon's paw.

-As you wish my dear friend. I guess this is our farewell- Karkinus sadly said while safely wrapping her claws around the baby princess.

-I believe I will see you on the other side, someday. Good bye Karkinus- Eclipsa said finaly laying down.

Karkinus then took off and flew away towards the full moon in the starry night sky.

-Good bye, Crescent...-she said as darkness obscured her eyesight, and her last breath vanished her body.

AN: Karkinus was a giant crab in Greek mythology that inhabited the lagoon of Lerna. He is a secondary character in the myth of the twelve labors of Heracles, who attacks Heracles on Hera's orders, while Heracles is in the midst of fighting the Hydra of Lerna. Heracles kills the Crab, who is rewarded for his efforts by Hera turning him into the constellation of Cancer. That's where I got the name for the dragon.

The picture above is Ophiucus, btw.

Any comments or questions?

Bye bye ♋️

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