Chapter 21

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"This is soo coool"

"Holy s***t!"

"Aries, language" Cancer scolded elbowing her brothers gut.

"Why are you alway hitting me..." Aries whined as he crouched holding his stomach.

"Stop making a scene, Ari" Scorpio said rolling his eyes.

The Kinghts and the dragons that brought them, where currently standing in the middle of a huge cave made of rocks and blue crystals.

"This place is amazing" Pisces said, his inner geek inner clearly showing up.

"Kinda like the ones I've read in books" Virgo said, amazed as well.

"These caves have been our home ever since the very beggining of our kingdom, millieniums ago" Karkinos said while looking amused by the signs reactions.

"I never knew Astralis was so old" Aquarius said examining the crystals.

"Me neither" Sag added also examining the crystals.

"Uhm can I ask a question" Leo asked looking at the dragon queen.

"Of course" Karkinos said nodding her head.

"Back out there, there were symbols on the rocks that matched the ones in our rings" Leo said showing his ring "Why was there a symbol that didn't match any of our rings and why did it seem like it was burned"

Karkinos closed her magnetic blue eyes and a sighing noise came out of her noise "I believe your teacher told you about Ophiucus, right?"


"De he told you Ophiucus also had a dragon?"

The Zodiacs shook their heads.

"Ophiucus used to be a Zodiac Knight just like all of you, therefor she also had a dragon. His name was Draco. When Ophiucus betrayed our beloved kingdom, her dragon followed her and darkness corrupted him and turned him into hybrid creature. Half human, half dragon" Karkinos said motioning the zodiacs to follow her through the tunnels in the cave "Since then, Draco has been considered a traitor by our kind. That's why we burned their symbol. To prevent them and their reincarnations from entering this caves forever"

"That almost sounds as if they are cursed" Capricorn says while he and the other follow the queen.

"And in a way they are" the dragon said.

"What do you mean?" Cancer asked.

Karkinos stopped and took a moment to look at Cancer.

'She remembers me of a certain someone' the dragon tought 'Can't remember who though'.

"You ok?" Cancer asked.

"Sorry. It's nothing" Karkinos said as she begun to walk again.

"No one that was ever corrupted by the darkness ever came back"she said "That's why you must never give in to your temptations. If you fall, so will your dragons and Astralis is done for"

"Funny, you're all talking about this weird darkness and yet nobody says where it is" Sagittarius said "Just like Leo's sister"

At Sagittarius's words Leo's shoulder drops slightly and his eyes become glassy.

"Hey don't worry" Virgo says putting a hand on the prince's shoulder "I'm sure we will find her"

"Thanks" The prince said as he put his hand on top of Virgo's

"I don't actually know where said darkness is or where it comes from, but I believe that the prophecy is right" Karkinos said "I saw the princess's light with my very own eyes"


"You knew my aunt Eclipsa?!?" Leo asked astonished.

"Why wouldn't I. She was my rider"

"So you must know where my sister is!"

"I know where I left her, but I'm afraid I can't tell you where that is"

"Why?" Leo pressed on.

"Because I promised her that i'd never reveal the princess's whereabouts"

'Back to square zero' Leo tought while he exhaled some air.

After some more time, they finally arrived to the main cave, where at least a hundred or more dragons sat around a large nest.

"This is getting even more coooollllll" Pisces says nearly passing out from excitement.

"I knowwww" Gem said wide eyed.

All the dragons were wispering things like "Could they be the next generation?" and "But they seem so young!"

"SILENCE!" Karkinos roared and suddenly all the whispering was gone and the other dragons bowed their heads.

"Step forward, zodiacs" she ordered.

All the zodiacs took a step forward and stood in front of the nest.

"You can come out now" she said, looking inside the nest.

Twelve little dragons flew out of the nest and landed in front of the zodiacs. They were all different colored except for two of them.

"Ah... a little help, please?" said a liittle white dragon who was trying to climb the walls on the nest.

"Ooh look at me mama, mama! I can't fly!" mocked one of the twin yellow dragons.

"Mama, mama, I can't breathe fire!"joked the red little one.

"Ash, Mist, don't mock your sister like that. You also didn't know how to fly and how to breath fire when you two hatched" Karkinos said while helping the little dragon out of the nest "Apologize right this instant"

"Sorry Chrystal" the red and yellow dragon said in unison, although it was clear that they were only saying that so that they wouldn't get scolded anymore.

As soon as she was on the ground next to her siblings and peers, Chrytal hid her head with her little wings.

"You may choose now" Karkinos said to the zodiacs.

Cancer took some steps untill she was right in front of Chrystal and crouched, tapping with her right index finger in the dragons little wing.

"Hey. Your name is Chrystal, right? I'm Cancer, and if anyone here knows how it feels to be less talented than others, that person is totally me" Cancer spoke gently catching the little dragon attention "Don't let them bring yourself down, because I'm certain of three things: 1- you are absolutely adorable; 2- you'll be as great or even better as any other dragon and 3- I would like to choose you"

"Are you sure?" the little dragon asked retracting her wings and looking at the whitette girl, with doubt in her sparkly blue eyes.

"Positive" Cancer answered while reaching out with her right hand.

Chrystal hesitatantly smelled the white haired girls hand, and understanding that the girl meant no harm, the little dragon reached out to touch said hand with her muzzle.

In that exact moment Cancer and Chrystal became enveloped by a radiant and warm white aura.

"Congratulations. You two have bonded and are now forever connected to each other"

AN: And that's a wrap for this chapter.

Anyway I hope you liked it.

Happy Easter everyone

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