Cancer - Chapter 19

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I was stuck in darkness.

I couldn't see or feel anything.

Aries, Aqua, Sag snd the other zodiacs weren't there.

I wasn't alone tough.

In the air I could hear someones laughter.

However I don't know whose voice was that.

All I know about it is that it sends cold shivers down my spine.

I tried to move but I was completely sorrounded.

I was starting to get really scared.

Dear Gods, if this is a nightmare please, I beg you to please wake me up.



I finally sank down to my knees as I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

I am so weak.

Why was I even chosen to be a Zodiac Knight?

There are so many people who would be better for this job.

Why me of all the people.

I am just an ordinary little girl who wants to have a normal life, with her friends and family.

Suddenly I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I tensed up.

"Don't be scared. I will do you no arm" a vaguely familiar soft  voice spoke.

"W-who... are y-you" I sobbed while trying to identify the person beside me.

"That will be revealed later" the person said cleaning up my tears "I am here to guide you, Cancer"

"Guide me?"





"Focus on the people you love and follow their voices"

Deciding to do as I was told, I tought of all the people whom I loved and loved me back.

Suddendly, I could hear their voices.

They were faint, but I could hear them.

Getting up, I decided to follow the voiced, which were getting louder and clearer.
"Now what?" I asked.

"Open your eyes" the soft voice spoke.

Doing as I was told, I opened my eyes.

My head was spinning and I felt like puking.

Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm myself down while rubbing my temples with my fingers.

A bit after calming down I heard noises from outside the tent I was in.


How did I get here?

Last thing I remember was having that horrible nightmare.

Did I overslept or something?

Slowly getting up, I made my way out.

The others were talking about something, but I couldn't quite make make out what they where saying, I only caught Capricorn saying 'That was something'.

"What something?" I asked hoarsely.

They all turned to me.

All had had surprised expressions on their faces.

"You ok?" Aqua asked as she quickly walked to me and embraçed me "We were so worryied about you"

"I think I'm okay" I aswered  hugging her back "What happened?"

"You don't rembember?" Sag asked making her way to me, a worryied look on her aquamarine eyes.

"I only remember having that nightmare and you comforting me afterwards" I said breaking apart from Aquas grasp on my waist.

"We'll tell you everything, but maybe its best if you eat something first" Virgo said "You've been out cold for quite a few hours"

Some time later, after eating a rather delicious chicken soup V made, we all gathered around the bonfire and the others told me what happened.

I couldn't feel more like an unnecessary burden on the team.

See? I only get people into more trouble.

What good hero faints in the middle of a important mission as this?

I'm so useless.

Always been.

Always will be.

Time skip: two days later

"For the umptenth time I said I'm okay"


"I'M OKAY!" I exclaimed getting fed up and everyone looked at me.

They are probably surprised because I don't raise my voice very often.

"Stop being a worrywart Sag. I already have two worrywarts breathing down my neck" I said while nodding my head towards Aries and Aqua"I don't need more"

I get why they were all worryied about me.

I mean I wasn't  fully recovered from my fever when I helped Scorpio and Pisces to create a path through the lake. And that took quite a toll on me.

I'll say it is both a blessing and a curse having so many people watching my every move.

I felt relieved they paid attention to me, but it was getting really annoying because they didn't let me do anything for myself por the past two days.

But I could tell something was off about them.

Like they arre hiding something from me.

And to be honest I'm quite curious about it.

"Cancer stop" Aqua demanded turning towards me and putting her hands on my shoulders and making me look at her beautifull face.

I blushed.

"We are only like this because we care abou you. So suck it up and rest"

"But-" I started.

"No buts" she interrupted me, her violet eyes hardening "I'll never stop worrying about you. So stop acting like a kid and rest.

"She's right" Aires said glaring at me " Either you rest or I'll tell your most embarassing secret to everyone"

He wouldn't dare...

"Don't you even dare telling them about that" I said glaring back at him.

"Try me" He smirked.

Sighing, I admited defeat "Fine. I'll rest and try to be more carefull. Happy now?"

"Much" Aqua said, her frown turning into a smile and kissing me sofly.

"Get a room love birds!" Mini said jokingly.

"If you don't wanna see, go away" Aqua answered back after breaking away from our kiss.

AN: Sorry if this chapter was a bit shorter than the others.

I'll try to make the next one bigger.

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