Sasunaru/narusasu oneshot

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No one pov~
Naruto was running away from angry villagers why it is because today was October 10th the kyuubi attack and Naruto's 5th birthday. A lot of other villagers just watched it happen not moving a muscle because they didn't care about Naruto because he had the kyuubi sealed inside of him. But no one knows that part everyone just saw Naruto as a monster and nothing else but a monster. Naruto was not a monster he was a kind, loyal idiot that was a uzumaki which made it worse for him as well. Because the uzumaki clan members were killed years ago and their village was destroyed because everyone thought they were to powerful.

How unlucky Naruto was but at the uchiha compound there was another young child that was a little boy but this boy was named sasuke uchiha. Sasuke been through a lot over the past 3 days well his only brother killed there whole clan including there parents and trapped sasuke in a tsukuyomi. But sasuke didn't hate his brother for doing it because he thought it was his fault for causing his brother to go insane but he didn't want to jump to conclusions. Sasuke walked to the river he learned the fireball jutsu from his father when he got there he went onto the dock and sat at the end of it he then looked at his reflection in the water. He kept staring at himself with red bags under his eyes from crying so much from the last 3 days he just kept looking at himself not wanting to be talked to.

Naruto was still running from the villagers then when he thought all hope is lost he found a river with a boy his age on the edge of the dock sitting down. Naruto ran faster and he finally made it to the dock and hid under the stone steps for the villagers and the young boy not to see him. He heard the villagers run past him and the young boy right in front of him the little boy must have heard the villagers because he looked behind him. Naruto got out from under the stone steps and the little boy saw him and was confused of what Naruto was doing there under the steps. Naruto cleared his throat "hi I'm Naruto uzumaki dattebayo" the little boy was confused because he thought that all the uzumakis were dead.

Then the little boy sighed "hi I am sasuke uchiha the brother of itachi uchiha" Naruto was happy meeting someone his age. Naruto sat right by sasuke and he smiled at sasuke with idiotic sunshine smile that he has and sasuke was literally attached and blinded by it. Naruto started asking sasuke questions you would someone like what's your age, birthday, favorite color, animal you know well known questions. Sasuke from meeting Naruto he knew that Naruto was his closest friend and person besides itachi and his parents. Sasuke was happy to have his first friend because he could never make friends because there was mostly fan girls who liked him.

Naruto felt the same way sasuke did because Naruto never had a friend or someone that is nice around him so Naruto even more happy than sasuke was. Naruto and sasuke kept talking on that dock all day and they didn't know it was already midnight until sasuke yawned. Sasuke stood up and Naruto followed him and sasuke said well it was nice meeting you and Naruto replied with you too. Sasuke was about to leave but Naruto took his wrist and said please don't go please sasuke was shocked at first but then he heard Naruto's tone. Sasuke was confused even more because Naruto sounded sad  and sasuke became worried about what was wrong with Naruto.

Naruto let go of sasukes wrist and sasuke turned around and asked what was wrong and Naruto replied with I don't want to be alone again tonight. And sasuke was shocked but then he said something that he was what sasuke said was are you an orphan Naruto was surprised at first but then nodded his head crying a little. Naruto then said with his voice turning raspy I never had parents or friends and also today is my birthday. Sasuke was shocked and felt really guilty for saying that but he calmed down and said I am an orphan too. Naruto was shocked and sasuke looked at him and continued my brother killed are while clan and killed my parents right in front of me.

Naruto felt really bad for sasuke he had to see his own parents die right in front of him by his own brother and Naruto could see sasuke was really hurt by saying this. Naruto went up to sasuke and hugged him and sasuke immediately hugged back a bawling his eyes out in Naruto's neck. Naruto asked if sasuke wanted to go back to his apartment since the compound is still covered with bodies and blood. And sasuke immediately said yes without hesitation and sasuke took his head out of Naruto's shoulder. And Naruto took sasukes hand and walked to Naruto's apartment when they finally arrived sasuke felt really bad for Naruto living in these conditions.

Naruto and sasuke walked to the door and Naruto opened it to reveal a messy room with clothes all over the floor and ramen cups on the kitchen table and counter. Naruto's windows looked like there were just broken and all his clothes on the floor were ripped and burnt. All the furniture that was in there rusted and out dated and the curtains were ripped off and also burnt and there was also beer glass shattered on the floor. The bed was falling apart and the bathroom was so dirty like it hasn't been clean in decades the only thing that was exceptional was the couch. The couch was orange and red color with decent looking blue and purple pillows and the wallpaper was faded and ripped but also exceptional.

Sasuke walked in followed by Naruto sasuke watched Naruto go to the closet and pull out a yellow blanket with a black uzumaki crest on it. Naruto gave it to sasuke and sasuke said no you are sleeping on the couch with me and not the floor. Naruto was shocked that sasuke knew what he was gonna say but nodded in defeat they walked over to the couch. Naruto took one end of the couch and Naruto took the other and sasuke pulled the blanket over both of them. Sasuke cuddled into the blanket and said goodnight Naruto and Naruto replied with goodnight sasuke and they both fell to sleep with smiles on there faces.

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