Don't touch him ever again

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Authors note: I am not finishing my spy xfamily story on here sorry and this is now all anime ships oneshot this one is shanksxbuggy if you don't like this ship don't read it.
Shanks POV~
I was with my crew sailing to laugh tale because I said it was time to find the one piece so I can give the one piece to luffy so he can become pirate king I looked down at the thing I was holding. It was a vivre card it was buggys the one rayleigh gave me to see how buggy is doing Noelle walked up to me and I gave her the vivre card and went to Benn and looked at the sea. I smiled then Noelle said "shanks look at this" I looked at Noelle then I looked at the vivre card and it was burning I looked confused and said "Noelle check what's happening at the cross guild."

Noelle used her mind devil fruit powers to see whatwas going on at the cross guild Noelle turned shocked and I became worried Noelle looked at me and started crying. Noelle finally said "he is dying mihawk, crocodile and Zoey are hurting him" I turned shocked then I got angry then I screamed "change of plan were going to cross guild" everyone got scared but then they all said "yes captain." Then the ship turned went towards cross guild to save buggy from those pricks Noelle looked at my face which was angry but she knew why I was so she looked back at the sea.

At the cross guild~
Buggys POV~
I can't believe none of them are listening to me there hurting me and it hurts like hell then Zoey walked up to me and said "this is what you deserve buggy I don't know what my girlfriend sees in you." I replied with "Noelle is nice to everyone even Karen's like you Zoey" Zoey turned mad and said "how dare you say that to me you ungrateful clown." I grin and I say "you know it's true you are dating a girl with a heart of gold while you have a heart that is dark and not gold" she got even more mad and mihawk blocked both of us with his sword.

Mihawk sighed and said "stop irritating her buggy and stop irritating him Zoey" we just stayed quiet then Zoey left to see if anyone was coming here from the ocean I sighed and said "mihawk cmon free me." He just glared at me and said "no she was right you deserve this" I turned angry but before I could say anything Zoey screamed a pirate ship was coming crocodile immediately got up. Mihawk cut my chains and I walked outside with crocodile and mihawk and they both turned scared and in shock including Zoey I was surprised because it was shanks and Noelle and their crew.

Shanks pov~
I arrived and saw buggy in chains and all bloody I turned angry Noelle grabbed my wrist I looked back at her and she smiled and nodded I smiled back and nodded she let go of me and I looked back at them and gave a death stare. They all turned scared except buggy who was still surprised I walked down the stairs and Noelle followed me mihawk jumped down and said "what are you doing here red hair" still a little scared. I disappeared they all took fighting stance except buggy I appeared right in front of buggy and they all looked back at us buggy was confused and still surprised.

I grabbed my sword and cut the handcuffs on buggy's hands and they all turned surprised Noelle appeared right next to me then she healed buggy with her devil fruit ability. I turned around and glared at all of them and said "don't touch him ever again" I then kneeled to buggy and hugged him he was shocked but then he hugged back. Noelle stood up and saw Zoey looking at the floor in shame Noelle walked over to her and said "Zoey I know you did terrible things to my friend but you are still my girlfriend so I will give you another chance."

Zoey was shocked but then smiled and hugged Noelle i smiled and said "let's go buggy and Zoey" they both nodded and followed me and Noelle to the ship I looked back and did a middle finger at them. I walked onto the ship with the others and said "let's go to laugh tale" then the ship sailed away from the cross guild I walked to the front and buggy walked next to me. Zoey and Noelle just stood behind us holding hands Noelle was also keeping an eye on buggy to see if anything bad happens again to him.

I was happy that I got have my friend right by my side so we can find the one piece together Noelle was also happy that she got to sail with her girlfriend again after years of being apart. Me and buggy look at each other then looked back at the sea for our journey to get the one piece begins I mean it has always been our journey to get the one piece. Mostly for our old captain Cold d roger to honor him at least after a lot things happened we finally get to find the one piece together again after years of being apart.

Noelle POV~
I am glad to have my girlfriend right next to me as we sail to get the one piece and give it to luffy so he can live his dream and also so we can honor gol d roger. I was mostly happy for shanks and buggy that they can be brothers again and finish their dream to get the one piece together they both seemed happy too. I looked at Zoey then looked back at the sea and knew what was coming on our journey to get the one piece and give it to luffy so he can become pirate king and that sounds great to all of us.
The end

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