Obikaka/kakaobi part 2

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Author pov~
This is the part 2 to the obikaka one shot I made in this part it is gonna start with the four hokage being reincarnated to fight in the war against madara but they don't know it's madara yet. Before I start this story I am working on this story during school hours and i also have been sick for three weeks with the flu so I have been writing books while having the flu. But anyways let's start let story because I have been waiting forever to write this I haven't had time to write this but know I do so let's start the story.
No one's pov~
Orichimaru just brought back all the dead hokages and his students we're watching him sasuke was in his emo phase but then turned shocked because he saw his dad aka the first hokage. Hashirama looked at orichimaru then his son sasuke walked over to hashirama and hashirama crouched and sasuke hugged hashirama and hashirama hugged back. Everyone was watching sasuke and hashirama have a father and son reunion minato the fourth hokage said your Naruto's friend sasuke right. Sasuke released the hug with his father and hashirama stood up both looking at minato and sasuke said how do you know Naruto. Minato replied with I'm his father sasuke was shocked he knew his father was the first hokage but Naruto's father is the fourth.

Sasuke nodded minato asked why are we back anyways sasuke sighed and said my father madara started a war and tried killing me and mashi. Hashirama turned from nice mother mode to I wanna beat my husband up mode or the real name we know it is the kushina mode. Minato was even more scared of hashirama than his own wife because he was not expecting the first hokage to be scary like that. Hashirama like a blink of light left the room and tobirama said well madara is gonna die in five seconds or maybe ten if he is lucky. Hashirama arrived at the battlefield and Naruto was scared and surprised to see lord first being in his moms mode.

Madara felt familiar chakra and he looked behind him and he saw hashirama but scarier and madara was scared but happy to see him. Madara cleared his throat and said it's about damn time I have been waiting hashirama my beautiful husband. Hashirama calmed down and blushed after hearing the complaint from his husband then he sighed and said why did you hurt our son and daughter. Madara sighed and said I didn't obito did and he is not here he is with his boyfriend in hidden mist village right now. Hashirama replied with ok madara why did you start a war anyways did you miss me that much you started a war to bring me back to life.

Then hashirama and madara both saw kamui and obito appeared holding a sleeping kakashi hashirama screamed obitos name and that scream woke up kakashi. And obito accidentally dropped kakashi at the same time when kakashi woke up hashirama then said sorry obi and obis boyfriend for scaring you. Obito and kakashi immediately blushed and obito said dad he is not my boyfriend hashirama smirked and said not yet but he will be. Kakashi became so red and obito felt embarrassed because of his dad teasing him hashirama laughed and said I was joking obito you don't need to be embarrassed son. Hashirama calmed down from laughing and smiled at his son then tobirama came and had relief of his face and said at least you didn't kill him brother.

Madara replied with ya I barely did madara remembered something and he walked over to someone that tobirama and hashirama couldn't see. They heard a loud gasp and the person ran out of the shadows and it was izuna madaras brother. Hashirama and tobirama were shocked to see izuna again because it has been so long since tobirama killed izuna. Izuna ran right to tobirama and hugged him which surprised tobirama but he hugged back because he did miss izuna. Then like a flash of light minato came Naruto's dad Naruto happily said dad minato looked at his son and said am I late.

Naruto sighed and said no you are not dad you are right on time minato nodded and said oh happy birthday Naruto and I have a present for you it should be coming. Naruto was surprised but nodded and sakura finished healing naruto and she said she had to see if sai and Yamato are all right so she said bye and left. Then sasuke dropped down with hiruzen beside him and hiruzen saw tsuande and he went to her and Naruto looked at sasuke and said sasuke at the same time. Sasuke looked around and said Naruto minato looked at both of them and then smiled and picked up sasuke and said happy birthday Naruto. Naruto and sasuke were both confused then sasuke got it because he was the gift to Naruto Naruto looked at his dad then he got it sasuke was his gift for his birthday.

Naruto said thx dad for the gift and minato replied with your welcome my son minato put down sasuke and pushed him to Naruto. They both fell over and Naruto was under sasuke while sasuke was on top of him and sasuke got out of Naruto's chest and looked at Naruto. Naruto looked at sasuke too and then Naruto smiled at sasuke and sasuke just blushed in return and Naruto saw it ofc. Naruto pulled sasuke down and Naruto kissed on the lips there first real kiss and not accidental sasuke was shocked but then kissed back. Minato walked away from the two lovebirds that were making out right now and minato walked over to hiruzen and tsuande and started talking to them.

Obito and kakashi watched obitos parents and izuna and tobirama being all lovey dovey to each other and then kakashi looked at his two students sasuke and Naruto. And he was shocked to see them making out and kakashi felt like a third wheel right now kakashi and obito were standing there looking at all the couples being in love. Obito then thought of something or someone and that person was kakashi obito sighed and walked closer to kakashi and kamui him and kakashi to the pocket dimension. Kakashi was confused but knew why obito did it to get away from all that romance on the battlefield right now. Obito looked at kakashi and he took off kakashis mask and kissed him kakashi was surprised but kissed him back, the war turned from fighting to romance just like that and everyone was happy about that.
The end maybe or finally idk yet~

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