Spy x family obikaka edition

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Author pov~
This story is like spy x family but obikaka version this idea has been in my brain for months so it's like spy x family but it is a gay marriage and not straight.
Loid/twilight is obito.
Yor/thorn princess is kakashi.
Anya/subject 007 is me yes me.
I heard the fan song for spy x family i immediately thought of kakashi because he was in the anbu but enough of the explanation let's start on the story.
In a world their is two nations at war with each other in order to maintain the state of peace between the rival nations of westalis and ostania, a spy agency named wise sent there best spy a westalian agent code-named "tobi." This spy has to "build a family" to execute his mission, what will happen when the boy he meets and marry is an assassin code-named "hound" and a girl that is a telepath you will have to find out. Tobi is on a train and just got his next mission which is the operation strix where he has to "build a family" first he has to get a home then he has to adopt a child then he to look for a spouse to start the mission.

Obito/tobi pov~
I looked at the apartment it was a good enough home for a family so I actually can complete this mission without a problem I looked at the owner and smiled and said "this apartment will be perfect for my spouse and child." The buyer smiled and said "great the paperwork is on the table and also great choice for kids" I nodded and sat down on the couch and signed the paperwork for the apartment. I walked over to the owner and handed him the paperwork and I walked out of the apartment building to the adoption center to firstly adopt a child so I can get a child out of the way.

I found a an adoption center that looked terrible and would make a great excuse so I can adopt a child faster I knocked on the door and the owner opened it and he looked drunk I said "hi I am here to adopt" he nodded and told me to follow him. I followed him and saw how terrible the adoption center looked I said "I want a child that can read and write if that's possible" the man nodded and opened a door and said "Noelle is the smartest kid we have." I looked at the girl she had black hair and blueish greenish eyes she looked young four maybe five years old the girl said "six I am six" she is six she looks to short to be six she then ran to a paper and it showed a crossword puzzle.

I smiled and she solved it she is perfect she can get into Eden college easily with her intellect I looked at the owner and said "I will take her" and he said "ok I will get her paperwork so you can adopt her" I nodded and he left. He came back with the paperwork and I signed my name which is now obito uchiha a physical therapist and a family guy I gave the owner the paperwork back and Noelle got her stuffed animal and followed me. Me and Noelle got to the apartment building and said "we are here Noelle" she nodded and followed me everything is going according to plan to execute the mission I  just need a spouse.

When we finally got to the apartment I opened the door and Noelle walked in and he immediately shined bright and she said "this my house" I nodded and she ran around looking at everything in the home I smiled this has to be the first time I ever showed feelings. I grabbed my coat and my hat and put it on and Noelle ran to me and said "where are you going daddy" I smiled at her and said "out" she smiled and said "can I go" I just nodded. We walked together and she was holding my hand because she didn't want to get hurt we walked and she wants a poster so bought it for her then we went to the store and she grabbed chocolate bars.

I bought all the food so I can make her dinner and I held her because she was tired so I let her sleep while I went to the bookstore and grabbed books for parenting then we arrived home and put Noelle in bed. Then I put all the food away and put the books on the table and I sat down and read how to be a parent it takes trust to earn a kids trust is the first thing to be a good parent. I put the book down and grabbed all the books and put them in my room then I closed my door and went into my bed and went to sleep tomorrow I had to see a friend and Noelle was gonna when I am out.

The next day~
Still obito/tobis pov~
I got up and made breakfast and set up the table then noelle came in all dressed she walked to the table and sat down and I gave her food and she started eating I smiled then I sat down and ate my food. I finished and put my plate in the sick I then walked to the door and put on my coat and hay and said "I need to do some errands and Noelle while I am gone can you study" she was confused but nodded and I walked out the door. When I got to the shop that says tobacco I heard "hey tobi over here" I walked over it was my friend deidara he smiled and put down the application letter to Eden college I said "thx" and I picked it up and put it in my pocket.

Deidara smiled and said "your welcome and here this is information about the girl you adopted she has been adopted four times and brought back three times" I grabbed the paper and looked at it and deidara was right. Deidara sighed and said "you really need a spouse tobi or should I say obito because this girl needs one" I replied with "after Noelle takes the test and we get the results I will look for one deidara." He just nodded and I said bye to deidara and left to go get some stuff for Noelle for her room I then walked to go back home when I opened the door I walked in and saw Noelle reading a book she is smart for her age.

I said "tomorrow is your test are you ready" she closed her book and nodded at me and said "yep I promise I will do my best at passing daddy" i nodded that means tomorrow I will start finding a spouse after the test and if she passes or not. I cooked dinner and we ate and I told her we had to wake up early for the test and she nodded and we both we went to our rooms and closed the doors I walked to my chair and grabbed the one of the books a started reading. The next day came and i made breakfast and Noelle was already at the table I walked over to her a put the food down in front of her and she grabbed her fork and started eating her breakfast.

I sat down and started eating too when i finished then Noelle did we put our plates in the sink and we went to our rooms and got dressed then we left to go to the testing building. We arrived to the testing building and then all the kids started the test while the parents watched I know she will pass because I have my full faith in her the yes ended and the results were posted. Me and Noelle arrived to the passing students boards and looked for her number and then I saw it and I picked her up and said "you passed" she said "I passed" we both smiled and I fell on the ground.

She said "daddy you ok" I said "I am fine" I got up and we walked to the tailor because we needed new clothes for the interview and I need to find a spouse so we can actually succeed the interview. When we arrived there the two ladies were already married the front desk lady said "what may I help you with" I smiled and said "we need formal attire for an interview" the lady nodded and grabbed noelles hand. She smiled and said "we need to make measurements if that's ok" I nodded and they both left then the lady said "hello kakashi" I looked next to me how did I not see him walk in the door.

He smiled and said "good I just need you to fix this" he then brought out a formal guard suit I looked over and he saw me look at him and he blushed I smiled and blushed a little. The man's name is kakashi hatake he works at city hall which is quite useful then Noelle ran up to us and said "daddy I got my measurements done" I nodded and said "ok when are outfits gonna be done?" The lady smiled and said "in a few days I can get them done" I nodded and the man said "um may I ask a favor" I looked at him and nodded and he said "I need to go to a party on Saturday with a spouse but I don't have one can you be my spouse."

I smiled and said "sure what time is the party" he smiled and said "8:30" I nodded and Noelle said "is this my papa" we both blushed and I said "no I mean never mind cmon we have to go grocery shopping to get you more chocolate bars." Noelle nodded and grabbed my hand I smiled and said "well bye and see you at the party tomorrow " he smiled back and said "bye" me and Noelle left the tailors to go to the grocery store to get food for tomorrow. We arrived at the grocery store and we walked in and Noelle ran to candy isle and I just grabbed a cart and followed her and she put chocolate bars into the cart I sighed and said "Noelle tomorrow you are gonna have a baby sitter because I am going out."

Cliffhanger I know this is such a long story but I promise there will be a part coming up I promise.

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