Captains orders-zosan

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Me: zoro cannot see Sanjis blush btw.
Zoro POV~
I was in the kitchen with rest of the crew eating then I heard luffy say "hey zoro you'll follow any of my orders, right zoro?" I looked up and said "don't know why asking this now." I sighed and continued "but yes luffy I am loyal to you and will do whatever you need me to do" luffy replied "great" then his smiled dropped and he became more determined and said "kiss sanji on the lips." Everyone turned shocked including me and sanji I then said "what?" luffy immediately replied with "you heard me kiss sanji on the lips zoro" I looked over at sanji who looked flabbergasted.

He looked back at me and furrowed his eyes and said "zoro don't you dare!" I looked back at luffy then I closed my eyes and smiled then laughed and looked back at sanji with a grin and a smirk. I then said "captain's orders, man" I then got up and said "come here, curly brows" he immediately panicked and said "oh no, no, no, no, no." Sanji ran and I chased after him and everyone was watching some in pure shock except Nami and usopp because they just smirked and laughed at us I was still chasing after sanji.

Sanji locked himself in the bathroom I got out my swords and broke the door open sanji was about to go but I quickly closed the door and pinned him to the door. Sanji blushed and said "zoro what are you doing?" I smirked more and said "I am doing the captains orders" he then blushed more and said "well it's disgusting we are both men and I like women." I sighed and said "it's just a kiss it will not be long and it's captains orders" he sighed and just nodded then said "fine but make it quick" I nodded and smiled.

I leaned down to sanjis lips and kissed him he waited for my lips to get off his I bit his lips he was shocked I could feel it he then moaned and I immediately entranced his mouth and started making out with him. Sanji wrapped his arms around my neck and was enjoying the kiss we parted away from the kiss I smirked at him he immediately turned bright red. Sanji unwrapped his hands and said "ok you can let go of me since you already did Captain orders Marimo" I sighed and let go of him and he walked out of the bathroom still blushing.

I will admit it I do have a crush on the love cook ever since we left water 7 I can't stop my feelings for him he is so perfect with his golden hair with greyish blueish eyes. But the two things that are unique is his swirly eyebrows and his smile which he does alot I don't know why but I notice he cares alot about the crew then himself I mean he is kindhearted to everyone we meet. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom and walked outside and saw luffy and usopp fishing, robin and chopper playing chess, Nami sitting down looking at her map.

I then heard banging noises and knew it was Franky I walked into the kitchen and I didn't see the cook I was confused I then walked to the boys bedroom to find him making everyone's bed. I was confused why is he making the beds then I saw him get a basket and fill it with dirty clothes and blankets I ran when I saw him getting the basket and turning towards the door. I saw sanji walk out with a laundry basket in his hands I followed him to the laundry room and saw him doing the laundry then I realized sanji is the one who cleans the laundry in the boys room.

I know robin does the girls cause I saw her multiple times in the laundry room I didn't know who did the boys until now it was sanji I heard someone coming and immediately hid. Then I saw chopper running in the laundry and then he said "mama do you have my cotton candy" I was confused but then I heard sanji say "I will make it after I am done with this load ok." I was shocked chopper calls sanji mama then I heard chopper say "yay thanks mama" then chopper left the laundry I smiled then I walked past the laundry room and sanji saw me.

I heard him say "zoro" I stopped and looked at him and said "yeah" he blushed and said "um can you not tell the crew about chopper calling me mom he just started calling me that because robin said I am like a mother figure to the crew." I just nodded and then I felt an arm on my wrist it was sanji who dragged me into the laundry room then closed the door and said "zoro can I do something that was not captains orders." I was confused but just nodded and said "sure as long as it doesn't effect the crew" sanji nodded and stepped closer to me I knew what he doing so immediately took his waist and kissed him on the lips.

He slowly melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around my neck we both released from the kiss then we heard giggling we turned our heads and saw usopp and Nami staring at us. Sanji blushed and I just laughed then I saw Nami become mad and give usopp money and I knew they bid on people I didn't think they bid on me and sanji being which we are not we just kissed well I think we are not dating. I sighed and I let go of sanji and walked out of the laundry passing Nami and usopp who were still giggling  about me and sanji kissing I walked up to the crowd nest and started my daily training again.
The end I think do you guys a part 2 of this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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