Tobiizu/izutobi one shot

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Author pov~
Before we start the story this is a part 2 to the hashimada story I did in the last part this story is where tobirama brought back madara  and izuna and also i got this idea from another creator that who actually follows me so please don't hate me but this story is actually an original made by me but the idea of the story is from someone else so please don't hate me anyways let's start the story.
No one pov~
Tobirama was going back to the graveyard after he told hashirama what he saw his wife doing and to tell him to go to his house. Tobirama told his brother his brother to go to his house because he was gonna bring back hashiramas best friend/crush madara. And madaras brother/tobiramas crush izuna so hashirama would not be sad anymore and to divorce his wife because tobirama saw hashirama was not happy with her. Tobirama wanted his brother to be happy so he was gonna make it happen at any cost even if he had to die or he had to be treated badly by everyone. Tobirama did not care as long his brother was happy and everyone loved him that all that matters to tobirama.

Tobirama kept walking and he finally made it to the graveyard he walked over to madaras grave and right beside his was izunas. Tobirama did the hand signs and summoned two stone coffins and they both opened and dust came out with light around it. And one person came out of both coffins they had cracks on there face but it went away quickly along with the black eyes. And there eyes turned into black normal human eyes one of them looked like hashiramas age and the other looked like tobiramas age. Tobirama was surprised that the jutsu worked he knew he was but not that smart like his father was but that doesn't matter right now.

Madara and izuna looked at each other and smiled and then looked at there surroundings to see where they are and who brought them back. They were at a graveyard and right in front of there graves and they saw tobirama sitting there with a scroll in his hands looking at them. Izuna stared at tobirama then looked at his brother and then tobirama stood up and said I brought you guys back for hashirama. Madaras face turned into worry madara asked what happened to hashirama tobirama looked at him then sighed. Tobirama said he hasn't been sleeping lately because of your death madara his wife won't help him and now we know why.

Madara and izuna were confused and then tobirama continued saying his wife is cheating on him with three different guys. Madara was furious he wanted to kill hashiramas wife and izuna was mad but not as mad as madara was. Tobirama then said hashirama is at my house if you wanna see him madara because I sent him there and madara calmed down after hearing that. Madara said thank you then left izuna and tobirama alone and izuna asked how are you tobirama and tobirama replied with stressed but fine. And izuna smiled then he looked around and saw a cafe by the bar that was still open and izuna looked tobirama then sighed.

Izuna asked do you want to get a drink at the cafe over there by the bar and tobirama was looking where izuna was pointing to and then he looked back at izuna and nodded his head. Then tobirama and izuna walked over to the cafe and tobirama completely forgot about the scrolls that he had with him. They reached the cafe and tobirama opened the door for izuna and izuna replied with a thank you and they both sat down at one of the open tables. And the waitress came over to ask what they wanted to drink and they ordered and the waitress said one moment then left. Tobirama was looking at the cafe menu then he felt eyes on him he looked up from his menu and it was izuna staring at him with a smirk on his face.

Then izuna gave tobirama a closed eye smile which made tobirama get flustered a little and izuna looked at tobirama then smiled and then he chuckled a little at tobirama. Then the waitress came back with our drinks and then asked what they wanted to eat and they ordered then the waitress grabbed there menus then left. And tobirama started drinking his milk iced coffee and izuna also started drinking his hot chocolate. Then izuna started talking about what happened in the after life when he was dead and tobirama also started talking about what happened after izunas death. They were talking and laughing then the waitress came back and brought there food and said hope you enjoy your meal and left.

Tobirama and izuna started digging into their food and they didn't talk for the rest of the dinner then the waitress came back and gave them the check and then left again. Tobirama payed because izuna just got back from the dead so he had no money so tobirama left and gave the check to the waitress. And tobirama saw izuna waiting for him at the door and so tobirama said thank you and goodbye and he walked to the door where izuna was at. Izuna saw him and opened the door and tobirama said thank you and walked out followed by izuna and the door closed behind him. Tobirama walked back to the graveyard and grabbed his scrolls he forgot and izuna said that's a beautiful sunset.

Tobirama looked up and saw the sunset he have to agree with izuna that is a beautiful sunset and then tobirama looked back at izuna and smiled. Izuna walked over to tobirama and returned the smile and they both looked at the sunset together. And then izuna grabbed tobiramas hand and tobirama squeezed izunas hand tighter they looked at each other smiling then back at the sunset. They both were happy to have finally fixed there bond and now they can finally not fight with each other in war anymore. They both sat down and kept looking the sunset that turned into stars and it was a beautiful and perfect night because they had each other by there side once again.
The end finally~

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