The god of the seas and the god of flames and destruction part 2

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The next day~
Everything felt so peaceful now that the war was over everyone was getting along and happy hashirama the king of the light gods already removed the border that separated their lands. Everyone was going back to the land they once were except for madara and tobirama because they are not lovers anymore so they have a lot to talk about of what happened over the years. Tobirama was in his library trying to find a element book until he was interrupted by someone saying "the element book is on the next book case tobi."

Tobirama looked behind him and he saw madara sitting on the couch that was in the middle of the room near the computer to find books, tobirama sighed and walked to the next book case. And he scanned the shelves and then he found the book he was looking for tobirama then walked over to madara and sat down next to him and started reading the book. Madara sighed and then he layed his head on tobiramas lap and then he went to sleep, tobirama looked down and saw madara and gently started running his fingers through madaras hair.

Tobirama looked back at his book and started reading again they were like this for an hour until madara woke up and saw tobirama almost done with his book and also he noticed tobirama was shaking a little. Madara got up and snatched the book out of tobiramas hands and tobirama got mad and said "why did you do that I was almost finished reading that" madara then threw the book on the floor. And tobirama got even more mad and said "why did you do that, that book was a really expensive and excellent book" madara grabbed tobiramas collar and pulled him to him.

Madara then kissed tobirama and tobirama was shocked but then he kissed back and then tobirama wrapped his arms around madaras neck madara then bit tobiramas lip. After madara did that tobirama activated his power and created a tsunami behind him madara became scared and stopped the kiss and said "dear I am sorry I should have asked you beforehand." Then tobirama calmed down and then the tsunami went away and then tobirama put his head in madaras chest and madara just hugged tobirama and said "are you mad at me still."

Tobirama just sighed and said "no I am not but never do that again without asking me" madara just replied with "I promise I won't do it again" tobirama lifted his head up and smiled at madara. Madara smiled back then obito and kakashi teleported in the room and they looked at both madara and tobirama who were sitting on the couch together in each other's arms. Obito was shocked but then said "are we interrupting something" madara replied with "no you didn't so what do you want obi" obito smiled and said "nothing I am just giving kakashi a tour around the house" madara just nodded and smiled at his son.

Then obito and kakashi teleported out of the room and tobirama said "madara can we go to the bedroom" madara looked at tobirama and said "why" tobirama blushed and hid his face in madaras chest. Madara was confused but then he knew what tobi wanted and he just sighed and teleported them to the bedroom on the bed tobirama looked up and said "madara" madara smiled and said "we are not having sex but I want you too sleep because you look tired." Tobirama smiled and said "thank you madara" madara put the blanket over them then he turned off the light and pulled tobirama to his chest and then tobirama started snoring that was saying he was in deep sleep.

Madara sighed and put his face in tobiramas hair which actually smelled nice it smelled like blueberry mixed with lavender and it was also soft and that is what made madaras eyes droopy and heavy. Madara yawned then he went to sleep then hashirama teleported in the room and saw them and he smiled because they finally are back together again. Then someone said "hello hashirama" hashirama looked behind him and saw izuna madaras brother the brother who brought war to the kingdoms.

Hashirama became mad and then he teleported him and izuna to his office  and then he said "what are you doing here" izuna smiled and said "can't I see my brother and his husband." Hashirama became even more mad and said "so you now care about my brother" izuna smiled even more and said "someone's mad but" izuna walked over to hashirama and whispered into his ear and said "I like that." Hashirama blushed and said "I have a wife and you know that izuna" izuna sighed and said "you know she is cheating on you" hashirama sighed and said "I know she is but I am not gonna cheat on her with you."

Izuna backed away and bowed and said "I am really sorry for what I have done to both of these kingdoms and I promise you I will apologize to my brother and his husband for my actions." Izuna was starting to cry because he really was sorry it took him a while to realize he messed up big time and he wants to apologize and amend it, hashirama was shocked. Hashirama then calmed down and smiled and started crying and then hashirama said "I forgive you and thank you for finally amending your mistakes" izuna looked up at hashirama and ran to him and hugged him.

Hashirama smiled and hugged back then madara teleported into the room with tobirama they smiled but then they turned shocked when they saw izuna hugging hashirama. Hashirama looked at them and izuna backed away from the hug and looked at madara and tobirama who were stunned and angry that izuna was back and was hugging hashirama. Hashirama smiled and said "brother, madara pls listen to what izuna wants to say pls" izuna sighed and walked over to madara and tobirama and bowed to them. They were both confused but then izuna started saying "I am so sorry for what I did to you and your life's I am so sorry I want to amend it and apologize for my actions I am really sorry." Madara smiled and so did tobirama and they both hugged izuna who just hugged them back and then hashirama walked over and joined the hug and finally the world was at peace and will never go into war ever again.
The end finally.

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