Why are you being nice to this monster?

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There was a little boy with gorgeous golden blonde hair that was fluffy and soft, he had almost diamond blue eyes that would sparkle up the night sky on a beautiful night. He had vanilla pale skin with three little whiskers on each side of his cheeks that made him look like a cute kitten that you want to cuddle with. The little boy was wearing a tan shirt with black stretch pants, the little boy was always wearing a smile on his face even though this little boy was a orphan. The little boy only was an orphan but what people called him was a monster because he had the nine tailed beast sealed inside of him. It wasn't the little boy's fault it was his fathers because he sealed the beast inside of him because he had no choice he had to protect his village.

And the little boy knew that his dad had a reason to put it into him but he still he thinks he doesn't deserve to be treated like this. The little boy was abused by the villagers and also treated terribly by the kids and teachers at the academy. Just because he had the nine tails sealed in him and also because he was a uzumaki yes uzumaki he is the last uzumaki that's what he thinks. The little boy always went on the swing that's at the academy and that's where he was right now on the swing. The little boys name was easy to remember for him at least his name was Naruto uzumaki.

Naruto was swinging on the swing alone thinking about why did the whole village hate him for something that was sealed in him that wasn't his choice to have. Naruto looked ahead and saw all the children and their families laughing and having a great time with each other then there was Naruto all alone on a swing. Until a little boy with midnight black hair styled of what looks like a ducks butt the little boy had ghost pale skin with deep black eyes that anyone could be sucked into. The little boy was wearing a bluish turtleneck shirt with white shorts, the little boy walked up to Naruto who was swinging on the swing. Naruto stopped swinging once he saw the little boy that was around his age staring at him and Naruto smiled brightly like an idiot and said "hi."

The little was silent for a little bit until he replied with "hello" the little boy's voice was soft that Naruto almost couldn't hear him. Naruto smiled at the little boy's adorable nature and then Naruto said "my name is Naruto uzumaki what is yours." The little boy stared at him because he knows about the uzumaki clan being the longest living clan and with the most chakra. The little cleared his throat and said "my name is sasuke uchiha" sasukes voice was still so soft to hear but Naruto heard what sasuke said loud and clear. Naruto smiled and sasuke stared at him and then he smiled a small smile but that's ok with Naruto as long he can make someone smile that's all he ever wanted.

Sasuke was about to say something to Naruto but then a teacher screamed at everyone and said "kids go to the playground for recess please." All the kids ran to the playground while the parents said bye to there kids and left, Naruto and sasuke were still at the swing. Sasuke sighed and said"do you want to play with me at the playground for recess because no one wants to be my friend because I am a uchiha." Naruto looked at sasuke in shock because Naruto found someone that also doesn't have friends to hang out with and have around. Naruto went from shocked to excited and jumped off the swing and took sasukes hand and ran to the playground while dragging sasuke.

Sasuke was surprised but then he giggled because he was adored by Naruto's idiot mind and also by Naruto's go lucky personality. Naruto and sasuke arrived to the playground Naruto is still holding sasukes hand Naruto turned his head to sasuke. And then Naruto said "so what do you wanna do first sasuke" Naruto smiled his same idiotic smile that sasuke also adored. Sasuke gave Naruto a small smile and replied with "we can try tag if you want too" Naruto smiled and nodded and then dragged sasuke again to some where open to do tag. Naruto tagged sasuke and said "your it teme" then Naruto ran and sasuke ran after him trying to tag him.

A group of kids that we're playing hide and seek together saw Naruto and sasuke playing together and they wanted to stop it. Sasuke tagged Naruto and said "your it you dobe" then sasuke started running and Naruto raced after him. Then when Naruto almost tagged sasuke he tripped and fell on sasuke they both fell on the ground and looked at each other then they started laughing. They were laughing together until a group of kids walked up to them so they stopped laughing and stood up and was about ask what did they want. But before they could one of them said "why are you being nice to this monster of a person sasuke~san?"

The kid that said this was a pink haired girl with green eyes named sakura haruno and sasuke already knew she was one of his fan girls and also he knew she was not a good person. Sasuke sighed and put his hand in front of Naruto and said "because he is my friend and that's what friends do they be nice to one another." The kids and Naruto were speechless but sasuke didn't care so he kept talking " no matter what i will always be nice to him." Naruto was about to speak but was cut off by sasuke still talking "you can't call yourself a friend or person unless your nice to people sakura." Sakura was starting to cry and sasuke kept talking "and I don't see him as monster not at all the only monsters I see is all of you mostly you sakura."

Sakura was crying and all the kids were crying then they all ran away and the whole time Naruto was shocked and he was also crying. Sasuke turned to. Naruto and was confused of why Naruto was crying Naruto hugged sasuke tightly and kept saying "thank you." Sasuke hugged Naruto back and said "your welcome" Naruto let go of sasuke and turned around and put sasuke hands around his neck. And then he picked sasukes legs up because he wanted to give sasuke a piggyback ride. Sasuke pouted and pointed the direction to his house cause it was home time then Naruto ran the direction sasuke was pointing. Naruto was laughing and then sasuke laughed as well they both again were laughing together.

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