Hashimada/madahashi oneshot

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No one pov~
Hashirama was depressed but not like he always is he had no light in his eyes and he looked really lost like he is something or someone in his life. Hashirama was sad because he just killed his own best friend and tobirama kept saying it was not his fault. Someone controlled or poisoned hashirama but he didn't listen to his brother he knew it was true but he still blamed himself for it. Hashirama already finished all of his paperwork and he already told tobirama he would go home now. And that's what hashirama was doing he was walking to his house to see his kids and wife he did love his kids but not his wife.

Hashirama arrived at the door to his house and unlocked it and opened it then he saw his kids running to him in tears which confused him. Hashirama asked what was wrong and both there kids said that there mom hit them with a rope and let's just say hashirama will kill his wife for this. Hashirama asked where mama was and they both said she went to the bar and hashirama sighed in frustration and looked at his children. His two children loved him and hated there mother mito but he also hated her so win win situation for them. Hashirama has one boy and one girl the boys name was hoki and the girls was hope they were both smart and kind just like hashirama.

Hoki had hashiramas brown hair while hope had her mothers hair which she hated because she didn't like the color on her. Hashirama looked at hoki and hope and both there tummies rumbled signing they were hungry and hashirama sighed and stood up. Hashirama walked to the kitchen and put on an apron and started cooking dinner since it was 6:55 pm and it was time to make dinner anyways. Hoki and hope sat at the kitchen island watching there dad cook there favorite food miso ramen with eggplant and mushrooms. Hashirama finished cooking and gave both his children there ramen and they both said thank you and went to the dining room table.

While hashirama was preparing his dinner and mito why is he doing this for his wife to be nice and not acting rude. Then when hashirama was finished preparing both his and mitos dinner his children came running in and both put there empty bowls in the sink. Then they stopped and both bowed and said thank you for the food then the both turned around and sprinted to there room. Hashirama just smiled and chuckled a little at his kid's behavior hashirama put mitos dinner in the microwave. And then he grabbed his ramen and sat on one of the kitchen island chairs and ate his dinner in peace until there was a knock on the door.

Hashirama sighed and got up and walked to the door and opened to reveal his brother tobirama and he was surprised to see his brother this late at night. Hashirama invited tobirama inside and tobirama walked to the living room couch and sat down which hashirama thought that was kinda weird. Because hashirama knew his brother like the back of his hand hashirama knew tobirama would always says hi even when he is angry. But this time tobirama did not say anything and hashirama knew something was on his mind and this concerned hashirama to no end. Tobirama sighed and looked at his brother and said sorry brother I came to your house unattended but I saw mito cheating on you at the bar.

Hashirama was shocked at first but was confused because what was tobirama doing at a bar and also why did mito cheat on him with another man. Hashirama was angry at his wife for cheating on him but why that was the question that hashirama was questioning and why was tobirama at the bar. Hashirama asked why were you at the bar tobirama was shocked but then calmed down and said I wasn't I was at the graveyard near the bar window. Hashirama was now wondering why his brother was at a graveyard but didn't want to say anything else to his brother. Tobirama left and said to meet him at his house right now because he has to do something real quick.

Hashirama was confused but didn't want to ask then he heard the door close and that means tobirama left hashirama went back to eating his dinner. When he finished he put it in the sink and then he put on his shoes and then opened the door and walked out shutting the door behind him. Hashirama walked to his brothers house which was four houses down from his own house when hashirama got there he opened the door and went in. He did not know what could be in there waiting for him or who could be waiting for him hashirama closed the door behind him. He took off his shoes and walked around to find tobirama hashirama shouted out his brother's name multiple times.

Hashirama kept looking in every room to find his brother when hashirama got to the guest room the last room of the house that he has not looked. Hashirama opened the door to see a man with black spikes hair and with pale skin wearing a uchiha clan kimono that was grey in color. Hashirama wondered who this was until he knew when this person turned around saying you look the same as always. It was madara, hashirama was so confused that his best friend/childhood crush was standing right in front of him alive. Hashirama started crying but brushed away his tear's off his face and madara walked over to hashirama and hugged him and hashirama immediately hugged back.

Madara looked at hashirama and grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss hashirama was surprised he wanted to let go of the kiss. Because he had a wife and kids but he remembered she cheated on him so he gave in and kissed back they pulled back. And hashirama pulled madara into another hug and madara hugged back and they stayed with each other all night happy to see each other again.

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