The god of the seas and the god of flames and destruction

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Obikaka and madatobi story~

There was two lands that were divided the kingdom of the light gods and the kingdom of the dark gods these kingdoms were both at war with each other. But before these kingdoms lived in harmony because the sea god and the flame and destruction god we're married and had kids together. But the brother to the flame and destruction god destroyed the kingdom of the light gods and that is the reason for the war. Because of a brother who broken his brothers relationship with his husband by destroying his kingdom so he can have his brother to himself. But something happens when two new gods meet each other and instantly fall in love with each other but there from the opposite kingdom.

One of them was named kakashi hatake the god who is in training to be the new god of the seas kakashi is the god of lightning and almost the seas. And the other one was named obito uchiha the new god of flames and training to be the god of destruction. They were both in love with each other they would always meet at the border to talk to each other they never told anyone about each other to anyone. Until the god of the seas tobirama senju noticed that kakashi was acting weird and also madara uchiha the god of flames and destruction also noticed that obito was also acting weird. So both of them followed them to where they we're going and it was the border they got there and they saw obito and kakashi laughing with each other having a good time talking to each other.

Madara sighed and walked out of the bushes and said "obito you are in so much trouble" obito and kakashi looked at madara with surprise look on their faces. Tobirama was also shocked because no one knew that tobirama was the god that married the god of flames and destruction and that was madara. Tobirama got out of his hiding spot and said "kakashi what is going on here" everyone looked at tobirama obito said "papa" and madara said "tobi." Kakashi panicked and said "I am so sorry tobirama sensei I know I should be training but I am not and I am sorry I broke the rules but pls forgive me." Tobirama looked at kakashi and said "kakashi you are forgiven but you broke the rules that are our king set up for us so don't you dare do that again ok."

Kakashi nodded and then saw obito and madara looking at them madara sighed and said "hello tobirama" tobirama replied with "hi madara." Obito and kakashi felt tension between the two gods and obito and kakashi wanted this feud to end and obito knew how to do it so he whispered into kakashis ear his plan and kakashis agreed to help him with it. They both dragged their senseis kakashi dragged tobirama to a room and lock him in and seal the room so he can not use his magic to get out. Obito dragged his father and created a portal and pushed madara in and on the other side was the same room as tobirama. Madara stood up and looked at tobirama they both gave each other death stares then they heard a speaker turn on.

Then kakashi voice was heard and he said "sorry lord tobirama and lord madara but me and obito want to end this feud and we think this is the best and only way of doing it." Tobirama and madara sighed then looked at each other and then the speaker went out and then madara sighed. Madara then said "tobi I don't want to fight anymore i didn't cause this war my brother did he was the one who destroyed the kingdom of the light gods I didn't order him to he just wanted us to be apart." Then madara bowed on his knees to tobi and kept saying "I am sorry for what my brother did to you and your family and people." Tobirama ran to madara and tripped then he pulled madara into a hug and said "it's ok I forgive you and I am sorry for blaming you all that's years."

Madara immediately hugged back and said "thank you tobi thank you so much" Obito slammed the door open and ran to his parents and joined the hug while kakashi watched them. Madara looked up at obito and tobirama then he picked up tobi while he stood up then he said "can we leave now" and kakashi just nodded. Madara teleported him and tobirama to tobiramas bedroom leaving obito and kakashi alone and they were both confused. Obito then ran to kakashi and hugged him and kakashi hugged back they were glad that was over with now they have to stop the entire feud happening. But they have to wait for tobirama and madara to come back so they can stop this war and feud with both the lands.

Meanwhile with tobirama and madara~
Madara put tobirama on the bed and then madara said "I am sorry" tobirama sighed and said "you already said that and I already forgiven you." Madara climbed onto the bed then he layed his head on tobiramas chest and tobirama just smiled and said "you still are clingy I can see." Tobirama started playing with madaras hair while madara was just relaxing in tobiramas chest. Tobirama sighed then he said "shouldn't we go back now mada we can't leave the kids alone to deal with war." Madara sighed and looked at tobi and said "sure we can go back" madara teleported out of bed then tobirama got out of bed then he walked over to madara and grabbed his hand.

Then madara smiled at tobi then he teleported them back to the kiss they got there and obito and kakashi were waiting for them to arrive. Tobirama said "now let's stop this war" they all followed tobirama to the balcony then when they got there tobirama used his powers. And then the border closed in and everyone could feel it then everyone from the kingdom of the dark gods walked over to the border and walked into the other kingdom. Tobirama sighed and said "everyone we are now not in war anymore we finally mended our friendship and relationship so please join together and stop fighting with each other." Everyone then started talking to each other and tobirama was happy everyone agreed to it without hesitation then madara put his arm around tobiramas shoulder and then obito and kakashis walked next to them.

They were all happy that the war was finally over after many years of being in war then hashirama the king of the light gods appeared and said "good job you two for fixing your relationship." Tobirama then replied with "it wasn't us who brought us together and fixed our relationship it was obito and kakashi brother." Madara sighed and said "yes without them we wouldn't have changed our minds and the war would still go on." Hashirama then replied with "wait isn't obito your son" and tobirama and madara both nodded at hashirama who just smiled and went away. Madara then said "hmm maybe we should get hashirama a therapist now" tobirama then laughed and said "yes he does need one" and everyone started laughing after tobirama said that.
To be continued~

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