Obikaka/kakaobi one shot

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Author pov~
This story will be in the time during the fourth great ninja war during when kakashi and obito fight. This one will probably be longer than hashimada and tobiizu story I did on here but it will be worth it. But anyways let's get on with the story and remember this is my original story so if you want to put into a book then put my name and say this is my story and not you now onto the story.
No one pov~
In a very bloody and hard war there were two people missing two teammates both had sad backstories there were once friends now there enemies. What happened? Why are they enemies? It's because of one girl that one girl that caused one of the best friends to go into darkness and hatred to the other friend for killing her. When in real life that did not happen that girl jumped in front of him and that's how she died by suicide. But still they are fighting each other in another dimension a time dimension one has silver hair the other had black. They are both definitely opposites yin and Yang but they do not attract not one bit instead of attracting there crumbling to the ground.

They both were fighting each other to the death one wants it to just get it over with while the other wants to see the other dead. The white  chakra danced with the blue chakra in perfect slashes and swings that swirled around the whole room that looked beautiful to see. But not the people who were fighting were beautiful one wanted death the other wanted to die because he knew it was his fault when it wasn't. Then there was a beautiful fireball then a stone wall then more slashes and then the wall broke and then the sliver haired went into lightning hurting the black haired. The black haired man stopped and said why did you kill rin the silver haired was hurt and his legs were sore the silver could not move.

The silver said she jumped in front of my chidori obito I keep telling you that and you won't listen to me the black haired man and now who we know as obito knew rin killed herself. But he still hated kakashi for it and kakashi kept blaming himself for not just rins death. But he also blamed himself for obito, minato, and kushinas death even though it wasn't his fault he still blamed himself for it everyday. Even now he still blames himself for rins death even though she killed herself to save everyone from the kyuubi sealed inside of her. Obito didn't know how much pain kakashi was feeling because he always thought that kakashi was fake caring about people.

Kakashi said just kill me obito I know you want to just do it I am the reason for everything rins death, your death and senseis death and also kushinas death to. Obito was surprised kakashi looked up because he was sitting and obito was standing kakashi said kill me with such eager in his voice like he wants to die. Obito looked down at kakashi and said no I am not gonna do that it is not your fault for senseis and kushinas death it's mine. Kakashi wasn't even caring if it wasn't his fault obito continued saying how much pain did you kashi over the years. Kakashi looked at obito and smiled because he never heard that nickname in a while kakashi replied with a lot to even count.

Obito looked at kakashi and sat down then pulled kakashi in a hug that kakashi was not expecting but kakashi didn't mind so he just hugged back. Kakashi and obito let go of the hug and then obito said I am really sorry for not just asking you before jumping into conclusions that I thought were true. Kakashi replied with its ok obito you didn't know obito looked at kakashi and smiled because he knew kakashi would forgive him either way. Obito said do you want me to help you with those injuries and I am sorry I hurt you this badly. Kakashi replied with its ok obito I also hurt you so your not the only one to blame for this fight and yes please can you help with my injuries I can't walk.

Obito chuckled and said sure but I have to bring you to a place where isn't war going on at, kakashi replied with any of the villages because everyone is on the battlefield right now. Obito picked kakashi up bridal style and kakashi said I am not a bride obito I am not a bottom either so stop treating me like one right now. Obito smirked and said what do you mean I am just holding you kashi then obito kamui to the mist village and no one was there kakashi was right ofc he was. Obito walked and found a apartment building so he went there with a sleeping kakashi in his hands that obito just noticed he was sleeping. Obito grabbed a key then walked to the room with corresponding number that was on the key when he got to the room he unlocked the door and opened it.

Obito walked in and put kakashi down on the bed that was in the room then he went back and shut the door and then went to the bathroom. And checked for medical supplies and luckily there was behind the mirror he closed the mirror and went back to the bed. He walked over to kakashi and grabbed the bandages and bandaged kakashis right arm and kakashis left foot because it was also bleeding at the sole of the foot. Obito then bandaged kakashis head because it was also bleeding apparently then obito put the bandages away and put the first aid kit on the dresser by a lamp. Obito walked over and sat by kakashi on the bed where he was still sleeping so obito just layed down beside kakashi and cuddled kakashi then went to sleep himself.
To be continued~
Author pov~
There will be another part to this one shot but it is gonna have madahashi, tobiizu, and narusasu in the next part and it's gonna be beautiful I promise so anyways see you in the next part which I will posting it when I do it and finish it so bye.

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