Itadei/deiita one shot

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No one pov~
It was a regular day in the akatsuki base everyone was in there room having just a normal Thursday except for deidara. Because he was on the floor bleeding in his room because of Sasori his roommate sasori kept raping and abusing deidara because he was the youngest and weakest. Deidara kept trying to get up off the floor but he couldn't with his current condition until itachi came in the room. Itachi came in with a laundry basket probably washing everyone's laundry itachi walked in and sighed.

Itachi looked down and dropped the basket because he saw deidara all bruised and it looked like he can't walk properly. Itachi speed walked over to deidara with a worried expression all over his face he picked up deidara bridal style and brought him to konan. Deidara kept screaming at itachi to put him down but deidara knew he could not walk and was thankful for itachi but he was still mad that itachi was carrying him bridal style. When itachi got to konans room itachi threw deidara over his shoulder so he could knock on the door.

Itachi knocked on the door and he heard konan saying coming then the door opened to reveal a purple haired women with a flower that was made out of paper in her hair. Konan looked at and then deidara who was over itachis shoulder she then sighed and said come in. Itachi walked in and placed deidara down on konans bed konan walked over to deidara she looked at him and saw all the clear bruises.

Konan then started using some of her medical ninjutsu to heal deidaras bruises he had while itachi was watching to see if deidara was ok. Konan finished healing him and said to itachi take him to a room that is not his own room for now itachi nodded and picked deidara up bridal style again. Deidara didn't yell he just went to sleep in itachis arms the itachi said bye and thanks to konan and left and was on his way to his own room with deidara in his arms still. When itachi got to his and kisames room he layed deidara on his own bed but then itachi realized where is he going to sleep tonight.

Itachi looked at deidara then itachi decided to just sleep in the same bed until konan says he can go back to his own room. Itachi walked over to the closet and changed into his pajamas and the he walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and brushed his hair. He walked then walked out of the bathroom and walked over to his own bed with a sleeping deidara on it itachi then went to the side that deidara is not on. Then he layed on the bed a pulled the covers over him and deidara and then he went into slumber

Itachi woke up to hear a loud thud and itachi looked at what made the thud sound and it was deidara who fell off the bed. Itachi asked if deidara was ok and deidara said he was fine that he forgot he can not walk for awhile itachi got out of bed to help deidara. Itachi walked over to the side deidara was on and picked deidara up again bridal style and put him on the bed. Deidara thanked itachi and itachi just replied with no problem itachi then remembered kisame was still his roommate.

Itachi looked over and saw kisame looking at them with a smile and he waved at them and then went to bed itachi was confused because he thought kisame would ask why is deidara here. And why he is in itachis bed and deidara was still looking at itachi not because he wants to know what itachi was thinking about it was because of itachis beauty. Deidara thought that itachi was a beautiful man with beautiful hair that was a man with a soft short voice. Deidara said hey itachi I need to go pee and after deidara said that itachi froze because how is deidara gonna pee when his legs hurt really bad.

Itachi then thought of an idea but he had to carry deidara to the bathroom and put deidara in the bathtub so he can sit and pee. Itachi thought it was the only way to do it so he then carried deidara bridal style again and walked to the bathroom. Itachi put deidara in the bathtub and deidara was confused but then itachi said he can't stand so he has to sit in the bathtub to pee. And deidara just nodded his head and itachi went back to the room to get dressed for the day because it was already 5:50 am.

Itachi went to the closet and got dressed in mesh armor and he put his akasuki cloak over it then he grabbed his headband and put it around his head. Then itachi walked back to the bathroom to see if deidara was done peeing when got in the bathroom he saw deidara standing up. But itachi could tell that deidara was still in pain deidara tried walking but he tripped on his own feet. And itachi ran over to deidara fast and caught him just in time before deidara hit the bathroom floor hard.

Deidara thanked itachi again and itachi brought deidara to the bed again and said to deidara do not move I will get breakfast for us then itachi left leaving deidara alone. It has been five minutes now and the door opened to reveal itachi with both there food itachi handed deidara his food. And deidara replied with another thank you to itachi then deidara started eating the pancakes and itachi said your welcome then digging in to his pancakes.

Itachi finished eating and deidara was almost done so itachi just waited until deidara was done eating so he can bring the dirty dishes to the sink. Deidara than finished his pancakes and he gave them to itachi and itachi got up and grabbed the plate and fork out of deidaras hands and then he grabbed his plate and fork. Before leaving itachi leaned down towards deidara and pecked him on the lips and left while closing the door behind him leaving a blushing deidara on the bed.

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