The idea

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Kevin pov:

"No." I said with out even hesitating, Steve Phelps sighed,
"Why not?" He asked, I rolled my eyes,
"Uh because sticking sixteen drivers in one house sounds like a terrible idea." I said, honestly what was nascar thinking?
"That's kinda my point tho, it's shouldn't seem like a terrible idea. I want the drivers to be closer together, less fights and miss haps." He explained,
"But that's what the fans like." I argued,
"Kevin just try till the playoffs, please?"
"The PLAYOFFS!! That's months away!"
"Yes I realize this but I don't think it will be as bad as you think."
"Steve you've lost your marbles." I rolled my eyes and stood to leave,
"Are you gonna do it?" He asked, I paused and thought for a moment, I could always leave no one can force me to stay.
"Fine, but good luck getting the others." I said before walking out.

A/n: kyles are their last names to avoid confusion.

Larson pov:

I walked into Steve Phelps office with chase, Alex and William. "Good morning." Steve said greeting us, we sat down and gave him our full attention. "So nascar and I have had an idea." Steve says, I raise an eyebrow,
"And it involves all four of us?" Chase asks curiously,
"Well actually it involves 16 drivers," Steve answers, he pauses trying to read our reactions, "we been thinking that too many fights are breaking out, too many tensions between the drivers. Drivers are making super risky moves with each in the race track, we want to stop that." He explains,
"How?" I ask, there's no possible way to stop that, this is nascar we're talking about.

"We've boughten a house, quite a large house, and 16 of you are gonna live in there." Steve says, I stare at him in shock,
"Yeah no." Alex says without even hesitating,
"That's not gonna end good." William added,
Steve sighed,
"I know what your thinking but at least give it a go till playoffs" He said, I sighed, I glanced at chase, I could see that he wasn't sure either,
"Fine, I'll go but if something goes wrong I'm leaving." I said, Alex and William gave me a shocked look,
"Yeah I'll go too but same as Kyle." Chase said slowly, William and Alex exchanged looks before nodding,
"Fine well go too." Alex said.

Ryan pov:

I parked my truck outside of the large house nascar had bought for us, I sighed and grabbed my bags and walked to the door. I opened it and walked in, I was the first one here it seems. I wandered through the house, the first floor was the living room, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, the basement had a gym, gaming room, and a sauna, the second and third floor each had eight bedrooms. The large back yard also had a pool.

I picked a room on the second floor and unpacked my stuff before I sat on my bed on my phone. I heard the front door open and I went downstairs, I found Bubba and Tyler wandering through the house.
"It's massive." Bubba said in awe,
"I know." I said, Tyler opened some cupboards in the kitchen,
"Zero food tho." He commented,
"I guess we'll have to go shopping." I said, as they went upstairs the door opened and a large group of drivers filed in, Hendrick, the rest of Penske, and track house.

"This house is AWESOME!" William yelled excitedly, Chase  and Larson laughed while William and Alex ran off to investigate. Daniel and Ross wandered off up the stairs while joey and Larson went towards the kitchen leaving Chase, Austin and I.
"Well this is gonna be drama filled" Austin commented, "and I love it!" He added evilly before walking up the stairs. Chase and I burst out laughing,
"Come on you need to get a room." I said dragging chase up the stairs, i led him to my room and he took one of  the rooms next to me, Bubba was on the other side of my room.
"This is gonna be fun!" I said as I looked at the other rooms, Daniel, Bubba, Chase, William, Alex, Austin, and I all were on the top floor with only one empty room left, Larson, Joey and Tyler all had taken a room on the second floor.

Slowly the other drivers trickled in, Ty took the last room on the top floor and all the other drivers took the second floor rooms. We all met up in the living room,
"Okay I have four things to say." Kevin said, we all turned to look at him,
"Go on." Joey said,
"Okay first of all we need to go shopping so I say each team elects half of their team to go so there's not 16 drivers walking around in a store." Kevin explained,
"Uh what about you and me?" Busch asked,
"We'll go, since our teammates aren't here." Kevin said,
"And us?" Joey asked,
"Cut Ryan in half." Ross suggested,
"Uh no!" I said laughing,
"You don't need to hes small enough already." Bubba said, I glared at him and smacked him with a pillow.

"Anyways moving on, my second point is we will do cooking and chores in teams of two, we can sort out a schedule or what ever later." Kevin said, we all nodded agreeing,
"And I think dinners should only have to be cooked breakfast and lunch people can do themselves." Denny added,
"That's a good idea." Martin said, I was actually surprised how well this was going so far.

"My third point is never tell the media about this." Kevin said firmly,
"Oh a 100% they would freak and wanna come film this." Ty said,
"Yeah they never get to find out." Daniel agreed,

"Okay and my fourth and last and probably most important thing, WHO THE HECK LET THE YOUNGEST DRIVERS HAVE THEIR OWN FLOOR??" Kevin yelled, Larson and Joey glanced at each other while Ross suddenly looked super interested in the carpet,
"Uh, i personally don't wanna be in the same floor as Bubba, Ryan, Chase and William." Larson said, Ross and Joey quickly nodded,
"Hey we're not that bad!" Chase protested, Denny, Kevin and Larson burst out laughing,
"Not that bad, oh that's a good one." Denny said still laughing,
"Y'all are mean." Bubba said pouting slightly.

"We nicknamed you guys dumb and the dumbest." Busch said, I raised my eyebrows,
"Wait what?!?" Bubba asked, William and Chase started laughing,
"I actually kinda like that." William said, everyone laughed.

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