Mission Impossible pt.2

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Denny pov:

"I'm way, way too old for this." Kevin grumbled behind me.
"Don't let the kids hear you say that, you'll never hear the end of it." I replied, "also wasn't this your idea anyways."
"Doing something together was my idea, running around in the middle of the night was not my idea." Kevin said, "this game is hard." He mutters.
Martin snorts in front of me, "I mean it is called mission impossible." He says.
"Oh shut up." Kevin said.

I had to agree with Kevin, this game was very hard, we'd been sent back to the start three times by Bubba and once by Alex and we'd been playing for twenty minutes. To be fair tho, we weren't exactly trying our hardest. I had thought we were trying pretty hard at first but then we got smacked in the head with pinecones from Chase and Ryan who were literally in trees. So we definitely weren't trying as hard as others and each time we got caught we stopped trying as hard.

"How long do think you think it's going to take for Chase and Ryan to make it?" Martin asks.
"Well if they're still Tarzaning their way to the shed it's hard to say." I said, we didn't know if they were somehow climbing from tree to tree or just hiding in trees when somebody went by.
"Well let's hope they're not 'Tarzaning' because I feel like that could end with broken bones." Kevin said, "it's not like those two have a great track record"
"True, let's not think about that, cause there's nothing we can do now." Martin said.
"Martin's right when we were laying out the rules nobody said anything about jumping from tree to tree so we just have to hope they aren't doing that or manage to not hurt themselves and add that rule for further games." I said.

"Well lookie here, who do we have?" A beam of light falls on us, I groan and turn back towards the house. Kevin and Martin do the same with a huff while Bubba laughs. "That's it antiques, back to the start."  He calls after us.
"Can you cut his pay check or something?" Martin asks.
I snort, "maybe I should cut his pay check." I said loud enough for Bubba to hear.
"You wouldn't dare!" Bubba yelled back.
"Try me, child!" I yelled over my shoulder.

Ross pov:

"CHASE ELLIOTT!!" I yelled up at the tree, "If you hit me one more time I will spin you out next race!" I threatened, "we both know I will do it!" This was the third time he had thrown pinecones at me and I was not impressed. But all I got in response to my threats was another pinecones to the face. "Chase! You are a very very immature child, I hope you know that!" I yelled, again all I got was another pinecone.

The annoying thing was he was in a willow tree, which means he was carrying the pinecones around with him. I took a deep breath and tried to spot him in the tree,  a quiet rustle came from the the tree but away from where the pinecones had been coming from. I took a step foreword and peered up at the branch's. I jump when I saw a pair of eyes looking down at me, then they disappeared only to reappear a second later. So there's two up there. I watched the eyes trying to forgive out it was, then one eye disappeared.

"Are you winking at me?" I asked and shook my head. I jumped again when a mouth appeared, teeth shining in the moonlight, the snickers coming from the tree confirmed who was up there. "Your so creepy Ryan, and you both act like children. I hope you face plant on your way down." I yell up to them and then turn on my heel and began walking away. I feel something hit the back of my head, I stop and take a deep breath. "Chase I hate you right now." I said before continuing walking.

Chase pov:

When Kevin suggested bonding time, I don't think this is what he had in mind, but I personally am loving it. Ryan and I have yet to be caught and have been slowly making our way towards the shed. We tried jumping from tree to tree, but let's just say that didn't end well and I'm going to be very sore and bruised tomorrow. So we've been walking a little bit then climbing a tree, smacking a few unsuspecting drivers with pinecones and letting Bubba, Daniel and Alex go by then climbing back down and walking for a bit again. 

Messing people was definitely my Favourite pet of the night so far. I had hit poor William so many times it wasn't even funny, well it was funny for me at least. Ross and Denny had threatened to spin me out while others just yelled at me.

"Okay the sheds right there." Ryan pointed to the shed from where we were sitting in a tree.
"Daniel seems to be camped out there." I said pointing towards Daniel who was literally sitting on a piece of firewood next to the shed.
"Yeah, how do we get past him?" Ryan asked.
I thought for a moment, to be honest I didn't care if I won or not as long as it was one of us.
"I'll climb into the nearest tree and then distract him and hopefully he'll come investigate and you can make it to the shed." I explained my plan to Ryan, he nodded and we both climbed down.

I snuck from tree to tree and then silently climbed to tree, I was going to need a tub of butter to get all the sap that was in my hair out.
I settled on a tree banch, I pulled some pinecones from my pocket. I threw one at Daniel, I couldn't get them close enough to hit him but hopefully he would get curious. I chucked a few pinecones, but he didn't move even tho he definitely saw them. I then broke off a smaller branch and broke it loudly, I waited a bit and then did it again. Finally Daniel got up and walked closer, I grabbed more pinecones and threw one at him, it smack him in the chest. I continued pelting him with pinecones and then shook the tree a little. He shone his light at the tree trying to spot me.

"Who ever is in the tree is caught." He called walking closer. I snickered as I continued throwing pinecones, I was going to run out soon. "Hey! Person in the tree! Stop throwing things at me!" Daniel yelled, I finally ran out of pinecones.
"Fine you've got me, but I think I'm stuck." I called out to him.
"Well how'd you get up there in the first place?" Daniel asked coming to stand at the base of the tree.
"I don't know." I said looking down at him.
"Well that's a problem." He laughed.

I looked over at the shed in time to see Ryan sprinting over to it. "I made it!" He called as he reached the shed. Daniel groaned while I cheered. I quickly climbed down the tree and ran over to Ryan.
"Took you long enough!" I said, he rolled his eyes.
"So you weren't stuck?" Daniel asked while shaking his head.
"No, I'm not that stupid."

Kevin pov:

We all filed back into the living room after the game. I sat down next to Martin and looked around at everyone, nobody seemed seriously injured. Chase had a limp which and a bunch of bruises but I figured I'd wait to question him on it.  Ryan and William had some cuts four other then that everyone seemed okay.

"I'm never playing a game with him ever again!" William said angrily, pointing at Chase.
"Same." Ross muttered, other drivers nodded in agreement, Chase just smirked.

"I feel like tonight went okay." I said trying to move on past the annoyance aimed at Chase.
"I agree." Ryan said with a smile, others groaned and glared at him.
"Do you guys feel like you've had some good bonding time?" I asked.
"Absolutely not." William huffed.
"No." Denny said shortly.
"I feel like Chase should sleep with an eye open tonight." Joey said glaring over at Chase while pulling pinecone pieces from his hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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