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A/N: The purpose of this chapter is to only introduce the two main characters of this story - Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss, of course. The storyline will pickup in the following chapters.

Taylor is a superstar and a talented musician. She is busy touring the world and making chart toppers. In her short 25 years of life she has accomplished so much. She has properties in different parts of the world, has enough money to buy almost anything that she wants. She also has a great support group: a wonderful family, caring, and supportive friends, and two cats whom she treats like her babies, Meredith and Olivia.

To the outsider, it may seem like she has everything anyone could ever ask for. And she truly believes that she is very fortunate to be where she is today. She is thankful for it all and feels guilty to even complain for a second. But, there is something that makes her feel incomplete. Despite of having millions of screaming and dedicated fans and having so many amazing people in her life, she feels like she is alone. A kind of loneliness that she fears may turn into depression. She does not want to end up like one of those celebrities who take their own lives due to severe depression and helplessness. She feels like she is a puppet. She acts, wears, eats, sings, writes, and does practically everything that the world expects her to do. She wishes she could do something for herself. Something crazy. Something normal. Taylor feels like she is missing normalcy in her life. But how can she get that normalcy when the entire world always has their eyes on her? She steps out of her apartment to go to the gym and she has more than a handful of strange men shoving their cameras in her face asking her personal questions.

It is a strange life that she lives and while she does not want to stop singing or writing songs because those are her life, she also wants to do something normal for once.


Karlie is a 23-year old student at University of Toronto, majoring in Psychology. She comes from St. Louis, Missouri and is glad that she didn't stay in that small town.

As a teenager, she struggled with many things. She was bullied at school for her height and for having a cheater as a father. She had absolutely no friends in high school. When she graduated from high school, she did not know where she wanted to go. Despite of what she had been through, Karlie had managed to keep her grades up to get her into any decent college or university but she just did not have any motivation or a clue of what to do and where to go. Not having any friends or support from family did not help either. Her older sister was pregnant and a high school dropout and had moved out with her boyfriend, a little while before Karlie graduated from high school. Her other sisters were too young to turn to for advice. Her mom was barely available because she was always stressed and at work struggling to provide for her girls. Karlie's father was caught cheating on her mom by Karlie herself. A memory she wished she could erase from her mind forever but to no avail. Upon finding out the truth about her husband, her mother had filed for a divorce when Karlie was only 11-years of age and won custody of all four daughters.

After graduating from high school, at the age of 18, Karlie not knowing where to go for her post-secondary education, decided to get a job and help her mother out with the house expenses. She worked two jobs, one at a restaurant and another at a clothing store until she had had enough at the age of 20 and decided that she wanted to do something with her life. She wanted to help people out and get the heck out of St. Louis. A city that held too many painful memories. She started applying to schools outside of not only St. Louis or Missouri for that matter, but outside of America altogether. She wanted to get out. Luckily, Karlie got accepted to University of Toronto as a Psychology major on a student visa and was ecstatic to move out and leave her old life behind and start afresh in Toronto, Canada.

Today marked her second year of moving out and she had recently turned 23. Not once had she gone back to St. Louis. She liked her little private life in Toronto. She had a job as a barista at a coffee shop to help her pay for the expenses that her student loan could not cover and to also save some money up. She had been in contact with her mom and her sisters and as much as she missed them, she did not miss her hometown. She had made a few friends but none of them were very close friends. She believed that this was her fault. Not having any experience with friendships, she really did not know how to be a good friend to someone. She often shied away from parties and other such events. Even the prospect of a simple hangout with her friends would have her over-thinking everything. So despite of leaving her hometown far behind, she felt like it had never truly left her. All the memories and experiences she had went through growing up still haunted her and controlled the way she lived her life. She had formed a very closed off and inhibited personality. She thought moving to Toronto would make her feel normal like her peers and like other people her age, but she had been wrong. 2 years later and she was still seeking the normalcy in her life that she so desperately craved.

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