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A/N: I am so sorry for the late update. Life got in the way, lol.

I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors. I didn't get the chance to proofread :( Please do let me know if you catch any mistakes :).

I am trying to stop writing long A/N's... because I'm sure no one is interested in reading about my life lol. So, here is the new chapter. Hope y'all will enjoy it. If anyone has any questions/suggestions/concerns, please message me here or on Tumblr: redlipsclassicss

P.S. Thank you for all your support. Please vote and comment (I love reading your reactions) because they motivate me to write. Love you all! x


Karlie felt a weight on her body, pinning her down to the bed. It was as if someone was lying on top of her. She tried to sit up to take a proper look, but she couldn't lift her head up. Karlie opened her eyes wide and looked around, but everything was so blurry. She squinted her eyes and tried her best to take in her surroundings. She didn't know where she was or what or who was on top of her.

            Karlie tried moving her fingers, her hands, her feet, her legs...anything...but it was as if she was paralyzed. That's when the panic set in. This feeling was all too familiar. It was just like last night.

She wanted to scream...she wanted to call out for help... Karlie needed to get out of here, but when she opened her mouth, no words came out.

Just then the person on top of her lifted their head up. She still couldn't make out whom this person was. She could only see a silhouette. They brought their face close to Karlie's and she saw who it was.


The panic had now turned into full on terror and fear. She wanted to push him off and smack that smirk off his face, but she was immobilized. She felt powerless... tears of helplessness streaming down her face.

"You didn't say 'no' last time. Makes me think you enjoyed it and may want more...don't you?" Josh started kissing her neck.

            No, this can't be happening again.

Karlie wasn't going to have a repeat of last night. She's not going to be weak again and let Josh do as he pleased. She had to be strong. She had to push him away.

Karlie mustered every ounce of courage in her body, and started flailing and thrashing. She pushed him off of her, successfully... slapping his arm away from her waist.

"GET OFF... YOU CAN'T... NOT AGAIN, JOSH... JUST GO! GET OUT...GO!" Karlie cried over and over again, still thrashing around.

Karlie could hear someone trying to talk to her, but she couldn't decipher what the voice was saying. She had to make sure that Josh got out of here first and foremost. Josh had to go.

            That's when the light turned on and she heard a soft, angelic voice call out her name. "Karlie... it's just me. You're fine, baby... Open your eyes. Look at me. You're okay."

            Karlie shielded her eyes, the bright light making her squint. She realized that the source of the voice was... Taylor.

            Taylor was standing at the foot of the bed, unsure of whether she should approach Karlie or not. Karlie was frantically looking around to make sure that there was no Josh in sight. She was having trouble breathing and was gasping. She felt nauseous and dizzy, but she had to make sure that there was no Josh in the hotel room.

            When she made eye contact with Taylor, still standing at the foot of the bed, looking extremely worried but lost, the memories from the early morning came back to Karlie. All the memories of Taylor bringing Karlie to her hotel room... assisting her in the shower... their conversation...Taylor scratching Karlie's back and singing her to sleep.

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